

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · Sci-fi
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41 Chs

Fortifying the bunker

After Aria's group teleported back, she sent a message with someone from her base to Victor and Lucas telling them about the confrontation she just had with Fernando, warning them to be careful in case they encounter him in in the future, he also told him about Dylan and Alison, saying that they were strong people and that if they saw them they would try not to provoke them and if possible try to become friends with them since they seemed like good people.

Aria also met with several members of her base to tell them to be careful from now on when they went out to explore and organized them to form groups of 5 to 10 members each time they went out to collect resources, they were also preparing to move base, since they had agreed to join the bases and both she and Lucas would move their people to the area where Victor's base is, they had already seen the place and their people were already helping to remove debris while the rest looked for resources for the construction of walls and houses as well as food.

The next day

Dylan was the first to wake up, he carefully got out of bed trying not to wake Alison, he got dressed and left the room, he sat on the couch and reviewed some of the plans they had obtained from the rewards they got when they left of the labyrinth, among the plans were some for defensive weapons, traps, and defensive walls.

Before the robotic voice had mentioned the appearance of new neighbors, so he had a feeling that they might face some challenge once the 15 days were over, he had agreed with Alison that they would build a defensive wall at the chasm of the hill and place various traps on the way up, that's why they had gone to a random place to look for resources since they needed some minerals and rocks for the traps, they wanted to see if they could find a mineral more resistant than black iron, since they didn't know how much It would take time to find a better ore he decided to build everything using black iron luckily, they had found a mine before, so now they only needed to go and collect the amount they needed.

They had planned to make a 5 meter high wall, the wall would surround the entire summit, there would be towers equipped with crossbows every 40 meters, the outer wall of the wall would be equipped with spikes, there was also a 10 meter deep moat with spikes, There were also some traps where 5 meter stones would come out, which would roll down the hill crushing everything in front of them, there were traps placed throughout the area around the hill, from spikes that would come out of the ground when stepping on certain parts of the ground, small pits and land mines.

To build everything they wanted to do they still needed a large amount of materials so when Alison woke up, they had breakfast together and then teleported to the Kortz plain, when they appeared on the plain they were still at a distance from the mine so that Dylan summoned Silver in his battle mode and they both used her as a mount to get to the mine faster.

When they arrived at the mine, Silver stood guard while Dylan and Alison went in and began collecting all the black iron they could get, it took them 10 days to get all the iron they needed, once they built everything they realized they needed cores in order to activate them, both the towers with crossbows and the different traps needed a certain amount of cores to work, so this time they had to go to a map where they could obtain them, until now the only way they knew to obtain them was by defeating zombies, luckily Alison had an area unlocked where the zombies were, since the first day she was teleported before meeting Dylan she went to a city full of zombies and her system registered it.

Having decided on their next destination, both of them prepared themselves with weapons and armor improved with black iron, they even prepared spare weapons in case of emergency.

When they arrived at the city of zombies, on the map it was marked as Raxon city, they were teleported to the outskirts of the city, from where they were they could see some zombies wandering the streets of the city, Dylan summoned Silver and the 3 They began to hunt the zombies that were on the outskirts of the city, with Silver's strength and speed, it was as if they had released her in the middle of a flock of sheep since she alone could easily defeat the normal zombies.

Not only did they dedicate themselves to killing zombies, they were also carefully observing the territory and the different types of zombies that were in the area, so far they had identified 4 different types of zombies

1- Common zombie, these have slow movements and are easy to defeat.

2- Fast zombie, these have greater speed, their strength is also greater than that of a common zombie and they are difficult to avoid.

3- Strong zombie, these zombies despite not being as fast as a fast zombie, their strength is 4 times greater, they also have more resistance so it takes more time to defeat them, this type of zombie is comparable to a mini Boss of area.

4- Leader zombie, this type of zombie has a certain degree of intelligence and is always surrounded by a group of 5 or more zombies which it leads and organizes to attack, these zombies also have a strength comparable to that of a strong zombie and a speed similar to that of a fast zombie, which makes them very difficult to defeat since they are always accompanied.

The level of the cores that the zombies give as a reward also varies according to the grade of each one, the common zombie drops those of level 1, the fast zombie drops those of level 2, the strong zombie drops those of level 3 and 4, and the zombie leader of level 5.

The higher the level of the core, the smaller the amount they need, but this also leads to greater danger since with each level the strength and power of the zombie increases.

Dylan and Alison spent 3 days fighting different types of zombies, this helped them level up and have a better command of their skills, thanks to being in constant fights they managed to rise to level 17 and during the battles they could fight in a different way. more fluid and effective, also improving their teamwork.

With each confrontation they put their lives at risk and there were several occasions in which they were almost seriously injured, especially when they encountered a leader type zombie, but thanks to their constant fights they managed to identify each type of zombie as well as devise the best way to be able to defeat them.

During these 14 days they had been working very hard to build the defenses of their bunker and they were tired so they decided to rest on the last day to be in good condition for whatever the robotic voice has prepared for them.

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