Synopsis Twins are a sign of bad omen. Both Cocaida and Volsa were born into a family full of problems. They discovered through the fusion machine that they had a high compatibility - 100% compatibility between them. Together, they face terrifying monsters and other Fuseds. With their fusion, the two are capable of confronting those invincible monsters and learning more about Fusion.
As a few minutes passed after the twins' fusion, it was getting close to the penultimate participant to do their fusion. Meanwhile, the brunette girl's grandfather was waiting with his granddaughter to do her fusion since she was the last participant.
That's when the girl's grandfather saw Paver and Rosquina. Rosquina was almost near him while holding baby Volsa, on the other hand, Paver was a little further away, as Cocaida was not well after having done the fusion. So after a few seconds, Paver realized that the baby needed a little air, so he took the opportunity to tell Rosquina that he would distance himself a little from that place and go where there weren't many people. Rosquina agreed and let him go.
Then Leity was heading towards Rosquina and so he saw Paver leaving, but he decided to ignore him and just talk to Rosquina. since it was she who had helped him before. So getting close to her he said: "Nice to meet you, my name is Leity and this is my granddaughter Ralypadoran." The girl just looked at her and the baby without leaving her grandfather's side. "Thank you very much for the help before, unfortunately, my granddaughter and I did not come from a place like the Bases, but from a remote Tribe. That's why my granddaughter asked that question, since she never lived in a Base."
There were human Bases scattered throughout the country, where there were powerful humans to defend them, but there were also Tribes that unfortunately could not afford to live in these large Bases. So many created tribes to try to protect themselves from monsters and someday be lucky enough to live in one of these Bases.
Therefore, Rosquina and Paver were privileged, since in this regard both Pamona and Beijino managed to become Fuseds, thus not needing to pay to live in the Base because the government logically would not expel them for such a silly cause.
Ralypadoran, hearing this, began to look sad and was going to tell her grandfather to stop telling their stories. But Rosquina interrupted before she could speak: "Mr. Leity, you and your granddaughter don't need to be ashamed. Your granddaughter can become a Fused and this can totally change your lives. And also I believe that all children, at least once, have asked some questions that adults do not want to answer. You don't need to worry too much about this."
Paver, who was a little far away, returned to where Rosquina was, since Cocaida had finally started to breathe better. He then got closer to Rosquina while standing behind Mr. Leity and his granddaughter Ralypadoran, they didn't even notice his arrival. So he was able to hear the conversation between them. That's when he heard Rosquina's beautiful answer, and in a reflex of praise, he closed his eyes and nodded his head while thinking — Really my wife is the kindest of all.
On the other hand, what he didn't realize is that when he closed his eyes, Cocaida, who was almost sleeping in his arms, woke up again. And so when he saw a big girl with beautiful hair. Out of curiosity, he decided to stretch his little arms to touch her hair.
So, Ralypadoran, who was paying attention to Rosquina and her grandfather, hadn't seen that Paver, who was holding the baby, was behind her, and also didn't notice Cocaida approaching with his little hands and finally pulling some strands of her hair hard, which made everyone hear a scream in the room.
Everyone who was focused on the door was startled and quickly turned their heads to see who screamed. When they saw who it was, they just looked again with contempt at that country girl who had no manners…
Rosquina quickly saw what happened and Paver, who was near the girl, quickly opened his eyes upon hearing her scream. He then realized that the one who had caused all this was his son. Caught by surprise, he quickly removed Cocaida's little hands from her hair.
"Ah! How does this baby have so much strength to pull my granddaughter's hair." Leity, when he saw his granddaughter screaming, thought something terrible had happened, who would say that the cause would be a baby pulling one of the strands of her hair.
"Grandpa this baby is evil!" Ralypadoran, who was just upset before, was now almost crying, while pointing her finger at that evil baby. She hadn't seen the surprise attack nor imagined that that tiny being would pull her hair so hard. "Calm down, my granddaughter, I'm sure the baby didn't mean any harm… He must have been just curious about you…
Ralypadoran almost cried again when she heard this absurd answer from her grandfather. Besides, this baby was also ridiculously strong. She was a warrior, so being able to pull her hair so hard shouldn't have made her scream in pain — What she didn't know was that the baby had the same strength as her who was a babe too…
After a few minutes passed after this event with several apologies from Rosquina and Paver to Ralypadoran and Leity. However, there was something that caught the attention of all the participants including the grandfather and the granddaughter making them forget about the baby scene. Because someone who had done the fusion inside was coming out of the door and shining making some people wonder what that was.
The Fused that caught everyone's attention was shining with lights of various colors around his body. It was as if he had a pure aura.
The examiner, seeing that some people didn't know what it was, then decided to explain: "I believe that many don't know what this aura of different colors around the body of this Fused that just came out of the door means. This aura is the purity of compatibility that one has with another person. These were the only participants who achieved 69% compatibility, becoming the purest of the entire exam.
When some participants heard that, they were really surprised. Even Rosquina and Paver had only seen a few people with this purity of compatibility, and these were mostly elders that their Base had. Of course, those who were even more surprised were Ralypadoran and her grandfather, since they had never seen such compatibility between two people.
The Fused who were with these bright auras were Keju and Quantu. They came from the same Base and already knew each other, being friends. Each one was the same age, 10 years old. The parents of the two children already predicted that the compatibility could be good between these two, but they didn't think it would be so much. If they train a lot they can even become future Elders of their Bases.
The two who were already arrogant became even more so when they saw that they were better than the other trash in the room. The father of one of them was even contacting the grandfather, to report that his grandson had managed to become a Fused with a giant potential. And that they could enter a large and renowned school in the future if they wanted, so their egos rose to astronomical heights. Making the mother of one of the children worried, since even if you had potential, that doesn't mean that training and evolving was no longer necessary, but as she saw her son happy she wouldn't say anything until they left.
Then finally it was time for another person to do the fusion, this was Ralypadoran who was unfortunately the last to do the fusion. And as soon as she did, the Elders would give some words to the participants who successfully did the fusion and congratulate them as well as recruit them to become part of the country's army.
Finally, the examiner called Ralypadoran and another participant who was a girl, this girl was Amiduna. She, unlike Ralypadoran, had white skin and black eyes and short black hair, her age was also older, being 10 years old. She then looked at Ralypadoran and already knew that her compatibility with this girl was at least good. Her father looked at Ralypadoran and despised her in his mind, he felt that this girl was a country girl from some useless tribe for having asked that obvious question. But still, he showed no reaction on his face, since if his daughter becomes a Fused, it would guarantee his family greater power in the Base where they were. So not to be on bad terms with this country girl he decided to just act in a friendly way.
Of course, Ralypadoran's grandfather looked at that and immediately perceived that lying face of a friendly person, but he also didn't want to comment anything.
"Grandpa, I'm going" Who said this was his granddaughter. She didn't care much about the look of the girl's father, she just wanted to see what her Fusion with this girl would be like. Amindoina, also wanted to see how her fusion would be with this girl.
"Alright, my granddaughter, may everything go well" Ralypadoran when she heard that, was already near the door, but even so she quickly stopped her steps and went back to hug her grandfather who had accompanied her here despite all the sacrifices.
Rosquina and Paver were a little moved, as they knew that their children would also one day no longer be under their wings. The babies just looked at their parents without understanding much what they were feeling.
Then after 10 minutes, the fusion of the two girls had worked. Their compatibilities were 52% almost equal to the twins. And as soon as they left the door, both Ralypadoran's grandfather and Amiduna's father were surprised, almost bulging their eyes. The Fusion not only increased their strengths but also their size, becoming almost the size of Amiduna's father who was around 5'7 The main body was Ralypadoran's but the mind was Amiduna's.
Rosquina and Paver also got a shock, the Fusion of these two girls really increased their powers beyond what they thought since at the age of 10, Paver still didn't have the power that the Fusion of these two had. Ralypadoran was even younger than Amiduna, and also weaker since she had 25 power while Amiduna had 40 power. Together they surpassed a beginner level warrior. Unfortunately, because their compatibilities were 50% they didn't have a powerful aura and also had side effects. However, they were still powerful, especially when they grew up.
Amiduna's father quickly wanted his daughter and this girl to become part of his family, and the answer to why he was in such a hurry to think like this was very simple. Amiduna controls Ralypadoran's mind, so her orders would be immediately fulfilled by her daughter. If it were the other way around he wouldn't be in such a hurry to have his daughter controlled by this girl he obviously doesn't like at all.
But his plans would unfortunately be frustrated, and something strange would happen in all the domes of Weak and Medium countries…