

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Dangerous encounter

After killing the bear, Dylan turned to see the corpse of the man that the wolves had killed, it was a real bloody mess, this reminded him that there were many dangerous creatures and he should pay more attention to the things around him since it will be very dangerous. If he were to encounter more than one beast, if he wanted to survive he needed to become strong and learn the necessary skills.

He remembered the notification he received when he killed the bear, he opened his character panel and saw that he was already level 1, he had a skill point available and also in his skills list he now had 2 new skills, one was dagger and knife handling and The other was archery, it seemed that to obtain skills you did not necessarily have to spend points and you could acquire them after meeting the necessary requirements.

The skills were at level 1 and I could improve them by investing points or they would rise on their own the more I used them, if I wanted to raise them with points I needed to have at least 5 points to be able to do so, at this time it was considered weak and I believed that it needed a skill to help it stay hidden, so he got the stealth skill.

After obtaining the new ability under the tree, he activated his stealth and left the place before another bear or more wolves arrived when they were attracted by the smell of blood.

After moving away from the place where the wolves and the bear fought, he wanted to collect some firewood, since he would need it to light a fire to cook something later, when he tried to cut a branch he couldn't do it and a notification appeared that he needed the proper tool to do it, it seems that you will have to make an ax and pickaxe on the workbench when you return home or else you won't be able to collect the materials you need and I wasn't sure if there was any other way to get them other than the store, since it was not very profitable to do so and although he has more than enough coins, he did not want to spend them on something that he himself could obtain.

As he could not collect wood, he decided to return to his shelter, so he followed the marks he made until he reached the small entrance. After entering, he blocked the entrance with a large and heavy rock that he had taken before, covering it to make sure that No creature or person will enter there.

When he returned to the fork he decided to go out through the entrance of the waterfall and explore the surroundings a little more and if he didn't find anything he would return and spend the rest of the time in the hot springs.

After leaving the cave he covered the entrance again with another large rock, call him paranoid, but it was better to be safe than sorry, he didn't want to encounter some huge snake or something else when he returned.

When leaving the waterfall he walked on the opposite side from where he came, he made sure to leave marks so as not to get lost and entered the forest. He had advanced about 300 meters when, with a plane that had crashed in the place, it seemed that he could not It had been a long time since it crashed, as you could see that the seats were in good condition, they were dirty but looked new, many seats were stained with blood, there were several blood marks on the floor as if the bodies of people had been dragged. people, Dylan felt a chill run down his spine so he decided to activate his sigil and leave that place.

He had moved away from the plane about 100 meters when he heard a strange sound in the direction of the plane, so he turned to see what it was and the moment his eyes landed on the source of the sound he felt as if his heart was going to break. come out of his chest.

Standing on top of the plane was a humanoid creature, but its limbs were unusually long, and its hands seemed to have claws instead of fingers, its eyes were two small black dots in the center of its face, it had no nose and In his mouth instead of teeth he had fangs, his body was stained with dried blood, which made his appearance even more terrifying.

It seemed that the creature was scanning the place and suddenly its gaze was fixed in his direction. At that moment he felt drops of cold sweat forming on his forehead and back. His heart almost stopped beating when the creature came down from the roof of the plane. and he advanced little by little in his direction and from time to time he turned to the sides, his brain told him to run, but his instincts told him not to move or he would die the moment he took a step.

The creature was about 50 meters in front of him and was advancing little by little, when the creature was 20 meters from him, about 15 meters to his right a bear came out of the trees, the creature's sight rested on the bear, let out a bloodcurdling scream and lunged at the bear.

When the bear noticed the creature, it roared and charged at it, thus starting a fierce fight. This time Dylan had no intention of taking advantage of them and shooting them while they were fighting each other, so he took the opportunity to run and get out of the area. there before they noticed him, he ran as fast as he could without looking back, when he reached the waterfall he was panting and hurried to remove the rock from the entrance of the cave, he went in and placed the rock again, this time he put more rocks and blocked a large part of the walk.

Once he finished covering the entrance, he sat on the ground and let out a sigh. When he raised his hand to wipe the sweat, he noticed that he was shaking. He felt pathetic. He believed that after having activated the power cores, he was strong and that He could deal with anything, but today he discovered that this is not the case, he may only be more resistant, but he is not strong, when he looked at the creature he could feel a pressure coming from it, even though he was several meters away from the creature he He felt like an ant looking at an elephant, at that moment he thanked his past self for getting the stealth skill or else he wouldn't be alive right now.

This was a very dangerous encounter, but it also opened his eyes and motivated him to become strong, he does not want to run with his tail between his legs again and feel that fear that paralyzes him, he wants to become strong so that next time he will not have to run scared and can fight anything that comes your way.