
Futa Diaries

A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives. This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it. Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity. All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some. Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story. This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down. Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

Ketsueki_Hasu · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Disgraced Elven General (3)

After I had washed up in that pond - and made the discovery that I was indeed horny - I began to traverse the various major roads of the Verdant Forest to reach the border of Morckander, but unless I remained inside the Kingdom for a long time, I would need to deal with being near the Fenryika Horde's borders too.

During that time that I was inside the Kingdom's borders, I found rooms at various inn's and food for some cheap work.

At first, I would help gather firewood, herbs, do some farming, all for a portion of a meal and a shitty room, but...

On my fourth night, a human merchant had been getting drunk at the bar, and she had been flirting heavily with the staff and other patrons, and it was at this point that I realized I could be earning much more than a measly scrap of food and a terrible straw bed.

Humans believed us to be pure and reserved in terms of sex, and while quite a few of us were, nowadays most Elves were similar to humans regarding sex.

It felt great, and when adding on our lower reproduction rates, many took it as an excuse to fuck whenever they wanted, so that they could relieve themselves.

Personally, I loved the feeling of sex; the pleasure you feel as your partner clings so tightly to your body is exquisite, but the real pleasure for me was the afterglow of an orgasm and the warmth to be found after coitus.

I also wasn't against using sex as a weapon or tool, and during my career as a soldier, some of my promotions were secured with it, and I managed to recruit some talent to my side with it.

When I had been faced with the discrimination of being to young to be promoted to Captain, I went to my General - a beautiful female Elf named Yviga - and spent my nights as her 'attendant' under the pretext of 'learning what it means to lead'.

Really, I was just shaking my ass for her as she raided my womb with her cock, and I loved the way Yviga handled me afterwards.

Then, when I reached General all those years ago, I noticed a talented young woman amongst the crop of new recruits, and I lured her to my side as I whispered sweet promises into her ears, all while she desperately tried to get me off with her cock as well.

I had to convince a few of the Generals to lay off trying to nab her, and it had been well worth it; most of those Generals remained good friends during those years, and we often all got together for parties where we enjoyed each other fully.

This was all to say that to me, sex wasn't some pure, holy act that needed to be respected all the time.

Right now, if I could use it as a means to an end to secure a better future, then I would happily spread my legs for that better future.

So, as I slid beside the human woman, I returned her flirts and gave her the attention she craved.

My kindred all gave me different looks; relief, thanks, disdain...

When the merchant began to get handsy, I suggested we retire for the night, and she grinned at that, leading me towards her fancy room.

Pushing me onto her bed, the merchant ogled my curves as I stripped off my clothes, and I stared at her long cock as she pulled it out, smirking at me.

Falling to my knees in front of her, I sucked on her cock eagerly, the familiar taste of cum and slight tang of sweat making my head spin slightly.

Holding my head close, the woman moaned as she enjoyed the tight confines of my throat, before eventually her plump balls contracted as she poured her seed directly into my stomach.

"Damn, been awhile since I had me an Elf~! C'mere whore, pleasure my human cock some more..."

I withstood the degrading words that humans seemed to love to throw around, watching as she laid down on the bed, her back resting against the backboard as she reached for her pipe, lighting the ground powder inside with a match.

Crawling to sit between her legs, I asked "Would my Lady prefer me to face her or look away?"

Making my voice subservient, I enjoyed the way she shivered as she grinned at me, her cock twitching as it leaked some precum.

"Oh, fuck this'll be great... Shake that ass for me, slut. Get my superior human cock off with your drooling elven cunt."

Nodding, I turned and presented my slick lower lips to her, before grabbing and guiding her into my pussy.

She moaned gently at that, and I held in a shout as the familiar pain of taking a cock assaulted me once more, before it swiftly gave way to pleasure.

Lowering my hips, I felt her push into my womb, which made me moan louder, before I began to ride her cock, gyrating my hips and bouncing on it as I tried my best to pleasure this human woman.

With something thick filling my insides, I panted as I used her knees to support myself, only to yelp as she began to spank me, growling "Faster, bitch! I want to inseminate this elven pussy a dozen times tonight!"

"O-Of course~ my Lady~! This E-Elf will d-do her best to a-accept your superior seed~!"

Her cock twitched inside me, and I moaned as she spanked me again, the pain adding to my pleasure.

Bouncing on this merchants cock as she smoked a pipe, I shivered as she eventually ejaculated into my womb, searing hot semen coating every inch of my insides as she tried her best to impregnate me.

Without warning, the merchant pushed me forwards and pinned me under her, swinging her hips wildly as she gouged out my womb.

She made good on her promise, dumping load after load of her thick cream into my pussy, never growing tired as she used me like some warm hole.

When she did eventually finish, she collapsed back into the pillows and pulled me up towards her, our sweaty bodies clinging together as she kissed me, her cock still resting inside my womb.

Like that, I had begun my journey towards freedom in a way that I am sure many wouldn't be able to stomach.

After that night, I went from inn to inn as I traveled to the border, finding myself the various human merchants that resided inside our Kingdom and laying in bed with them, uncaring of the looks I received from the Elven people.

I made myself coin, earned a good bed, and some good food that way, all while the fire that burned inside my womb was put out each night with geysers of semen.

My new lifestyle would make many back in the military question if I was the same woman, but after months of solitude, this exposure to people was what I craved the most, even if I was treated like some common harlot by weak humans getting off on dominating a poor little Elf.

To me, I was doing what I needed, and eventually I found myself inside Morckander, no longer inside what I considered enemy territory.

The mountains that the Dwarves called home welcomed me the same way it welcomed the Dwarves; cold and desolate, but hiding the warmth underneath.

Now that I was truly free, I made my way to one of the border cities to begin my life anew, wanting to amass some wealth and power once more before returning to the Verdant Forest and Lyna Easria, where I would execute that damn Crown Princess and all of the Judges.

I would have my vengeance one way or another.

Again, this'll be a bit longer than New Maid, but i also really liked this storyline in my head, so~! Here we are~!

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts