
Futa Diaries

A collection of short stories related to futanari women and some of the events in their lives. This will be a spattering of genres, from medieval, fantasy, futuristic, modern... you name it, and eventually... I might get to it. Each 'story' will average around 5 to 10K words, meaning 5 to 10 chapters, but I will never go past 20K words for a single story. Some may get revisited and given some followup story, depending on their popularity. All kinds of genres will be used, and all types of tone will also be used; some stories will be quirky and lighthearted, while others may be darker and more... unpalatable for some. Each story will have a warning for the kinks inside, and any suggestions will be taken in account for the next story. This is just a collection of random ideas that I don't think would flesh out well enough for a full novel, but is still something I want to write down. Uncommon uploads, always free to read, and mainly a collection of smut with a dash of story.

Ketsueki_Hasu · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Disgraced Elven General (1)


Kinks/Themes - Fantasy, Dominant Futa


"Gwyneth of the Oak, do you plead guilty to the crime of kidnapping and assaulting Crown Princess Kilkreatha Royalan?"

Staring up at the white haired bastard of a judge above me, I sneered as I spat on the ground, growling "You think I'd throw away forty years of exemplary service for some petty revenge?"

Frowning, the judge, one Yilvane Polshak, nodded his head.

"I do. The evidence all suggests that you were the mastermind behind the plot to kidnap the Crown Princess, and she provided a description for her attacker. Now, I only know of one Elf with strikingly violet eyes and tanned skin. You, General Gwyneth."

Raising a brow, I chuckled as I looked around the court, where dozens of frowning, arrogant bastards stood, staring down at me like some dirty animal.

"Forty years of service to this forest. Forty years spent bleeding and killing for this Kingdom's safety. You think that I would decide that now would be the time to string that bitch up and make her pay for what she did to me decades ago? No. You know why? I moved on. I took that rejection in stride and left it behind me. Why would I care if she marries someone else now? I've carved my own place inside this Kingdom through my blood, sweat, and tears. I don't need to latch onto the teat of the Royal Family to get by like you useless old fucks!"

Some of the judges flinched at the raw vitriol in my voice, alongside the anger that permeated the air around me, my aura flaring.

Others glared at me, disliking my tone and willingness to speak against their comfy, unneeded positions in the Kingdom.

Judges to enforce the laws of a Kingdom that knows nothing but peace for centuries, given more and more power, wealth, and influence as they maintained their posts, never once allowing someone new to take their spot.

Corruption had begun to take root inside the Kingdom, but as a mere lowborn soldier who had fought her way up to the spot of General, I had nothing I could do.

Especially not when the Crown Princess, who I had once tried to court, decided that I was garnering too much good will with the normal citizenry and creating allies with the various Generals and Sages inside the Elven Army.

She had rejected me in public, making the entire thing known to the Kingdom.

Her reasoning had been because I was not only low born, but that I was also unworthy of even being close to her due to only having been a Captain, even though I was the youngest to reach that rank in history and that I had been on pace to reach General in a few more years.

Not to brag, but I was rather talented amongst my peers, and my skills with dual blades and a bow was hard to match.

Anyways, despite that, Princess Kilkreatha decided to ridicule me in public for my 'audacity', only to grow angry and petty with me as she watched me rise through the ranks continuously.

Accolade after accolade decorated my profile, and I was slowly creating a place for myself inside the Kingdom...

"Insolence! How dare you slander the Crown Princess' good name like that?! Have you no shame, you damn traitor!"

One of the judges leaned over the counter and snarled at me, making me chuckle as I tilted my head.

"Careful old man, don't croak cause you gave yourself a heart attack of something."

His cheeks went red with anger, and I chuckled before grunting as the guard behind me slammed his staff into my back.

"Watch it bud, or I'll snap that stick of yours so far up your ass it leaves splinters in your empty cranium."

Glaring at the ornamental guard, I saw him flinch as he took a step back, only to raise the staff again and try to hit me as his anger overtook him as well.

Turning, I grabbed his staff and shattered the hardwood staff instantly, only to grunt as I felt a blunted arrow slam into the middle of my back.

As I turned, another thudded against my temple, and my vision began to darken.

"Gwyneth is hereby found guilty of kidnapping and assaulting the Crown Princess, guilty of insulting the Judges Council, and guilty of attacking a Justiciar of the Judges Council! I hereby call for a vote on the severity of her sentence!"

I barely heard what the judges were saying as I fell to the ground, my conciseness slipping from me.

The guard sneered down at me and raised his booted foot, slamming it into my skull and knocking me out cold.

When I awoke with a raging headache Gods knows how long after that, I found myself in a small holding cell of frigid stone, chained to the wall.

Sighing, I looked down at my shackled feet and shook my head, accepting my fate here and now.

I had somehow made such powerful enemies by simply serving my Kingdom faithfully, cutting down its enemies and giving it my everything, and yet...

Here I was, shackled for a crime I never committed, likely to rot away, forgotten by the masses I had once protected.

It was with that mindset that I remained there, locked inside a dingy cell for who knows how long, only allowed to eat stale bread and gruel that was often scattered on the tiles of my cell.

Chained up like some animal, I slowly found my mind fraying at the edges as time passed, and I had no contact with anyone besides the ever silent guards who 'fed' me.

That was how I spent my life for months on end, until one day the guard 'dropped' the keys into my cell, alongside my daily slop.

I stared blankly at the shining piece of metal, and I had a thought that flew into my mind.

That key was sharp enough to cut through my flesh, wasn't it?

I jolted awake at that thought, disgust filling my heart that I had potentially fallen so low as to even contemplate that thought.

"General Gwyneth..! Please, use the key and escape. Ever since you were locked away, the army has... been corrupted. Incompetent people placed in positions of power, recruits no longer being given proper training, our equipment isn't of grade... Please, escape and go elsewhere. It's... the least I can do before I too flee from this unrecognizable place."

I stared at the guard for a few moments before nodding wordlessly, my suspicions raised.

How would I even escape from this place as I was?

As if to answer me, the guard also slipped a dagger and a vial filled with a golden liquid.

My eyes widened at the sight of the vial, and the guard said "More than just the common populace is upset with the current state of the Kingdom. Some of the Princes and Princesses dislike the corruption taking place so blatantly, and even the Queen and High Sages have begun to take notice of it."

Glancing down at my shackled limbs, I grit my teeth before wrenching forwards, working away at the shackles and trying to slip my wrist through at least one.

Hearing that, the guard turned around and watched as I eventually dislocated my wrist and slipped it through the shackle, groaning in pain the entire time.

Leaning forwards, I ignored the dull ache and grabbed the vial, uncorking it and bringing it to my lips.

Drinking the golden elixir, I felt my aura return to my body, nourishing it back to its normal state, which allowed me to break free with ease.

Fixing my wrist, I grabbed the dagger and stared at it, looking into the slightly haggard face of mine.

Scoffing, I picking up the key, I unlocked the door and moved silently past the guard, giving the man a swift nod before slinking down the halls, recognizing the interior of the prison from the few times I had to torture some information out of a prisoner.

With myself now free and back to my normal strength, I prepared to flee from the Kingdom and begin my life anew.

Oh, but I would be back...

I would definitely come back.

Little longer plan for this one, but otherwise feel like this should be a fun one~!

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts