
Futa/GLReincarnated into AOT: As the daughter of the unknown 10thTitan

This story is not going to be exactly like the anime it will follow the anime but it will be different. Mina was reincarnated into AOT one of her favorite animes as a childhood friend to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. But her family has a secret that she doesn't know is that she is born to a special family. There are nine great titans known to a select few but to the people that lurk in the shadows there are 10. Mina is the daughter of the 10th great titans that rivals the founding titan or maybe stronger. The day of when her world is changed how will she use this power of hers when it is awakened?.

Elijah_Salmon · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Wall Maria Falls part 1

Hannes: Carla what are you saying, I'm a trained soldier It's my job to cut down titans.

I ran off towards the titan, as I heard Carla shout in the NOOO TAKE THE KIDS WITH YOU AND RUN.

In my head I say "do nothing fancy just take it down and save the 4 of them and make due on the debt you owe."

But I skid to a stop when I'm, face to face with the titan as fear takes over and I sheath my weapons running back and grabbing the kids.

Carla: Thank you thank you.

Eren: What are you doing mom is still...

Carla: Eren, Mikasa, Mina you must survive as I reach out my hand as tears start to flow.

I see Eren trying to resist as both Mina and Mikasa look dejected from reality as flashbacks happen.

I cover my mouth and muffle say don't leave me don't go.

Eren: I'm sitting up on Hanne's shoulder as, I watch the titan remove the debris and grab mom.

I scream "NOO STOP IT"! as I watch it snap my mom in half before eating it.

Mikasa had turned away, as I just watched it as if I wasn't a part of reality anymore.

(30 minutes later)

Eren: I elbow Hannes in the head, making him drop me and Mikasa as he released Mina's hand.

I turn to punch him as he crouches he catches my, punch as I say "you're a coward how can you call yourself a soldier of the garrison regiment when you can't even take down one titan or save someone in need."

Hannes: Your right I'm a coward, there was nothing I could do when it came time to act but now showing Eren my expression that is dark full of fear, despair, and disappointment.

You couldn't have done anything as well, were all cowards and weak there wouldn't have been anything you could have done to stop that from happening.

I walk over to Mikasa as Eren and Hannes are talking, Mikasa how are you, did you get hurt anywhere.

Mikasa: I flinch when I hear, Mina's voice when I see her blank look I think " M..Mina you're the one that's taken this hardest to where you don't even know your crying and yet you're checking on me."

I hug Mina saying it's ok...it's ok as I have my chin on her shoulder with my eyes closed.

I widen my eyes as I realize, I have tears going down my cheeks as I wipe one of them to see a wet spot on my hand.

I ask have I been crying this whole time, is that why you're hugging me Mikasa.

I...m...I'm ok I.... wawa wa as I break down dragging us to our knees as I hugged her back.

Mikasa: Ahhh I..I..it happened again I lost my family, but now I have Eren and...Mina I...I...I don't know what it is but since.

I met them when they saved me, back then I have always felt this kind of connection with them but more specifically...it's stronger with Mina...I...I...don't know why but I have to protect here I can't let her become numb.

I will protect her, I will keep my promise to mrs.yeager but I'm sorry Mina comes first.

(5 minutes later)

When we were walking towards the gate, I look back and say it happened again I lost my family.

It's the same thing as, it was back then when I lost my family to the hostage situation.

Unknown figure in the distance: I can't wait to meet you my chosen one.

We will meet soon and I will watch over, as you go through what fate has instored for you but do know that I will be by your side each step of the way has you awaken your power.

Till we meet my heart will ache, until I am in your embrace turning to walk away.

I look back again thinking someone is watching me but not seeing anyone I continue walking.

(20 minutes later)

As where almost at the gate, when we hear the thunders sound with the green light shooting up to the sky again before another happening again.

Hannes: What the hell was that, we need to get to the roofs.

After taking Mikasa and Eren to the roofs of a house before coming back and picking me up to bring me to the roof.

The shock expression hit our faces, when we see two female titans staring each other with the one with long white hair.

Which is a little taller than the other one but she is apparently stronger than the shorter one.

The way they are looking at, each other they are communicating with each other.

Hannes: We need to get to the gate, now as I take Eren and Mikasa down.

As he is the short blonde hair titan and the white titan look in my direction before the blonde hair one turns to smoke disappearing.

The white haired one winks at me before, also disappearing like the other one.

Hannes comes back and gets me, as I look back I think "did they just look at me with one of them winking at me".

(10 minutes later)

Armin grandpa: Armin you should sit, what are you doing.

Armin: I will grandpa I'm just looking for my friends, there they are!

Hannes: Soldier you don't have to let me on please just let the kids on.

Soldier: ok we let the kids get bored on the boat.

Armin: seeing them I called out Mi...

Armin grandpa: I wouldn't call out to them just now, god only knows what they have been through.

The 3 of us sit next to the boat main hub, when the bridge to the boat is removed.

The crowd erupts saying " the boat is leaving their closing the boat, wait please let us on".

Soldier: The boat is full there's no more, room to board it.

The crowd starts pushing the soldiers as some say " their still room and let our kids get on at least while others take more drastic actions as they try to jump on the boat."

Soldier: Take off.

When the boat starts to move, we hear a crash sound making everyone on the boat look to were it came from.

When we look we see the, gate is destroyed with a titan posing as fire or steam came out of its mouth.

(5 minutes later)

Eren: it's gone...it...it's gone it's all gone as memories of mom flash by I say "why was I always fighting with her why I didn't even get to say I love her not even at the end."

With an enraged, despair, and determined expression on my face i get up.

See Eren getting up and start walking, I was already in place as Mikasa gets up and says Eren.

As Armin tries to grab is shoulder, but as he shrugs him off they gasp when they see me in front of Eren.

With a dark expression on my face, I say Eren cool down I know how full but let's not be rash.

Eren: I say "Mina get out of my way, how could you POSSIBLY"...




I don't want to kill Annie, if everything goes accordingly I won't have too but me and Eren will destroy the people of Marley.

What comes after that we'll, deal with when the time comes.

Looking back to them, I see shock expressions on their faces.

Eren:That's right Mina just, lost her home and parents too even though she's in the same state as me she's state as me but yet she's still trying to keep the rest of us going.

I drop to my knees and hands crying, saying I'm sorry I'm sorry.

Seeing Eren in such a vulnerable, state I walk to him as he gets off his hands.

And only on his knees, I hug him making his eyes widen.

As Mikasa and Armin also, join our hug saying you guys will not be alone.

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