In an alternate Tokyo Ghoul universe, female ghouls differ from humans in one extra way: they have long, throbbing hard cocks. As a human who was only turned into a ghoul through medical experimentation, Ken Kaneki could have no idea of his new peers additional appendages. But as he will soon find out, these ghoul gals are eager to get their hands, and cocks, all over Kaneki.
Kaneki woke to a persistent beeping sound.
He slowly tried lifting his eyelids, before quickly shutting them again. The harsh light above hurt his eyes. Kaneki heard a door open and footsteps approach him. The person stopped next to him before Kaneki heard the rustling noise a pen writing on paper.
Despite the harsh light, Kaneki **** his eyes open to see who stood above him.
"Oh, you're awake! I'll go get the Doctor," a woman's voice said.
Doctor? Kaneki thought. Was he in the hospital? He took a glance around him, noticing the monitors surrounding the bed he laid on. He tried to raise himself up to get a better look around when the door open once again.
A woman, presumably the one who notices him awake, entered the room with a doctor in tow. The doctor quickly sat down besides Kaneki's bed.
"How are you feeling, Kaneki?"
"I'm . . . not sure," he croaked out, surprised at how rough his voice sounded. "Where exactly am I."
"Kanou General Hopsital. You've been here for the past two weeks, ever since your accident in that construction site."
Kaneki was bewildered for a moment, before the memories of that night came flooding back. His date with Rize. Her strange behavior at the end. The falling steel.
"R-Rize." He said, before a fit of coughs interrupted him.
A frown took shape on the doctors face. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this Kaneki, but Rize, Kamishiro, the woman you were with that night was dead upon the medical team's arrival." Silence filled the room after the doctors revelation. "I know you probably have a lot of questions right now, and we certainly have a lot we'll need to do to assist your recovery, but I think it's best I let you know now. You nearly died that night. You required an organ transplant and . . . well, we used Rize's organs to save you."
Kaneki's stomach clenched at the doctors words. Rize was dead. Rize was dead and that was the only reason he was alive.
"I'm sure you have a lot to think about, so I'll let you rest for a bit. I'll be back soon to do some testing and to run you through what happens next," the doctor said as he stood from his chair. He gave one last sad smile to Kaneki before he walked out the door, leaving Kaneki alone with himself, and Rize's new organs.