
Futanari outtakes

boy123 · Others
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54 Chs

Farrah's men

Farrah lay back on the large plush couch, her eyes closed in contentment as she felt the weight of her harem of men surrounding her. She let out a soft moan as one of them, a muscular man with a chiseled jaw and dark hair, bounced on her lap, sliding her thick member in and out of his tight ass. Farrah wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer as she thrust deeper, lost in the pleasure of the moment.

As she moved in perfect rhythm with her harem member, Farrah couldn't help but smile at the sight of the other men in her harem. They were all different, each one unique in their own way, but they all shared one thing in common - their love for Farrah and her futanari body.

Farrah's harem had been carefully selected, each man chosen for their ability to pleasure her in a way that only they could. And in return, she gave them her all, providing them with a safe haven to explore their deepest desires and needs.

As the man on her lap reached his peak, Farrah let out a groan of pleasure, her member throbbing as she filled him with her love. She held him close, her fingers running through his hair as she watched him ride out his climax.

But Farrah's attention was quickly caught by another scene unfolding in front of her. Two of her harem members, both strong and muscular, were on the floor in front of her, their asses up towards her as two other men took turns filling them with intense, throbbing love.

Farrah couldn't resist the urge to join in, sliding off the couch and positioning herself behind one of the men. She pressed herself against him, her hands exploring his body as she entered him. The other men watched with lustful eyes as Farrah took charge, filling their comrade with her thick member.

With each thrust, Farrah could feel the pleasure building, her body responding to the intense sensations of being surrounded by her harem. She moved on to the next man, taking him in a similar manner, and then the next, until each of her men had been thoroughly pleasured by her.

As the night went on, Farrah continued to enjoy the pleasure of her harem. She took turns with each of her men, exploring each of their bodies in detail and filling them to the brim with her sperm.

For Farrah, there was no greater love than watching her men filled with dick, knowing that she was the one responsible for their pleasure. And as she lay in bed that night, surrounded by her harem, Farrah couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and pleasure they all shared together.