
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Others
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150 Chs

7 of 9 Borg infiltrator

7 of 9 had always been a part of the Borg Collective, a race of cyborgs who were known for their advanced technology and ruthless assimilation tactics. But when she was separated from the Collective and found herself on the USS Voyager, she was faced with a new challenge: adjusting to life as an individual being.

As a futanari, 7 of 9 was unique among the human crew members of Voyager. She had both male and female genitalia, a result of the Borg's constant modifications and enhancements. At first, she found it difficult to navigate the social dynamics of the ship. The humans were not used to someone like her, and she struggled to find her place among them.

However, as she spent more time on Voyager, 7 of 9 began to appreciate the scientific challenges that the ship presented. She worked closely with the chief engineer, B'Elanna Torres, to learn more about the technology of the ship and even made some modifications of her own to improve its efficiency.

But there was one thing that 7 of 9 enjoyed more than anything else on Voyager: using her hot pulsating borg infiltrator. This was a special device that she had acquired from the Collective, which had the power to stimulate and pleasure both men and women. She couldn't resist the urge to use it on the unsuspecting crew members of Voyager.

At first, she was discreet about her actions, using the borg infiltrator only on a few individuals who she found particularly intriguing. But as she became more comfortable with her new life on Voyager, 7 of 9 became bolder in her pursuits.

She would slip into the crew members' quarters at night, tapping into the ship's security systems to avoid detection. She would use her borg technology to seduce them, her hot pulsating borg infiltrator driving them wild with pleasure. The men and women of Voyager were no match for her, and they would often give in to her advances, unable to resist the pleasure that she offered.

As she indulged in her desires, 7 of 9 also formed unexpected friendships with some of the crew members. She bonded with the captain, Kathryn Janeway, over their shared love for scientific exploration. She also found a confidant in Neelix, the ship's morale officer, who always had a kind word for her and accepted her for who she was.

But despite finding her place on Voyager and enjoying her new life, 7 of 9 could never forget her Borg roots. She still longed for the sense of unity and purpose that the Collective provided. And as much as she enjoyed using her borg infiltrator on the crew, deep down she knew that she was still searching for something more.

In the end, 7 of 9 would have to find a balance between her Borg identity and her individual self. But for now, she was content with exploring the unknown, both in the vastness of space and in the pleasure that she could bring to others with her hot pulsating borg infiltrator.