
Fusion System: Through The Multiverse

Atlas Nova Dies and Meets Administrator Z. He gives the offer of reincarnation to Atlas and Two wishes and a huge amount of karma points. Atlas chose the Primordial Path System, Fusion system, and Accelerated growth. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- [Primordial Path System: Allows transfer of mater and soul through the multiverse of Dreams.] [Fusion system: Can fuse anything and everything based on user's creativity.] [Accelerated growth: Allows user to grow faster based on user's desires] --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Aliexa_West · Anime & Comics
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[Skills]: are abilities that are learnt through skill points [1-Ex] to go further needs to be Engraved in to your soul

[Innate Skills]: are skills that Develop in the body and grow with the soul. [I-Ex] to advance needs to be integrated in to your domain

[Development Skills]: are skills that advance with practice [1-10]. [10+] you need a divine spark to advance

[Monster]: Ranks [1-12] are common however [12+] are dangerous to even gods

[Jobs]: Jobs advance every time you complete the previous one.

[Classes]: Classes are labeled with: Initial (I) Apprentice (H) Skilled (G) Veteran (F) Elder (E) Grand Elder (D) Master (C) Grand Master (B) Legendary (A) Immortal (S) Sovereign (SS) Mythic (SSS) Divine (Ex)

[Items]: Dirt (J) Stone (I) Iron (H) Copper (G) Bronze (F) Steel (E) Sliver (D) Gold (C) Platinum (B) Diamond (A) Starlight (S) Immortal (SS) Mythic (SSS) Divine (EX)

[Stats]: 100 (I) 200 (H) 300 (G) 400 (F) 500 (E) 600 (D) 700 (C) 800 (B) 900 (A) 1000 - 1499 (S) 1500 - 1999 (SS) 2000 - 2999 (SSS) 3000+ (Ex)

[Level]: The amount of 'experience' you have.

[Soul]: The strength of your soul determines the amount of skills and stats are your Maximum.