
Futa Diaries

A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives. This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it. Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity. All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some. Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story. This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down. Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

Ketsueki_Hasu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Failure of the Magic Academy?


Kinks/Themes - Fantasy, School, Secret Crush, Enemies to Lovers, Mild Yandere, Virgin


"Another of that... one of these... a drop of this... and a quick spell..! Come on, please..!"

Waving my wand over the small, bubbling cauldron, I ignored the giggling of my classmates as I tried to finish brewing my potion, the murky purple liquid emitting a rancid stench.

That... doesn't look like a healing potion...

Sighing, I finished the spell anyways, sparks bursting from my wand as I managed to mess up the spell as well, causing a gout of flames to erupt from the cauldron, covering my face in soot.

My hair - thankfully - remained unsinged, but my dignity...

The classroom burst into laughter, enjoying yet another of my many, many mistakes.

Leading the 'round of applause' was none other than my very own personal bully, Isabella Yaga, daughter of the most respected Witch in the entire Empire, Baba Yaga.

"Oh, what a wondrous display of your arcane prowess Elvira! Wondrous indeed! Full marks I say! Full marks!"

The laughter reached new heights at that, and I sighed as I stared into the bubbling cauldron, noting that even my professor was hiding a smile.

Of course, they were still being paid to be professional, so she strode forwards and coughed into her fist, smiling gently at me as she said "Miss Grimhildr, I do believe the assignment was for a healing potion, not a poison..."

Giving the professor a tired grin, I nodded my head as I said "I believe it was, Professor Medea... My apologies. I'll clean this up right away..."

Holstering my wand - since it seems that even my magic wanted to fail me now - I turned towards the cauldron and began to filter out the 'potion' I had concocted, pouring it into separate philters so that I could better transport it.

"Oh, careful now everyone~! Our stunning Witch Grimhildr is storing her poisons! Don't anger her now, or she might turn your brews of healing potions into her strong poisons!"

The laughter surged again, and I felt my ears redden slightly, though I did try and tune out Isabella.

When the liquid was drained, I took one of the cleaning cloths that Professor Medea had enchanted herself and began to wipe up the interior of the cauldron, the cloth absorbing and disposing of the remaining liquid.

With the cauldron clean, I poured in some mana water as well, letting it soak before placing the tongs, stirring stick, and various filters into their own beakers with mana water, letting them soak as well.

Lifting the various philters of my hard labor, I smiled at Professor Medea as I said "If you'll excuse me, Professor, I'll go and dispose of these. I... don't think I need to attend the next portion of class, correct?"

The tall, thin Professor Medea gave me an awkward smile as she shook her head, saying "No, the next portion of class was going to be us testing our potions, but..."

She trailed off, and I nodded as I turned towards the door, only to bite my cheek as Isabella said "Oh, now she's skipping classes too~! Model student there!"

Swallowing, I made my way out of the classroom, entering the long, empty halls of the castle that housed the Royal Academy of the Arcane.

Creating distance between myself and the laughing classroom, I made my way down to the disposal area, which I had become rather familiar with...

Nodding to the four Goblins that ran the area, I handed the philters off to Grag, saying "Sorry about always being here..."

Waving me off, Grig shrugged as she said "Eh, doesn't bother us Elvira. Besides, you're nice to us all! So... another failure, eh?"

I chuckled as I sat on the stool inside the disposal area, my eyes watering as I said "Yup... another failure... that makes thirty-seven failed concoctions in Potion Class, twelve failed spells in Defensive Magics, fourteen in Offensive Magics, ten in Supportive Magics, and I've been permanently banned from the magical creatures stables, since I've injured myself there all three times I've visited..."

Tears trickled down my cheeks, and I brought my knees to my large chest, resting my face against my plump thighs as I began to sob.

Grog pat my back, while Grug sighed as she pulled up a stood to sit in front of me.

"Elvira dear... listen. You just haven't found your talent yet, alright? Magic isn't something that everyone is good at right away. Many of the great Wizards, Witches, Sages - whatever title they give themselves - start off as rather poor wielders of the arcane. I should know! I've seen Hilda of the Black Flame struggle with basic fire magic before, or watched Merlina have her potions and alchemy blow up in her face multiple times! So... don't give up, Elvira. Just like them, continue to pursue the magic that you love so much! Alright?"

Patting my knee, the Goblin gave me a large toothy grin as she said "Besides, sometimes your talent displays itself in weird ways. Me? I wanted to be a hunter! Stalk the great forests and hunt for my food, like my ancestors did. Now I'm in arcane disposal in the Royal Academy alongside my three daughters. Most would hate it here, but I can do this work easy peasy! So don't beat yourself up, Elvira. You'll find what you're looking for soon enough, I'm sure of it!"

Looking up from my legs, I stared at Grug for a few moments before muttering "Really? You mean it?"

Nodding, she gave me a warm smile before saying "I do, Elvira. I know it. You know who else knows it? Your parents. Here, they sent another letter. They're proud of you, even though they might not always show it, alright? I know your Mother personally, and she doesn't show many good emotions, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel them. She just wants you to be happy. As for you Mom, she's ecstatic that your trying your best."

My heart clenched in my chest at that, and I held back the urge to shout 'No they don't! They're disappointed in me, like everyone else!', but I didn't, instead just accepting the letter silently.

Getting up, I smiled at the Goblins despite not having anything to smile about, and I left the disposal area, heading towards my dorm.

The halls were still quiet, since most classes weren't even halfway over yet, and made my way up towards the Fey Tower, where I resided.

Entering my dorm, I looked around at the barren, tight space that I could call my own, and I made my way to my bed and collapsed in it.

"No more classes for me today..."

Sighing, I felt my eyes water again as I stared at the wooden ceiling, my heart aching.

Tossing the letter onto the desk, I grabbed my pillow and rested it over my face, shielding my vision from the suns rays as I began to cry once more.

It had... become routine, at this point.

Being sent out of my classes early as the Professors moved to more practical lessons, which I was usually exempt from for the disastrous results...

When I was 'kicked' out, I returned to my dorm, released my pent up feelings for the moment, and got back to it, opening my books and trying to understand just what the hell went wrong this time.

I knew the textbooks like the back of my hand, and yet I couldn't put any of it to practice!

I tried rushing my spells, doing them slowly, doing them normally...

Each ingredient was weighed to the exact measurement, and my alchemy followed the instructions to the letter...

The way I circulated my mana and visualized it was as perfect as my Professors could possibly teach...

I just... couldn't execute it properly whatsoever.

It was like there was something missing from the equation, and I just didn't know what it was.

After my pillow was sufficiently wet once again, I tossed it aside and sat up, moving to my desk and opening the alchemy textbook first.

Losing myself to the various theories written on the pages, I opened my personal notebook next, adding to my in depth notes and creating various lines of question I would need to follow up on, eventually coming out of my trance as I heard the bell signaling dinner.

Looking out into the vast forest below the Fey Tower, I sighed as I noticed that night had fallen again, stretching out my stiff shoulders.

"Why're you so big? You make me rather uncomfortable... both what you do to me and what you attract..."

Staring down at my large breasts, I sighed as I stood up, feeling them bouncing slightly as I moved.

Sighing again, I cleaned myself off and exited my room, silently descending to the main floor as I walked towards the dining hall, where I would get my usual mashed potatoes, three slices of flank steak, a thin drizzle of gravy, and some broccoli or green beans, depending on what was being served to everyone else.

I say that because my parents didn't send me here with money like the others, instead telling me to earn it by becoming a top student.

Like Isabella, they said.

My older 'childhood best friend' who was better at everything than me.

More gifted magically, incredibly smart, funny, good looking, influential...

My better in every sense of the word...

Grabbing my small plate of cheap food, I ignore the succulent scents wafting out of the kitchen, not even bothering to imagine what kind of foods were being cooked inside; I had stopped two years ago, when I had first come here.

Walking towards the corner, I found the same run down table that had become mine, sitting down quietly as I dug into my food, my notebook open beside me as I continued to study.

It was cheap food, but it was filling and rather tasty... if you ignored the scents of wine sauce or perfectly grilled Griffon steaks around yourself.

Biting into the flank steak, I looked up in surprise as someone sat across from me, only to feel my heart sink as I saw who it was.

Isabella Yaga.

Smirking at me was the black haired, yellow skinned daughter of the one of the strongest Witches in the Empire, and she snatched my notebook from me as she said "Let's see what nonsense is in your pitiful book, dearest Elvira~!"

"Hey! Give that back Isabella!"

Reaching forwards, I tried to snatch it back from her, only to have my hand freeze in the air as her wand leapt to her fingers.

Clicking her tongue at me, Isabella grinned at me as she said "No no no, Elvira~! Bad girl~! You know better than to snatch something from someone~! Especially me~!"

Opening the pages, Isabella used her wand to flip through the notebook, falling silent as her pale yellow eyes scanned each page.

Raising a perfectly trimmed brow, the yellow skinned girl looked up at me and asked "How are you even still failing with notes like this? Even I don't take such meticulous notes, Elvira."

Gulping, I felt her release the spell she placed on me, and I snatched the notebook from her hands.

"It's none of your business, Isabella!"

Getting up, I took my tray of half eaten food and stomped away, leaving the stunned Isabella by herself, while the rest of the dining hall watched in silence.

Stalking out of the hall, I heard Isabella shout "Wait, Elvira!" but I kept walking, my pride - what was left of it - hurt and my heart aching once more.

Climbing up the Fey Tower, I continued to ignore the woman pestering me, only to flinch as she used a spell to burst my door open, her cheeks dark as she glared at me.

"Why're you ignoring me, Elvira?! Goddesses above, I'm trying to ask you a question!"

"What?! Ask me how I have such amazing notes but am about to flunk out of the Academy I dreamed of going to?! Ask me how it feels to suck at everything that I ever wanted to do?! What is it that you want to ask me, Isabella?! HUH?!"

Turning, I ignored her wand as I approached her, my shout echoing around the empty tower.

Recoiling back slightly, she grit her teeth as she glared at me, before taking a deep breath to calm herself.

"No, I wanted to ask you to show me how you are casting your magic, Elvira. At this point, it's honestly... pathetic, that you haven't managed to cast a single spell! That means there must be something you are doing wrong; and considering the notes you have, that makes it even more apparent!"

I growled at that, turning and slamming my notebook on my desk.

"Why would you bother, Isabella? Why would you suddenly care about my inability to perform magics? Oh, let me guess. Mother sent you a letter asking for help? She managed to convince your Mother to tutor poor little Elvira for a few days?!"

She flinched again, her eyes flicking towards the floor as she said "W-Well... yes and no."

Scoffing, I sat down and said "Then just leave, Isabella. You obviously don't view me as a friend anymore. I don't need your pity. I'll... figure it out myself."

"Do you hear yourself, Elvira?! Figure it out yourself? How?! You've been trying to do that for two years! At this rate, you really will be kicked out of the Royal Academy! And once you're kicked out, you can't get back in!"

I peeked at her from over my shoulder, surprised to see how animated she was as she said that.

"Still... why do you care, Isabella? Why now, of all times?"

Taking a deep breath, she stabilized her emotions before saying "Returning a favor, Elvira. That, and because Mother asked me, yes. If... If you want to squander away your dream, so be it. I... I'm not one to judge. If not, then please let me try and help you."


She scratched her cheek as she muttered "Saving me from that Salamander back when we were kids..."

I shook my head at that, saying "That's been settled, Isabella. Has been for two years. After all, without your Mother pulling some strings, I wouldn't be here. We both know that..."

"Still, that was her doing, not mine! So... just let me help you, Elvira... then... then we can call it even."

Sighing, I looked down at the wand that laid on my desk, the thin wooden rod riddled with cracks from various failed spells.

Grabbing it, I got up and approached her, saying "Fine. Here, I'll try a basic illuminate spell."

Isabella nodded, watching me intently.

Raising the wand, I traced the sigil in the air as I muttered "May the light within me guide my way; Illuminate!"

The tip of my wand began to glow, before it shimmered and burst, a small flare flying through the air and slamming into the door.

Ducking under it, Isabella stared at the door before turning towards me, confused.

"How... Wait, do it again. Hold out your other arm; let me feel the mana inside you as you cast."

Seeing how serious she was, I grit my teeth before nodding, wanting to get this over with.

Having her in the same room as me, just the two of us, was making my skin crawl, and the sooner she left, the better...

Isabella grabbed ahold of my arm and took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she threaded her mana into my body.

Feeling the familiar inspection spell, I sighed before raising my wand once more, reciting the spell again.

And once again, a flare sparked off my wand and slammed against the door, and I sighed again at my failed spell.

"See? Nothing to fix..."

I trailed off as I saw Isabella staring at my forearm with narrowed eyes, and she looked up at me and said "Do it again."

Frowning, I was about to say something when I saw the all to familiar scary face of hers when she found a problem she wanted to solve desperately.

So, I did the spell a third time, a fourth time, and a fifth time, only to have Isabella frown as she said "It's... odd. There's a part of your spell where your mana just... stutters? It hesitates, hence the partial activation of the spell before it fails... Here, try and follow along my mana threads."

I decided to continue to oblige her requests, curious as to what she meant by my mana stuttering, so I cast Illuminate according to her threads, only to gasp as the tip of my wand began to shine brilliantly.

I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest as I watched the small dorm room I resided in be cast in a bright light, and a wide grin spread on my lips.

"Yes, that is interesting... your mana diverts slightly to a different pathway, causing the stu-"


Shouting her name, I grinned as I wrapped her in a large hug, and I spun her around as I allowed the spell to fade.

Keeping her in my embrace, I laughed as I felt my jubilation continue to rise, unaware of how stiff Isabella had gotten - in multiple ways.

Releasing her, I held my wand out and followed the pathway she showed me, grinning like an idiot as I cast Illuminate once more.

"Isabella, how in the world did you figure it out?! I've been studying my pathways forever, yet I never located that... what did you call it, 'stuttering'?"

Turning, I saw the dark cheeks of Isabella as she stared at me with a gaping mouth, surprise and... something else lighting up her yellow eyes.


Cancelling the spell, I waved my hand in front of her face, waking the woman back up.

Swallowing hard, Isabella looked away as she spoke, her voice slightly raspy.

"Y-Yes... it stuttered. Near your elbow and wrist, the mana took a wrong pathway- no, it is just how your body is, I guess. There is a small bump that seems to have grown on the edge of your pathways, and it is disrupting the mana flow. Here... and here."

Her blush faded, and she eventually attained her normal voice as she poked my arm.

Directing my attention inside, I flowed my mana through my arm before asking hesitantly "Here... and here? But I thought those areas were meant to be like that? No one's ever said anything about them before..?"

Coughing, Isabella looked away as she said "Well... it worked after I diverted the mana away from them, didn't it?"

I flushed slightly at her words, nodding as I agreed with her.

Silence descended around us, making us both feel awkward as we looked at the other.

"T-Thank you, Isabella... I'll uh... try and keep that in mind going forwards..."

She nodded once, before the awkwardness returned.

Gesturing to the door, I coughed and said "Well, it's getting late... you should probably get going..?"

"O-Oh, right..."

Turning, Isabella approached the door before stopping, looking back at me as I spoke again "Isabella, thank you. Really. It's just... um, well... C-Could I a-ask you to t-tutor me more with spells? T-They all have different pathways and all, s-so maybe I have more of those bumps..?"

She pursed her lips, before a devious smile appeared on her lips as the Isabella I had come to know returned.

"Oh, so NOW~ you want my help, hm~? What's in it for me, Elvira~? What can you offer me in exchange, Elvira~?"

Licking my lips, I looked away as I asked "W-What do you want, Isabella? My notes?"

Chuckling, she approached me and lifted my chin, forcing me to look her in the eyes as she whispered "How about... your body~? Would you go so far as to give yourself to me, Elvira..?"

I shuddered at her touch, my cheeks flushing fiercely as she stared at me with a seductive glint in her eye.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I stared at her before licking my lips once more.

"I... I-If that's w-what you want, t-then yes..."

Her smile faded, replaced with shock as she muttered "That was a joke, Elvira... A joke."

I flushed further as I heard that, my entire face crimson, but I bit my cheek and said "A-And I was serious, Isabella..! I... I want to learn magic that badly! So please, tell me what you want!"

She took a step back from me, surprise etched onto her face as she looked at me in silence.

"I... I don't know... Just... Whatever. I'll tutor you during lunch and during our Magical Beasts class; I can get an exemption there... Alright? Meet me at... my room. I can get materials for us to use for any classes... Alright?"

Isabella continued to stare at me, a distant look in her eyes as she waited for an answer, and I eventually nodded, still embarrassed by my earlier admission.

Giving me a curt nod, Isabella stiffly turned around and walked out of my room, leaving me to contemplate what just happened in silence.

Once again, I missed the large bulge that was in her pants as she had stared at me.

The next day, I went to class like normal - though, I had rough night sleeping due to two things.

First, my excitement at being able to finally cast magic made me explore the various other basic spells and try and determine ways I could chat those as well, eventually managing to go through the list as I tried to train myself to avoid utilizing the pathways I had become accustomed to using.

This made the casting time rather long and clumsy, since a spell that should take not even a second took me five, but hey, going from no spell casting to casting a spell slowly was great!

The second reason was... embarrassing.

I had a dream last night, a memory really of a time long since gone.

Isabella and I used to be close friends as children - a result of your parents being extremely close friends / rivals as well - and as such we did a lot together...

Even bathe.

That was how I knew that the yellow skinned woman I knew today was a futanari, as I had made that observation early on in life when we bathed together.

That memory made me dream of what Isabella had joked about; me giving my body to her in payment for the lessons I would be receiving today.

My dream was specifically about me going to her room and being pushed down on her bed as she disrobed me, using her magics to pin me down and begin to grope my large chest and massage the inside of my thighs, all while a prominent bulge was able to be seen in her own robes.

The dream ended abruptly as she disrobed herself, revealing her nude body to me once more as she grinned arrogantly at me, whispering how she was about to ravage me and how I could do nothing to stop her.

When I awoke from that, I felt something slick between my thighs, and I blushed hard as I realized that I had gotten... really wet at the thought of Isabella and I having s-s-s-s...

My whole head went red, and I refused to think on it further, blaming my stress on an obvious fake reality.

So, after dressing and gathering my wand and some textbooks I needed, I went to my first class; Defensive Magics.

The professor was an elderly Catkin named Princana, and she was a serious, no nonsense teacher who valued dedication and effort over everything else.

However, she still wanted results, which is why she was neutral to me; I put in the effort of the entire class combined, but I still failed each time, so...

But, I wouldn't fail today!

Everyone stared at me with smirks as I entered, and this was one of the few classes I had that was free from Isabella's torment, which meant another bully took her place.

An arrogant, proud blonde haired Princess from another country named Becandra, and she despised my family and I since we come from nothing.

Smirking at me, the Princess muttered "Oh, another day with the failed commoner... when do you think she'll learn that her body has more value than her brains, what with her lack of magical skill?"

The girls around her snickered at that, some even eyeing me up lustfully as they ogled my chest, Becandra amongst them.

She... made it known that she wanted me as her personal maid, even telling me a few times that when I got kicked out, if I became her obedient pet, she would let me attend to her in the Academy, letting me stay through various loopholes and legal jargon that the Academy needed to abide by.

For the low price of becoming her slave and selling my body to her, of course.

"Quiet. Alright, last class we practiced the simple wards, so today I'll have everyone shift to elemental wards, and how to shift between them efficiently. Now, before you can tell me that, again, you know how to cast a ward, be silent and watch."

Standing at the front of the barren classroom, Professor Princana raised her gnarled wooden wand and traced the sigil for a basic ward, before it abruptly shifted from being a translucent barrier to a scarlet one, protecting her from fire magic.

Everyone gasped as she changed it again, going from fire to light, then to dark, then poison...

She shifted the barrier in mere fractions of a second, giving her a near impenetrable defense against even the most experienced spell casters.

"Now do you see what I mean? This is what I want you all to learn, so that the next generation of magicians are better equipped to defending themselves. The theory is simple, but put into practice, it is hard. All of you, raise a ward for me first."

Grabbing my wand, I saw Professor Princana approached me, watching me closely.

Taking a deep breath, I ignored the stares and began to cast the basic ward, my slow, methodic movements making some of the girls snicker.

However, I opened my eyes and grinned as a barrier appeared before me, silencing the class.

Keeping the mana funneling into the barrier, I grinned at Professor Princana, who smiled back at me.

"Good! Everyone, get to it! The quicker we start, the more time you get to practice! This will be graded, and the worst of you will be required to sweep my classroom!"

My grin remained as I began to slowly follow along what the Professor was saying, going through the lesson alongside the rest of the class for the first time ever, though Becandra was frowning the entire time.

When class ended, I bowed to Professor Princana before moving towards the exit, ignoring the surprised murmurs of the class as I went to my next lecture.

This one had Isabella in it, and she blushed slightly as she looked at me, before taking a deep breath and donning her impassive face, waiting for the Professor to arrive.

Offensive Magics was up next, and we learned how to better control the element that naturally resided inside of us, while also learning how to utilize the remaining elements as well, further establishing our foundations.

Professor Lu'Ruo was surprised by my ability to cast magic now, as was the rest of the class; everyone even looked towards Isabella, wondering what she had to say about it, but she remained quiet, focused on herself.

I learned that my element was Lightning, and that fell in line with what I thought; both my parents were Lightning Magicians primarily, so that made sense.

Another class went by in a flash; Support Magics, and everyone there seemed to be expectantly watching as I cast my magic successfully again, albeit slowly.

Whispers and murmurs followed me in the halls, and I tried my hardest to ignore them as I approached Isabella, who was quietly listening to her posse.

Seeing me approach, the phenom daughter of Baba Yaga sighed as she pushed herself off of the wall, jerking her head towards her room as she said "Come on then."

Her friends all gasped as I followed behind her silently, and I wondered if I needed to be more... discreet with my movements, lest I cause her problems.

Opening the door that led into her room, Isabella frowned as I gasped, surprised by the sheer difference in our rooms.

Silk curtains covered stained glass windows that displayed moving fairytales, while her bed was large enough for three to sleep comfortably, especially under the fluffy comforter and large, fluffy pillows.


"T-T-This is so... different..."

I tried to make myself smaller as I looked around the room, not wanting to damage any of these expensive fabrics or dirty anything, feeling uncomfortable already.

"Really? It's... bland compared to home."

I stared at Isabella in shock, and she just raised a brow as she shrugged, letting out a sigh.

"Whatever. Alright, lesson time. Though, it seemed like you were doing fine on your own, Elvira."

I shook my head as I hesitantly followed her as she sat on the bed, the yellow skinned woman patting the sheets.

"Sit. Let's see... let's start with basics then, continue to get you used to your new pathways. Here, try-"

We spent the free hour we had for lunch going over magics, before Isabella got up and stretched, staring at me with a tired look as she muttered "You're like a damn sponge..."

I missed how her eyes trailed down towards my chest as she said that, my eyes already on the floor as I bowed deeply to her.

That began my new routine, and for a week that was how I spent my time; going from class to class and doing my best to catch up, surprising everyone - and myself - as I managed to do so in rapid fashion before going to get private lessons with Isabella during lunch and Magical Creatures, which I was still banned from.

Then at night we studied together, going over whatever we learned that day and refining the material.

At the end of the week, I had gotten used to the difference in our rooms, as well as how everyone treated me like some new kind of exotic creature as they watched me from afar.

Sitting in Isabella's room, I smiled wryly as I watched her finish shifting between three elemental barriers in rapid succession, before the barrier fell on the fourth.

I had yet to switch between two elements, so she was far ahead of me.

Smirking over at me, Isabella placed her wand on her desk and looked into her mirror, staring at me with piercing yellow eyes.

"Elvira... I believe I am owed something for this week of tutoring~?"

Gulping, I wrung my hands out as I stared at her, before I looked down at the floor.

"Hmm~! Maybe... maybe something small, for such easy work... Do you agree, Elvira~?"

I nodded, my cheeks flushing as I looked back towards her, almost jumping as she was right in front of me.

"So, what are you giving me, Elvira~?"

Isabella stared at me in anticipation, her yellow eyes alight with amusement as I stood awkwardly before her, and I continue to wring out my hands, rubbing my thumb along my wand as I thought up a decent reward.

"W-Would... W-Would a..."

"Would a what, Elvira~? Hmm~? Use your words now~!"

She reached up and poked my cheek, obviously finding amusement in my embarrassment, and I took a deep breath before blushing hard.

Isabella grinned at that, before freezing as I muttered "W-Would a k-k-k-kiss b-be s-s-sufficient?"

My voice was small, and I felt my ears go crimson as I heard myself, but when I looked up I saw Isabella staring at me in silence, her eyes wide and mouth open.

Looking away from her, I wrung out my hands as I realized I had said something weird, and I explained myself.

"W-Well y-you joked about m-me giving my b-body to you, s-so I thought... m-maybe you were interested?"

She remained silent, before she turned around and walked back to her desk, leaning on it.


Her voice was deathly still, and I felt the blood leave my face as she said "Don't FUCK with me like that."

Trembling, I saw her yellow eyes shine dangerously in the mirror as she looked back at me, her pupils slitting like a serpents as she continued on.

"I'm doing this because I want to see you finally realize your dream, and you're... joking with me as 'payment'? Seriously?"

I shook my head, managing to croak out "I-I'm not j-joking, Izzy!"

She flinched at that - as did I - and turned slowly to face me, her eyes still slitted as she asked "What did you call me?"

Backing away, I shook my head again as I tried to apologize, only for my voice to catch in my throat as she hissed "Really, Elvira? You're sssstill joking?"

Her forked tongue flickered out, and I continued to shake my head, feeling slightly nauseous now.

"N-N-No! I'm n-not! I-Isabella, I'm being c-completely serious!"

"Really? Are you now, Elvira?"

Stalking over to me, I shivered as she pinned me against the door, her arm slamming just beside my head as she hissed "You think playing with my feelingssss issss being sssseriousssss, Elvira?"

"N-NO! I-I DON'T!"

I flinched at my own high pitched squeal, and Isabella glared at me as she placed a finger to my lips, quieting me.

"A kisssss as payment..? Are you being truthful, Elvira? You'd give me a kiss for a week of tutoring?"

Her slitted pupils returned to normal, and her forked tongue slowly morphed back into a rounded one.

She stared at me with heat in her eyes, and I gulped as I said "I-Isabella, I w-was being serious..! Truly..! I... I t-thought about it a-a lot recently, but t-to me that joke you made last w-week was y-you being honest to me..! I... I k-know what you're like, Isabella... h-how you e-enjoy teasing people and making them squirm... s-so I thought you were being truthful, since your jokes always came from truth!"

I gulped again as she continued to stare at me, before she sighed and grit her teeth.

"Damnit... Why do you remember the most useless things, Elvira?"

Her voice was back to normal now as well, and she glared at me and sighed once more, though I was still pinned to the door.

She was the same height as me, and I stared straight into her eyes as she said "I'll take it, Elvira. Your kiss, I mean, as payment. From now on... I want a kiss for every day I tutor you as payment. After all, you're being tutored by the number one student in our year."

Pride and arrogance laced her tone, but I didn't care as I blushed hard, focusing on the words she spoke instead.

Grinning at me, Isabella watched as I blushed and said "You remember the most useless things, Elvira... Yet you seem to have forgotten the promise you and I made all those years ago, hmm? The one where you promised to marry me if we entered the Academy together. Why do you think I was so angry at you, Elvira? I believed you had simply tossed out our promise, and yet..."

Reaching up with her other hand, Isabella grinned widely at me, her eyes slitting once more as she stroked my cheek, whispering "Here you are... finally mine once again... You knew I wanted you to squirm and be embarrassed, yet you never once asked me to stop... you confuse me with how you've changed, Elvira..."

Lunging forwards, the Gorgon Isabella Yaga captured my lips aggressively, her acidic, tangy saliva permeating my tongue as she coiled her forked tongue around mine, pulling my body into hers.

She kept me pinned as she deepened the kiss, ignoring the moan I let out as she did so, before we eventually parted, panting.

Isabella stared deeply into my eyes as she said "I won't apologize for what I did. I'm a petty, selfish, arrogant Gorgon who wants everything to be hers, and that included you, Elvira. Instead, what I want to say is this. Going forwards, I want to treat you better, to treat you how I've wanted to treat you for years now. To treat you like my wife, my woman. To give you everything that belongs to me and more. So? Will you become mine, Elvira? Will you let me own you, just as you will own me?"

I shuddered as her yellow eyes grew intense, before blushing as I felt her cock hardening against my navel, causing her to smirk.

However, that smirk faded as I shook my head, anger replacing it.

"W-W-We c-can't, Isabella!"

She hissed at me once more, her teeth sharpening into fangs while strands of her hair began to writhe, her disguise spell slowly slipping.

"Why not?"

Gulping, I bit my lip - which still tasted tangy - and muttered "S-Someone like you d-doesn't d-deserve to be r-ridiculed because of me..."

Isabella asked me "What?" in an incredulous tone, before letting out a sharp peal of laughter as she grinned at me, her eyes still slitted.

"That's your reason, Elvira? Not that you don't want to, nor that you love someone else... but that you're worried about MY reputation?! You've changed so, so much Elvira! You've seemed to have forgotten just who I am!"

Pulling away from me, she let her disguise spell drop completely, and I bit my lip as she grew taller, her yellow skin hardening slightly as her scales returned, while her hair transformed into snakes.

Her slitted eyes remained the same, while her limbs grew longer and thinner.

Isabella remained a beautiful woman even in her true form, but to those unused to such High Races, she was horrifying.

However... I was used to her, and I only stared at her as she loomed over me, cupping my chin with her talons.

"I'm Issssabella Yaga, daughter of Baba Yaga, holder of the Ancient Magicssss of the Gorgonsss. Future Matriarch of the Sssstone-Bound Coven, current Councilor to Crown Princessss Liligana. You think I care of the ridicule that people might sssend my way, Elvira!?"

Curling her lip, she hissed at me before taking my lips again, kissing me passionately as she pinned me to the door once more.

Her tongue - now longer - coiled around mine completely, and I shuddered as she slipped into my throat.

Even as I beat my hands against her scaled chest, Isabella kissed me, only releasing me when she ran out of breath.

Panting hard, I glared at her before watching as she resumed her disguise spell, her lip still curled as she sneered at me.

"When have I EVER cared about what others say, Elvira? The world is mine to do with as I please. Now, answer me properly this time... will you become mine? I desire you greatly, Elvira... I want you back by my side, like you used to be. I want to learn magics together like we promised. I want everyone to look at us with reverence, like they do our parents. I want... you."

She tapped her finger against the center of my chest, just over my heart, and I felt my mind grow hazy as she stared at me with such blatant lust, desire, and... love.

Gathering my breath, I could admit that the woman before me was... worrisome.

She had... negative personality traits, terrible actions towards me, did as she pleased...

Isabella Yaga was a terrible person through and through, but...

Biting my cheek, I sighed as I stared at her, before saying "On... a condition."

Tilting her head, she silently stared at me, her eyes narrowed as if to say 'it better be a good one'.

"Unnegotiable. I... I want to earn my place by your side, so until then... no one knows about us. We keep these tutor sessions up, and... I r-reward you for e-each with a k-k-kiss, but outside we're like before!"

Taking a deep breath, Isabella clenched her fists for a moment before letting out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head.

"Sometimes... you are so damn insufferably the same, Elvira. So stubbornly odd with the weirdest things. Very well. Until you reach the top ten students of our year, we keep the fact that you are mine a secret."

I nodded, only to gasp as she pushed me onto the bed, mounting me and kissing me once more.

When she allowed her lips to part from mine, Isabella whispered "But your rewards just doubled because of that... you owe me two kisses each day, and I'm cashing in on the weeks worth that you owe me for last week... So be still, Elvira... I'm claiming my prizes..."

I was forced back onto the bed, my childhood bestfriend's long, slimy tongue exploring my mouth as she kissed me, 'claiming her prizes' from me.

She kept me there for a few minutes, only letting me go when someone knocked on the door, which made her hiss in annoyance.

Getting off of me, Isabella took a few moments as she asked "Who is it?", using the time to get herself presentable, before gesturing for me to do the same.

My face was entirely red as I scrambled around, before I just decided to hide behind her changing screen, peeking out from behind it.

"Isabella~! It's Pyota~! Come on, let me in?"

Sighing, Isabella approached the door and opened it, saying "Pyota, how many times do I have to ask you to stop coming to my room? I want to study in peace!"

A bubbly woman walked inside past Isabella, grinning as she plopped onto the bed as she said "Yeah yeah~! I know~! Here's the thing, Isabella~! You wanted me to keep my ears down for any juicy tidbits, right? Well, I heard a few things regarding that girl you're so fixated on; the one hiding in the corner?"

I froze as I heard that, while Isabella sighed as she said "Come out, Elvira."

Turning the corner, I saw a smirking Hawkkin sitting on the bed where Isabella had just been kis-

As if she could sense my embarrassment, Pyota rolled her eyes as she said "Elvira, at least make it less obvious that you and Isabella were going at it before I entered. Those red cheeks give everything away."


The Hawkkin raised her hands as she grinned at Isabella, who was glowering at her before she said "Fine, fine~! Alright, so the news I heard, right? The Solstice Ball is just around the corner, and apparently... well, apparently, Elvira here is the center of attention."

I frowned at that, while Isabella sneered, her yellow eyes flashing with annoyance as she snarled "Continue."

"Becandra is the one leading it; that Princess in some of your classes? With Elvira suddenly learning how to utilize her magic, and doing quite well with it too, and her background added onto it... well, people are clamoring to be her partner at the dance, and lead amongst them is Becandra, who is, according to what I've heard, wanting to... offer a bit more for Elvira's hand. Literally. She wants to marry Elvira, and she was gossiping with her friends about how Elvira now has the brains to match her body, making her the number one candidate to be her wife."

We both flinched as Isabella growled, her anger palpable as she glared down at the Hawkkin, who blanched.

"I-Isabella, don't kill the messenger!"

"C-Calm down, Izzy..!"

Placing my hand on her arm, I flinched again as Isabella turned to stare at me, her gaze heavy.


Growling softly, she took a deep breath and composed herself, burying her anger for now as she asked "Is it just Becandra? Or are there other influential people hoping to take Elvira?"

Pyota pursed her lips, and she sighed as she said "A few. The Lycanthrope Theresa has expressed interest in Elvira, as has the 'Queen of Night' Vladmia. Oh, and the Genie of Wishes Alladina as well. There are a few others, but..."

She waved her hands at me, a wry smile on her face as she said "Isabella, you of all people should realize how tantalizingly gorgeous Elvira could be, as well as her parents being rather... eccentrically powerful women. And now that she is finally doing magic properly, well... I'd say she's the prime target for most powerful students as a partner. Hells, I think a few of the Professors have expressed interest in courting her as well."

Frowning, Isabella turned towards me and said "Sadly, Elvira... Forgive me, but your request is rather impossible. I will NOT let others touch what belongs to me, understood?"

Her yellow eyes hardened, shifting to slits as she stared directly into my eyes, and I nodded timidly as she wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Pyota, go ahead and start spreading the rumors that Elvira is mine. We'll be making it official at the Solstice Ball... oh, and have Gina watch over her in those initial classes; I don't trust Becandra one bit."

The Hawkkin nodded, swiftly getting up and exiting the room, closing the door silently behind her.

"I hate to break our promise so swiftly, Elvira... but I will not let someone try to snatch you from me. So... forgive me for being selfish..."

She trailed her fingers up from my collarbone to my lips, before pulling me into her embrace and locking her lips against mine.

Sharing a passionate kiss, I melted as her sharp taste permeated my mouth, and I wondered at how everything recently felt like... it was moving at hyper speed.

So much had happened and changed in such a short period of time, but...

Well, in a world of magic, change happens moment to moment, and I decided to... accept those changes; embrace those changes, because, for the first time in a long time, I went from being depressed to happy.

This made me happy.

I was doing magic properly now!

My childhood best friend was no longer cold and mean to me - though I imagine 'mean' will become a suggestive word - and instead we were l-l-l-lovers..!

Which I had been... w-well, I had w-wanted f-for a long time!

Ever since Aunt Yaga suggested we get married when we were kids..!

This... was a dream I had once had, and now it was coming true!

So, I responded to her passionate kiss, enjoying how she dominated my body with such ease as she pinned me back to the bed, and we relished in each others warmth for hours, our lips never growing tired.

The next day, I was awoken by a pair of soft lips pressed against mine, and I couldn't help but moan as Isabella lounged atop my body and passionately devoured my mouth, her teeth nipping at my lower lip as she marked me as hers.

I had fallen asleep in her embrace, neither of us going past kissing, though I had certainly felt the hard thing between her legs poking my back...

We went to class like normal, though of course we had to separate for our first classes as we both had different Professors for that block.

Isabella seemed reluctant to let me go, before sighing and leaving me at the hall that led down to my Defensive Magics under Professor Princana, and I entered the quiet classroom early, greeting the Professor before flipping through my notes.

Students filtered into the class over the next few minutes, and I noted that Becandra was staring at me the entire time, her eyes narrowed as she looked me over while whispering to her posse.

I also realized that Gina - a red scaled Serpentkin - was watching me from the other side of the room as well, confusion in her gaze as she too looked me over, wondering how I managed to entice and gather the attention of Isabella.

The class went by slowly, what with the newfound interest in me from the class, but I still managed to get through the class with my magic working, which made me excited.

However, before I could leave Becandra stopped me, the blonde haired regal woman staring at me with a smirk.

"Elvira, a word?"

She stepped aside, gesturing to the free space nearby before waving her hands, her posse instantly blocking Gina from reaching me.

"Elvira, I would like to ask you if you would do me the honor of attending the Solstice Ball with me? As a true partner, that is."

Becandra grabbed my hand and brought it to her lips, placing a kiss on the back of my hand, which made me grimace.

Seeing that, her smirk turned icy as she said "You should think properly, Elvira... Rejecting me isn't a smart move, especially not when you consider your other prospects... Theresa and Vladmia will rip you to pieces under their claws as they mate with you, while Alladina will relish adding you to her growing 'garden' of flowers, never to be seen again... You understand that correctly, yes?"

She yanked me forwards, causing me to yelp as she reached up and groped my chest, her smirk turning lecherous.

"Obviously, I can't say I don't understand Theresa and Vladmia's personalities... You are utterly ravishing, Elvira... perfect material for a wife, and perfect for my bed. I can tell you that once you get a taste of me, Elvira, you'll never want to leave my bed... So come with me, love... become my wife, and let me shower you in my love and wealth~!"

Her hand grew rough on my chest, and I moaned softly as she expertly teased my breast with her fingers, finding the spots that made me feel pleasure in mere moments, all while her robes displayed her proud tent, like she was trying to convince me of her words.


I shuddered as I heard a voice slice through my hazy mind, and the blonde haired princess clicked her tongue as she peered over her shoulder, shouting "What do you want, Isabella? I'm busy..."

A snarl made the princess freeze, and I shuddered again as I saw Isabella burst from the crowd, her yellow eyes slitted as she glared at Becandra.

"Unhand Elvira, Becandra..."

Isabella's flat voice made my heart drop, but I could only moan as Becandra squeezed my chest harder, pulling me into her body as she said "No, I don't think I will. Elvira here just agreed to go to the Solstice Ball with me... she even said yes to me when I asked her to become mine... So why should I unhand my fiancee, Isabella? She belongs to me now..."

"Becandra... unhand Elvira. Now. Before you lose that hand."

The room fell quiet as everyone stared at Isabella, who's wand had slipped into her hand.

"Really, Isabella? You'd go against my family over some bimbo who barely understands magic?"

Becandra's voice shook a little, and Isabella smirked as she nodded, her wand raising slightly as she replied "You might be a princess, Becandra, but the influence that the Yaga family wields far surpasses yours... And Elvira isn't a 'bimbo', nor is her understanding of magic low. You've never looked at the theoretical grades for the entrance exam, have you? Elvira placed above me by ten points. She was a half point off from a perfect score... Now, unhand her, or lose that hand. Pick, Becandra."

The princess growled softly behind me before letting me go and pushing me forwards, saying "This isn't over, Isabella! I'll remember this! Just you wait!"

Isabella just rolled her eyes as she watched Becandra scurry out of the room, her followers scrambling to leave as well.

I blushed with shame as Isabella walked over to me, her yellow eyes hard as she looked me over.

Becandra had groped my body and I had done nothing to stop her...

What kind of woman was I?!

Grabbing ahold of my face, Isabella forced me to stare her in the eye before she yanked me into her arms, gently stroking my hair as she murmured "It's alright, Elvira... Everything's alright..."

The students who remained murmured quietly as they watched the woman who had spent years bullying me holding me close and comforting me, everyone confused by her actions.

Of course, Isabella hissed angrily at them all and scared them away, leaving the room empty with us as its only occupants.

"I'll protect you going forwards, Elvira. Just like you protected me when we were younger. So... Don't worry, my love... Going forwards, you shall always be safe."

At the time I wasn't aware of just how vehemently Isabella would stick to her words, unaware of the slaughter she would commit decades down the line when I got injured.

For now though, those words made me blush hard and snuggle into her arms, my heart growing warm as I realized that my wishes were coming true.

Nothing else happened from that day until the Solstice Ball, rumor and sight of Isabella and I staving off any of my potential suitors as the days went by.

That is, nothing happened outside in the Academy, but behind closed doors...

Well, Isabella was a demanding lover, our study sessions 'tainted' by her desires as she greedily devoured my lips, the two of us spending most of our private time kissing desperately on the bed.

Whilst I was kinda annoyed that she wasn't giving me as much training in magic, I was also rather... alright with what was currently happening, enjoying the way she held me close as she made out with me on her bed.

Of course, something neither of us gave attention to was the throbbing cock that poked me whenever we made out, Isabella only coughing before getting off of me when I made any sign of taking note of it.

That was how our time went from then to the Solstice Ball, and Isabella had apparently sent letters to her and my parents, which...

Well, resulted in a rather crazed letter being sent back, alongside a package for me.

It told me to open it alone, and when I did...


It was a dress for the Solstice Ball, and Mom had laid a letter out atop it that just said 'Seal the deal like a Grimhildr!' while Mother had slipped a package of expensive makeup beneath it.

To say I was embarrassed by their antics would be an understatement, but I certainly wasn't going to deny that the things they sent me...

Well, I usually had self esteem issues, but hot damn was this dress perfect...

A sleeveless, backless royal blue dress studded with brilliant diamonds and sapphires, imitating the night sky and complimenting my azure eyes.

Long and flowing, the dress covered my legs and had a short trail behind me, while the thin slit of black lace revealed my plump thigh and calf, giving it a tasteful sensuality.

Then there was a pair of sapphire dangles that shone with an arcane light, twinkling brilliantly to match the dress, as well as a hair pin of silver.

As for the makeup, I... didn't really touch it - not because I didn't think I needed it, but because I honestly had no idea on how to wear it...

I mean, what good was makeup when you were studying alone in a library, and what was the point of wasting money on it when I could save up for a real meal?

So I applied what I knew how and kept it light, before looking into the mirror.

My long blonde hair was held up in a simple bun, the silver pin keeping it in place and revealing the nape of my neck.

The azure eyes were slightly hidden beneath long lashes, while a thin black eyeliner made them pop even more.

Soft, gentle features and a button nose, apparently I was a beautiful girl, but I really didn't see it; many others in the Academy looked better than I did...

Especially Isabella...

I blushed as I wondered what my date for tonight would look like; would she be wearing a dress like me and embracing her incredible feminine wiles, or was Isabella going to wear a suit and escort me to the ball?

Either way, I knew that my yellow skinned girlfriend would be gorgeous, and I just hoped that she would think the same of me when I left this room...

It took a lot of courage and talking to myself to muster up the ability to open the door, where I revealed myself to the waiting Isabella, who was leaning against the wall beside my door and idly swishing her wand around, causing the hiding students down the hall to flinch.

Her long raven black hair was tied into a braid and studded with gleaming topaz, whilst her yellow skin was entirely unblemished, her beautiful features on full display for the world to see, though her idle serious expression gave her the confident aura that made it difficult to approach.

The lips that I had gotten to know so intimately over the last few weeks were coated in a thin layer of gloss, their natural beauty left untouched, whilst the thin eyeliner highlighted her sharp yellow eyes.

As for her attire, the young Yaga Heiress wore a black dress that hugged her figure tightly, going for a simple, yet elegant dress that was perfect for this formal occasion.

Her wrists and fingers were laden with gold jewelry, as was her neck, the woman giving the world a display of her wealth in a tasteful way as each masterpiece of gold and gemstones adorned her body.

Hearing my door open, Isabella turned and sheathed her wand, her yellow eyes narrowing slightly as she looked me up and down, before returning her gaze to my face.

As she approached me, I held my breath and resisted the urge to step back, unsure of what she was thinking as she drew closer.

Stopping directly in front of me, Isabella smirked before reaching forwards and caressing my cheek, whispering "You look ravishing, Elvira... utterly delectable..."

Before I could react to her words, the Gorgon slipped her long tongue between my lips and kissed me, her other hand finding its way around my waist as she pulled me closer.

"I could absolutely devour you instead of attending that ball..."

I blushed as her eyes grew slitted, the woman's emotions laying themselves bare as she leaned back in for another kiss.

Giving it to her, I moaned softly as her hand slipped down towards my rear, the Gorgon grabbing a handful and squeezing before releasing me, a thin bridge of saliva connecting us.

"Red suits you best, in my opinion... But damn do you look gorgeous in blue as well, Elvira..."

Her voice was little more than a raspy whisper, and I blushed harder as she raked her gaze over me once more, before offering me her arm.

"Well, let's get going my love... It's time for me to show you off to the world as mine... and only mine."

I nodded, hooking my arm through hers and walking beside her as we made our way down the hall, past the gaggle of girls who were 'hiding' in the separate hallways and down towards the courtroom, which had been transformed for tonights ball.

A few of the girls and futa's on the way gave us exasperated looks, not bothering to hide their whispers as Isabella guided me down towards the location of the Solstice Ball, making the Gorgon especially irate, her hand straying towards the wand that hung on the gold studded belt around her waist.

She only continued on without a word because I squeezed her arm, making the yellow skinned woman grunt softly as she walked past, ignoring them on my behalf.

I could hear them, feel their gazes and disdain, and it only made me feel worse inside, but I didn't want to have Isabella get in trouble because of me, especially not on a night as special as this one.

I was going to be announced as her fiancé now, so of course I wanted everything to be perfect!

That thought made me blush easily, a dream long since hidden away finally being realized so many years later.

So I made my way down to the ballroom with my cheeks hot and my mind in turmoil, not knowing what I should be doing or if I was even truly deserving of this... on top of also praying that this wasn't some dream concocted by a tired, lonely mind.

However, when we reached the ballroom and Isabella led me into the lavish hall, I was swiftly slapped in the face with the realization that this was actually happening, my heart pounding hard in my chest as we stepped inside the hall, where dozens upon dozens of our fellow students waited to watch as the true stars of the school made their entrances, wanting to see which girls got lucky enough to be chosen as their partners.

When Isabella confidently strode into the ballroom with me on her arm, everyone began to whisper confusedly to one another, wondering what was going on as Isabella took me to the center of the room, where another couple stood waiting.

A tall, swarthy skinned woman laden with muscles was blatantly groping and feeling up her partner, who was a coquettish Elf with large breasts that were pressed against her partners stomach.


Nodding to the woman, Isabella took her place in the center of the room and stared cooly at the giant woman, who gave the Gorgon a feral grin as she looked her over, before turning her dark amber eyes towards me.

"Isabella... you have some guts, and I respect that. Good job claiming Elvira as yours so quickly... Otherwise, I'd have taken her for myself. You'll get no troubles from me; I've no interest in pursuing someone already taken. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

The Lycanthrope curled her lips in distaste before turning back towards the Elf in her arms, running her hands down the woman's back and smirking as the Elf hugged her tighter, a slight pout on her lips as she looked into Theresa's eyes.

Isabella just nodded, before hooking her arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my cheek, whispering "Stick by my side for tonight, Elvira..."

I gave my partner a nod and leaned closer, missing the way her jaw clenched and her legs stiffened as she looked towards the door, doing her best to ignore how I unintentionally pressed my abundant chest against her arm.

After a few moments, another woman strode in, her thin frame - covered in a suit darker then night - and pallid skin informing everyone that this was Vladmia, the Vampire.

Her dark crimson eyes found mine, and she gave me a stiff smile before looking towards Isabella, bowing to the Yaga heir and silently taking her place beside Theresa, ignoring the Lycanthrope entirely.

A few more women strode in, their wealth on display alongside their power as they joined us in the middle, where the students atop the classes resided alongside their partners.

Many were whispering and staring at me, making me cling a little closer to Isabella, who once more took a deep breath and stared straight ahead, her expression neutral.

"Students! Welcome to our annual Solstice Ball! It's a pleasure as always to host such a glorious event each and every year... Seeing the returning faces and the new ones in the center is such a joy to behold!"

A booming voice filled the hall, and we all turned to see a mature woman sitting on the ledge beneath the gigantic stained glass windows, her sensual dress almost revealing her juicy behind and showing a large amount of her plump thighs, which made a few in the crowd gulp.

Two mountains adorned her chest, straining against the tight red dress that threatened to tear apart at the seam, while her vibrant crimson hair covered one of her golden eyes, leaving no doubt in our minds that this woman was our Headmaster.

She licked her plump lips as she looked over the crowd, that single golden eye alight with many things as she dropped to the ground, wings of pure Fire Mana slowing her descent as she joined us in the center.

"Congratulations for making it halfway through the year everyone, and keep up that effort! As reward for reaching this point, we host this wondrous ball so that everyone might unwind and relax, refreshing their mind for the tests to come! Drink, dance, make merry, and perhaps even love before the night is over~! You won't have many chances to do so when the sun rises tomorrow morn..."

Grinning, she raised her dainty hands and clapped, her potent mana flooding the air and causing the candles and chandeliers to grow brighter, signaling the musicians to begin their song.

Mingling amongst the students, the Headmaster spoke words of encouragement and flirted amongst them, making a few swoon as she accepted handshakes and embraces, her curvaceous body enough to make even us women drool...

Which was why I pulled Isabella closer as she approached, the Gorgon blushing slightly as I submerged her arm between my own large breasts.

"Ah, my dearest Isabella Yaga~! You were every bit worth the wait, my dear! When Baba told me she had a daughter, I was surprised! Same with you, Elvira Grimhildr! I knew that you could eventually figure it out..."

The Headmaster turned her golden eye towards me and smiled sensually, before chuckling knowingly as she said "No need to worry, young Elvira... Isabella is all yours~! Believe it or not, but I am a hitched woman, you know? I just happen to enjoy making my lover a tad... jealous is all. Now, enjoy the night you two. Ah, and do be careful, hmm~? You still have many years of schooling ahead of you, so let's not make that more... complicated, yes?"

She left us with a smirk before weaving back into the crowd, the both of us blushing hard as we caught on to what she meant, making me extremely aware of how Isabella's arm was buried between my breasts.

That set the entire tone for our night as we began to dance, both of us increasingly aware of how gorgeous the other was and how much we desired them; Isabella's hands would slip every once and awhile, landing on my butt, while her eyes would linger on my breasts as we danced, while I admired her muscular frame through her dress before glancing tentatively down towards her crotch, where a bulge had formed, which was thankfully barely noticeable thanks to her black dress.

My partners yellow eyes were hungry as we made our rounds around the ballroom, our faces inching ever closer before we would pull away whenever another student or professor tried to talk to us, making us jump and hastily pull away.

Eventually Isabella couldn't take it anymore, joining the groups of students leaving the ballroom and finding us a dark corner to occupy as she pinned me against the wall, her leg spreading mine apart and rubbing against my wet slit while her lips found mine, kissing me desperately.

"Damnit Elvira... You're SO fucking gorgeous in this damn dress... Aunty knew what she was doing, really... delivering you to me on a beautiful blue platter."

Nipping my lip, Isabella exhaled softly before kissing my neck, her hands sinking into my ass and making me blush as she pulled me closer to her, making me feel her erect penis against my stomach.

"Elvira... Elvira..!"

She kept muttering my name as she kissed me, her yellow eyes hazy as she tried to envelope me in her scent as much as she could, smothering my body with hers and kissing me wherever she could.


I managed to gasp her name as she slipped a hand into my dress to grope my chest directly, making me even more aware of the moans and sounds of flesh hitting flesh around us as our peers got to it inside the dark corridors, conspicuously free of professors.

Her fingers found my nipple and began to play with it, while her lips returned to mine as she passionately made out with me, not allowing me to think as I was showered with her needy lust.

Eventually, just like with the ballroom, Isabella reached a breaking point and grabbed me, sweeping me off my feet and rushing through the halls, not capable of speech as we made our way swiftly towards her room, where I was thrown onto the bed and promptly thrown out of my dress, much to my surprise.

Her wand folded her clothes beside mine as she used her magic to strip as well, revealing the naked form of my childhood friend turned enemy turned lover, and all complaints and embarrassment died in my throat as I got a full view of her body.

A chiseled six pack of abs adorned her stomach, while a pair of shapely breasts rested on her chest, not too large but not at all small, contrasting the muscles below.

Her arms were just as shaped as her abs were, giving her the perfect look of fitness that blended with sensuality as she stood before me, but something that wasn't a blend at all was what hung between her legs.

There was nothing to say about her penis besides this; big.

It was long, girthy, veiny, and imposing, making me gulp as a heat spread across my lower abdomen as I saw it twitch, her flared tip leaking a clear liquid that made me shiver.

"Elvira... I don't... I don't think... I can stop... Please, let's..."

Isabella's breathing was labored as she stared at me, her eyes glued to my breasts before dropping to my thighs as I lay sprawled on her bed, only reaching my eyes as I tried to cover myself up - to no avail.

"I-I-I..! Y-You m-m-mean..?!"

She nodded, her penis twitching some more as she took a step forwards, the movement making me notice the two heavy orbs that hung beneath it for the first time.

"I mean sex, Elvira... I want you SO badly right now... To make you mine in body and mind. To carve myself inside you... Please, Elvira... let us have sex together, my love. Let me make you my woman entirely..!"

My cheeks darkened completely, while the rest of my face gradually followed suit as I stared at the intimidating, yet arousing sight of her hard penis that pulsed hard between her legs, before I looked towards the pleading face of my childhood friend and now lover, those yellow eyes begging for me to accept her offer.

I was hesitant about how quickly we were moving, but at the same time I was also desiring her so desperately, and those kisses earlier didn't help, nor did her groping of my breasts; my lower abdomen was on fire while my legs felt like jelly, and my heart was racing.

So... I nodded, my heart leaping as I saw the bright smile Isabella flashed me as she approached, relief and anticipation dancing inside her eyes as she got onto the bed with me.

"By the Goddess... Elvira..."

Isabella gulped as she looked me over, before she hesitantly reached out and groped my breast, her fingers digging into the soft flesh as she got even closer.

"Elvira... you are so, so, so~ sexy, you know that? These bountiful breasts, these plump thighs, your smooth skin... the way you blush when I touch you, or the way you bite your lip as I get closer..."

Her nose brushed against mine, only to tilt her head completely a moment later as she kissed me deeply, her hand still holding one of my breasts while the other snaked around my waist, holding me close as she started making out with me again.

Slipping her long tongue into my mouth, Isabella battled my own tongue before squeezing my breast, making me gasp and allowing her to go deeper, coiling her tongue around mine and doing something I... really liked.

Pushing me back onto the bed, Isabella continued to play with me before releasing my lips, a smirk on her face as she hissed "You're my woman now, Elvira... mine, and only mine... for now until eternity ends, you belong to me... and I belong to you, my love. Let me show you just how much I love you now..."

With those words making me blush, the Gorgon smirked more and began to trail her lips down my cheek and jaw, before going lower and kissing my collarbone, all while her fingers sunk deeper into my breast.

I moaned softly, making her yellow eyes flash in amusement as I tried to cover my face, only to realize I couldn't as the blankets on the bed coiled around my wrists, pinning them down.

Isabella made it so I could only watch as she went lower, her lips lingering on my breasts as she kissed them both a dozen times, before nipping at my nipple and chuckling as I moaned again.

When she went down towards my stomach, I had trouble seeing her entire face because of my chest, meaning when I felt her lunge from my belly to my vagina, I could only gasp as her lips landed on my clit, sending a shock straight up my spine.

She brought her hands down and grabbed my thighs, displaying her strength and spreading my legs apart before letting her tongue lengthen, the long, slimy appendage getting put to use right away as she began to lick my lower lips, before kissing them like she would my true lips.

Meaning, she plunged her tongue inside and began to explore my insides as much as she wanted, spurred on by how I moaned her name as I squirmed around, trying to get free and pull her head closer so that she could go deeper.

I wanted more of this pleasure as her tongue caressed my inner walls, before she knocked against something important that made me cry out in pained euphoria, sadly causing her to pull away with worry, the lust in her eyes retreating for a moment as she checked on me.

"E-Elvira..? A-Are you okay?"

Isabella moved instantly from my vagina up towards my face, kissing me softly and caressing my cheek as if to soothe me, the Gorgon's frantic movements making my heart flutter some more as those piercing yellow eyes searched mine, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Y-Yeah... I-I'm fine, Isabella... Just... surprised is all..."

She nodded, before we both blushed as we felt just where her penis was resting.

Right atop my stomach, and brushing against my clit, which made me shiver as I felt her scorching heat and incredible hardness.

"I'll... go slowly, Elvira... Tell me if... if it hurts to much, alright?"

I nodded this time, my cheeks darkening as Elvira moved one of her hands from my cheek down towards her penis, which throbbed softly as she slipped it down and pressed its head against my vagina, the both of us taking in labored breaths as she began to enter me.

Biting my cheek, I half moaned, half groaned as I felt her thick tip spread my lower lips apart, granting her large penis entrance to my vagina as the fluids from earlier - her saliva and my own secretions - made it easier to gain entrance.

Isabella exhaled sharply as she inserted her entire tip, the Gorgon's yellow eyes shrouded in a haze as she continued to go deeper, her gaze fixated on the sight of her penis entering me.

It didn't take long for her to reach that same spot that she did with her tongue, and I groaned in agonizing pleasure as her tip began to push it back, that piece of flesh that symbolized my purity beginning to tear as my lover claimed it for herself, robbing me of my virginity.

My hands had been freed from their bindings, and I threw my arms over Isabella's back and hugged her tightly, the Gorgon moaning as our breasts were pressed together, while her penis slid deeper inside me, tearing through that flesh and making me cry out in pain.

My nails dug into her back as I hugged her close, tears streaming from my eyes as that flesh got torn and the sensitive flesh behind it was spread apart by the thick invader.

However, that pain was slowly replaced by pleasure as Isabella stopped, her labored panting as she kissed my neck making my heart flutter again while my loins grew hotter, wanting her to go even deeper.

"Elvira... Elvira... Are you alright, my love..?"

I blinked away the pain as Isabella kissed my cheek again, before her lips landed on mine as she remained as still as possible, her penis not moving at all besides when it throbbed, which still felt incredible...

"I... Y-Yes... I a-am... K-Keep g-going..?"

She smiled at me, her yellow eyes hungry as she nodded, not saying anything else as she continued to submerge herself inside me, the Gorgon intending to unify us as much as she possibly could as she slowly pushed herself all the way to the root.

Her tip brushed against another important wall of flesh, and I whimpered at the pain it caused, only to moan not even a moment later as I heard Isabella growl softly in my ear.

"M-More, I-Izzy..!"

She growled some more at that, slowly slipping out of my vagina before thrusting back inside, the both of us moaning together as her penis started to slide in and out of the soaking wet hole that was my pussy.

My face was completely red as Isabella continued to pant as she thrust into me, the Gorgon maintaining a constant speed as she slapped her hips against mine, her thick cock getting caressed by my inner walls as she began to get into it, only to grunt loudly as she slammed her hips into mine, submerging her cock completely.

Her two heavy balls rested on my butt, and I couldn't help but moan as I felt them tighten on my butt, followed quickly by a deluge of a scorching hot liquid that flooded my womb, filling it up completely as Isabella started to ejaculate.

My vision whirled as she came inside me, my lover gasping as her cum continued to shoot from her cock like water from a faucet, and my moans flooded her ears and made her shiver on top of me, the Gorgon completely stunned as she continued to cum.

When she finished, Isabella panted and pulled back, her expression so adorable as she looked away from me, her yellow eyes embarrassed and her cheeks completely dark as she pulled out, her cock leaving my pussy empty even though she was still so achingly hard.

"S-Sorry... I-It just felt too good..."

I chuckled softly at her, though my entire lower body felt like it was burning as I felt her cum trickle out of my pussy, which Isabella was watching with great interest.

"T-That's fine... I-It felt good for me, too... b-but..."

My eyes landed on her penis, which was stained white with semen and throbbing with need as she sat on her knees, still clearly ready to go.

Isabella looked down before blushing again, her usual confidence gone as she scratched her cheek, unsure of what to do.

I smiled at her, my breathing still slightly labored as I sat up, wincing from the pain, and I reached forwards to pull her into a hug.

"T-That was great, Izzy... b-but surely w-we can do it... again..?"

Isabella gulped at that, before nodding as she whispered "C-Can we try a different position then..?"

I barely had the chance to nod when Isabella had pushed me back onto the bed, before flipping me onto my stomach as she laid on my back, her lips caressing my neck as she whispered "C-Can I go f-faster this time too..? I-I w-want more... so much more..."

Her voice held dark desires that were dripping with poisonous honey, but I nodded again as I felt her cock resting on my butt, my curiosity and my own desires making me accept her offer without much thought.

Isabella sat up from my back and guided herself back into my pussy, her cock easily slipping back inside as her previous load acted as lubrication - on top of my own wetness - and finding its way back against my womb.

Resting her balls against my butt, Isabella grabbed my hips and started to thrust forwards, making me moan loudly before biting into the bedsheets as she started moving faster and faster, scraping out my insides and pounding against me, her frantic movements as she started round two making my legs tingle as she constantly hit the entrance to my womb, sending jolts of painful pleasure throughout my body.

I unconsciously lifted my hips and gave her more access to my pussy as she took me, with the Gorgon grinning and grunting loudly behind me as she continued to slap her hips into mine, her fingers digging into my flesh and holding me tight.

That tingling continued to grow as she pummeled my pussy from behind, and I screamed into the sheets as a wave of hot pleasure washed over my body, my pussy growing extremely sensitive and constricting around her cock hard as something squirted out of my pussy, making my lover grunt loudly above me.


Hearing her moan my name, my eyes rolled around in my skull before I shuddered again, thick ropes of hot liquid splashing into my womb as Isabella came again, the Gorgon unable to hold herself back as she ejaculated for a second time.

We fed off of each others orgasms, her ejaculation making me clamp down on her shaft some more which coaxed more out of her plump balls, creating a feedback loop that sadly had an end...

But, Isabella didn't seem to care about that as she began to thrust into me once more, this time slamming her hips into my butt as she laid on my back, her lips locked against my neck as she fucked me hard, the Gorgon stirring around her previous loads and making me moan as she began round three.

Round three of twelve; by the time that Isabella was finally done, and I stopped 'provoking' her for another round, the Gorgon and I were covered in sweat, while my back, butt, and thighs were caked in semen.

My breasts joined that group as Isabella jerked her cock hard above me, thick ropes of creamy semen splashing against my chest as she came for the twelfth time tonight, finally ending our session as she collapsed beside me, panting hard as she pulled me into her embrace, uncaring of the large amount of cum that clung to my body.

She kissed me deeply while groping my butt, her cock resting between my thighs as we ended our session, finally feeling satisfied.

"Elvira... that was perfect..."

Biting my lower lip, Isabella moaned as she rubbed against my sore pussy, her multiple loads of semen leaking out and staining us both as she added "You are perfect, my love... I... I can't imagine ever letting you go, ever again..."

Kissing her back, I smiled tiredly, trying to keep my eyes open as I nuzzled against her chest, muttering "It... was great, Izzy... perfect..."

However, it would seem that she had taken a lot out of me during our first ever time having sex, and I felt my eyes close entirely, my mind shutting down as I drifted to sleep, the last thing I heard being her whispering "I love you so much, Elvira... more than I love life itself..."


14.1K Words, and it was primarily story; I know, I know, this is meant to be a collection of smut, but...

Sometimes these entries are going to be stories; I just fell in love with this one, just like I fell in love with the Elven General one as well.

I could totally see this becoming its own book if I wanted to do so, with so many plots and classes to do, meeting the parents, joining the Top 10 students...

So much I could do, so this is certainly one that I want to return to in the future, at least if everyone agrees that its interesting enough to see again lol~

Anyways, that was this entry, and like always if you have an idea or any feedback, just let me know and I'll take it into consideration~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts