
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

Holly becomes the boss

Holly had always known that the human population was reaching its breaking point. With resources depleting and the population growing exponentially, it was only a matter of time before the world became uninhabitable. That's when the government announced the portal project - a way to send people to other worlds in order to ease the strain on Earth.

Like many others, Holly saw this as an opportunity to start fresh. She had always been fascinated by the unknown and the thought of exploring new worlds excited her. Plus, the project promised to provide resources and tools for survival on these alien planets.

As she prepared for her departure, Holly received a package containing all the necessary devices and tools, as well as a guide on how to restart civilization if needed. But what caught her attention the most was a small egg - the government's solution to the lack of reproductive options on other worlds. This egg had the ability to create an extra futa if necessary.

With everything in order, Holly was ready to embark on her journey. As she stepped through the portal, she could feel a strange sensation massaging her body. Her futa body began to tingle and her dick roared to life, bulging and pulsating with excitement. She knew that she was ready for anything that came her way.

As she landed on the new planet, Holly looked around for something to explore or discover. But what caught her eye were a horde of orks shouting 'waaagh!' in the distance. Without hesitation, she charged towards them, her futa instincts taking over.

Holly didn't bother waiting for the orks to notice her. She was too eager to let her futa desires take over. She began to rape them one by one, their cries of pain and pleasure only fueling her arousal. As she finished with each one, they slowly picked themselves back up and cheered her on, calling her 'boss.'

As she made her way through the orcs, Holly finally reached the warboss, who was watching her with both fear and admiration. He yelled, 'You're challengin' me ta be da warboss? I can take ya!'

But Holly was not afraid. She charged towards him and stabbed him with her dick, pumping the massive orc with every thrust. As she released her cum inside him, he let out a loud 'waaaaaagh!' and something incredible happened.

Holly could feel a psychic energy force coursing through her body, giving her a green tint and sculpting her body with muscles. She had become a warboss, and the other orks, who had just been raped by her, cheered and celebrated their new boss.

With her newfound power and desire to breed, Holly began to impregnate every single one of these orc males, creating a new breed - the f-orks. These futa-orcs were a mix of human and orc DNA, and they were a force to be reckoned with.

As they built their new civilization, filled with ork futanari and technology provided by Holly, she couldn't help but feel proud. She had not only created a new world, but she had also created a new species. And as the f-orks multiplied and thrived, Holly knew that she had truly found her place in the universe. She was the creator of the futa-orks and the leader of their new world.