
Disgraced Elven General (16)

Lyna Esaria had fallen in mere hours after Kilkreatha had killed herself, each of the Judges falling one by one to my blade as I led the Horde from canopy to canopy, cutting down the old arrogant pricks with ease.

Their guards were of similar strength to the Royal Guards, but under the combined strength of me and the different squads, Lyna Esaria was left without anyone to lead it.

All figures of importance who had supported the insane Crown Princess were killed, leaving the Queen and some of the Sages to clean up the mess.

Of course, such strong Elves were not left unattended to, each of them constantly under the watch of dozens of Orcs as they were led towards Dura, who had been receiving healing.

The Queen seemed saddened by the death of her daughter, but she remained as elegant and confident as ever as she negotiated with the War Chief, guaranteeing her peoples safety and working out just what was to be expected of the Elves going forwards.

The entire time she glanced towards me with a frown, likely finding my presence by the War Chief's side both confusing and grating, before sighing as she saw me lift the mask slightly.

Understanding filled her wise blue eyes, and she nodded before leaving to speak with the Sages, wanting to formulate a plan for the cooperation to come between the Elves and the Orcs.

That entire time, my mind wasn't focused on the task at hand, as I was instead shuffling slightly as I stood beside Dura, the mountainous Orc never once wavering even as her flesh and muscle were steadily being regrown.

I had endured healing to that degree once before, and I understood full well just how harrowing of an experience that was, as the feeling of flesh knitting itself back together was incredibly painful; it was a mixture of burning sensations as everything wove back together and sharp pains as new flesh was created in moments.

Terrible experience, being healed like this, but Dura did so without even wincing, almost like she didn't feel anything at all.

My respect and admiration for the War Chief only rose more and more with each passing day, and alongside that my lust for her grew even stronger.

She was just the perfect specimen of a warrior and as a futanari, especially for me.

I preferred when my partners had muscle to them, as it felt so much better to be embraced by someone who made me feel safe as they rearranged my womb for their use, and I knew that more than just my womb would be getting rearranged with Dura's enormity.

It was with that in my mind that I found myself inside Dura's carriage, the two of us alone as we made our way back to the Horde to report our success.

Dozens of expert troops remained behind, and Dura's Aura barred the Queen or Sages from doing anything besides what they swore to do, giving us the freedom to leave and rest up.

The carriage was quiet as we journeyed back towards the Horde, to tell the Overlord that we had taken Lyna Esaria and subdued the Queen.

I shuffled slightly in my seat as I stole glances at the hulking woman across from me, who was resting with her eyes closed.

After a few minutes of that, Dura opened her eyes and sighed, staring me down as she said "Gwyneth, what are you doing?"

That raspy, slightly irritated voice made me shudder, and I bit my cheek as I looked away, only to be forced to stare at her when she reached over to turn me towards her.

Her amber eyes were hard, and she growled "Will you stop shuffling around like some brat? Sit still or something! Besides, what's got you so nervous now?"

Releasing my jaw, she leaned back into her seat and stared at me, before raising a brow as I felt my face go red.

"I um... A-About your offer..."

She began to smirk, and I blushed harder as I realized what I was about to be doing.

"I... I'll a-accept it..."

Dura grinned at me, her gold tusks gleaming alongside her eyes as she said "You accept what, little Elf? Speak it aloud, so I know what you mean..."

The War Chief was grinning hard at me, taking amusement from making me feel embarrassed.

It was... odd.

I had never felt this way before, with anyone else.

Even with Kilkreatha, all those years ago, I never felt my heart flutter like this, nor did I feel so shy and meek...

I felt like I was actually some Noble Elven woman instead of a bloodied, storied General.

"T-That is t-to say... w-well, I..."

Gulping, I wrung out my hands before just shouting "I AGREE TO BE YOUR WIFE!"

My cheeks reddened more as I shouted that, and I stared down at my hands before I was yanked forwards, the War Chief laughing loudly as she pulled me onto her lap.

"I never thought I'd see the day~! An Elf willingly offering herself to me... for the position of my wife! Nor did I think you'd be this flustered, Gwyneth~! You are an amusing little Elf~! My amusing little Elf..."

Something was growing stiff beneath me, and the mood shifted to ambiguous as we looked at one another, the lust we had been keeping at bay slowly making itself known.

"Damnit... Fuck, fine. I want our consummation to be on a proper bed, Elf, so if you want to entertain me, get on your knees."

Her commanding tone made me shudder, and before I knew it I was sitting between her legs, staring at the gloriously tall green pole that was her cock.

Reaching forwards, I tentatively grabbed her thick shaft and brought myself closer to it, inspecting the veiny member that I was holding in my hands.

Before she could get annoyed, I brought her flared tip to my lips and began to suckle on it, the taste and scent of her sweat warming and numbing my mind.

Stroking her massive penis, I started to take as much of it into my mouth as I could, my eyes seeking out Dura's as I sought her approval.

The narrowed gaze and pursed lips she had made my heart pound, before relief washed over me as she growled softly in her throat, more and more lust flooding her eyes.

Doubling my efforts, I took her into my throat and massaged her shaft, doing my best to not choke on her girth as I did my best to pleasure her.

I was there for a long time, and Dura seemed to be relishing the feeling of my hands and tongue on her cock, since she eventually came inside my throat, feeding me her seed and marking the first of many ejaculations she would be feeling with my body.

What took place after that was a carriage ride where I did what I wanted; I bathed in Orc seed, making Dura cum over and over again as we made our way back towards her home, where she would announce me as her wife.

That thought made my heart flutter, though she brought me back to reality as she shot another thick rope onto my face, caking me in her sperm.


Two more chapters, then new entires.


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