
Fusion Falls

Thanks to several events that all happen at once. Several different universes all suddenly merged into one. And several people who found themselves alone come together in the town of Gravity Falls Brighton. The weirdest place in the new world.

madhat886 · TV
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Double Dipper


Star looked around her at the old castle that she grew up in. Everything looked the same but it was off like something was changed but she couldn't see what was changed about her surroundings. And there was her mother, Moon was still herself but she was all distorted when Star tried looking at her.

"I don't work for Mina...she works for me...," Moon said in a distorted voice.

A terrified Star found herself running through the wilderness, Mina's giant minion's chasing her all the while watching all the hard work, she went into helping Eclipsa, helping the monsters, and trying to do what was right for Mewni get blown to bits...

And then they were there...

Quirky guy...


Talon Raventalon...


Her daughter (the unicorn from the realm of magic)....

Spider with a top hat...

Buff frog and his children...

All are screaming in agony, dying horribly; yelling things like: 'Why did your mom kill us, Star?'

'Why did you kill us Star?' yelled Spider with a top hat and her daughter unicorn.

Star suddenly finds herself surrounded by everyone who was displaced by the merge... all accusing her of ruining their lives because of the merge.

Star breaks down sobbing and pleading how sorry she is... then she looks up just in time to see a Solarian guard bring his boot down to crush her-


"Star wake up!" Marco shouted as he shakes her awake.

Star wakes up in a cold sweat from the nightmare she keeps on having. The night terrors have been causing her to lose lots of sleep and been happening to her for months on end. The nightmares come and go but they always return with Star waking up screaming.

"Star you need to have Princess Luna help you with these nightmares," Marco said worried about her.

"No, I don't need her help, I'm fine," Star said refusing.

"Star from what you told me about your nightmares," Marco said.

"No, I'm fine," Star said.

"Star is everything ok?" Moon ask behind the door.

"Yes mom," Star said cutting off Marco from telling Moon about her nightmares.

"That's good. Get dress and come down, I made breakfast and we need to start early if we're going to do the activities you have plan for us," Moon said.

"You heard her, we need to get ready," Star said.

"Ok," Marco said leaving to use the bathroom.

Star hastily gets her things while repeating a mantra over her breath over and over again...

"I'm happy, everyone is happy, I love my mom, my mom loves me. I have completely forgiven her! We all make mistakes and I love her! I have a good life, good family, good boyfriend, good friends. We are ALL happy! I am happy! I am happy! And it doesn't matter anyway; I never have to deal with kingdoms, betrayal and Mina ever again!" Star repeatedly told herself.


Canterlot -

The last couple of days had been crazy for Twilight since she return to Canterlot revealing where she's been for so long. The first thing that Twilight did was to reassure her parents that she's fine... but she wouldn't live in Canterlot and goes back to live with the beavers brothers Daggett and Norbert and Stump. Who have become part of the family, with Twilight Velvet and Night Light meeting the beaver brothers and their own parents and little sisters.

Sunset did come over after learning about Twilight showing up again, they talk and bound over being hurt by those they loved, namely Celestia. Sunset made sure she's fine, she left Twilight to her own devices but insists she sees a psychiatrist. Which turns out that she has been seeing one, that happens to be Stump who is fully licensed.

Sunset also made sure that Celestia doesn't have any say in anything by having a restraining order place on her. When Celestia confronted Sunset about the court order, Sunset replied that she had her chance and mess things up as she always did. Twilight has the help she needs and made some real friends while doing so, which Celestia would just ruin by trying to help. Seeing how her way of helping is getting rid of the problem by sending it away so that it be out of sight and mind. Like how she did with Luna and Sunset, finding it easier to just send the problem away then trying to fix things. Which Sunset told Celestia that there was no way that she'll ever be able to be her mother when she already had one who unlike her didn't just give up on her. Not to mention that Twilight doesn't want anything to do with her anymore, which she told her to her face.

Twilight does come to visit the shack having heard about it from the ads that she seen online, the paper, and on the TV. Both Daggett and Norbert would come with her as they enjoy the shack's stuff, while Twilight enjoys figuring out how those things work. For the ones that weren't made up by Stan that is, like the hampire that is just a piece of ham with fake vampire fangs on it. She can't believe some people like that stuff. She also spent time with Dipper and Wendy while she's at the shack studying the strange objects that Stan managed to get his hands on.

Then there was also the issue with her former friends who learned of Twilight's return. They all wanted to talk with Twilight and regain her trust, which Twilight wanted nothing to do with them. Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie tried and after being turn away by Daggett and Norbert when they showed up at the beaver dam, and were berated by Stump who explained why they're bad friends. Which sent the three sobbing away knowing that they're the ones who ruin the friendship they had with Twilight.

Then came Applejack and Rainbow Dash who were more forceful and they flat out threaten to smash the dam to bits if they weren't let in to see Twilight. Which Stump stood in their way which the two laugh him off as he's just a stump. Daggett and Norbert call the police to have them arrested, which they came by the police boat where they pick up the beaten Applejack and Rainbow Dash who learned that Stump wasn't one to be mess with.

That got them in trouble with Sunset who was furious when she finds out about the last two. She had Rainbow kicked out of the Wonderbolts which force her to find a new job. Rainbow Dash ended up trying to find work at one of the casinos that weren't owned by Sunset. She's now working as a show pony, entertaining the children in the section meant for them while their parents enjoyed themselves.

Applejack on the other hand was already having problems with her farm and her being arrested just added to the problems, but it did allow Applebloom to make her move to save the farm. Since the merge Applebloom unlike the rest of her family had taken to the new world they found themselves in like a duck to water. She went and made plenty of friends with the children of the new world, especially the children of Peach Creek. She made friends with a trio of boys there, Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Who being led by Eddy, the trio frequently invent schemes to make money, that both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo join up with too.

Speaking of the two, both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's parents are now spending more time with them since the merge. With Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents, Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, both of them aren't able to travel as much as they like anymore, thanks to all the changes that had happen thanks to the merge. Both of them are now working at the casinos and spending time with their kids now, and no longer just having Rarity take care of her sister all of the time.

As for Scootaloo's parents Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood both of whom use to be world traveling adventurers who study exotic plants and creatures for the advancement of science and medicine. And because both of them spend so little time with Scootaloo they had sent her to live with her Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty, when they came back to Ponyvile they had to face charges of parental abandonment. The charges were only drop after they talk with Sunset who gave them jobs at one of the resorts, and that they're no longer able to just spend years away from home while they have a child at home, and the only reason why they weren't being sent to jail was that they did had Snap Shutter's sister looking after Scootaloo. They need to think about their child then their own needs as till she's a full-grown adult they are bound by the law to take care of her.

Sunset brought up the case of a young Japanese man name Setani who had been abandon by his parents so that they could take care of other children in another country. Who after the merge happen the children's home they were running lost all of its funding and that's country's government took over and sent both of them back to their home country. Where they found that their now adult son Setani was now living with Mai who is a student of a Santa Claus Academy in her world, and now works as a Santa for the Japan's Santa branch. And were completely shocked that their now legal adult son wanted nothing to do with them and would do nothing to help them now that they're jobless and the bank they had their savings in went belly up.

Which happen alot around the world after the merge happen, thanks to largely how many of the bank's in some worlds were just ran poorly. Leaving them to fend for themselves as Setani stated in an interview that they cared more about other children and their wellbeing over his, their own son, never caring or treating him like any of the other children they cared for over him. And the only present they had ever sent him was a picture of them with the children they treated as if they were their kids instead of their own

After spending years away and no contact at all to their real child, they suddenly expect him to start treating them as his parents like they raised him and knows him on a personal level. They were shock when he doesn't want anything to do with them or make bonds with them as they had rather spend years away from him than bond with their child. Seeing how the years where it would have actually matter are long past, where they don't know a thing about him. And it's isn't a case where they couldn't return or have very important work that only they could do, they simply chose to care for children like their own while ignoring their real son. Which cause many people to take Setani's side and leaving his parents to fend for themselves. (1)

Sunset explain to both Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood that their parental abandonment of their child is over as she made laws that are very tough on bad parents. The only saving grace with them is them making sure that a family member was looking after their child in all the years that they were away. Sunset can look over them having jobs that have them traveling, like being in the army, working in the airlines, and other jobs like those. But both of them aren't working for anyone just themselves, who travel around to discover plants and animals while their child grows up without them.

Once Scootaloo becomes a teenager or a young adult, it be too late to form any real bond with her. When they finally decide to settle down after she has grown up and want to spend more time with her, she won't want to spend any time with them and all the old things that they use to know that Scootaloo love to do is now all out dated. Which Sunset used herself as an example of how things could end up happening when the parent namely her mother Celestia wants to bond with her, and she no longer wants to bond with her. So both Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are now staying put and being parents to Scootaloo so they wouldn't be labeled as bad parents.

Which is one of the big head liners in the news since the merge, seeing how many parents either have being abusive or outright abandon their children so that they could have fun all by themselves like the parents of Dimsdale who have all been labeled as bad parents with them jailed and having their children taken from them and the once wish granting fairies taking them in. And that's not even going into the mess that is Japan with the huge number of parents who are never there as their children did things from fighting to doing things that could get themselves killed. Cause many parents to be jailed to losing their kids because of child abuse or jailed for enabling their kids to commit crimes because of lack of supervision. (2)

Both Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood weren't the only ponies in trouble because of how they raised their children. By pony standards it's ok to leave their children in the care of others for years or spend a huge amount of time away from them, to letting them live far away and make a living for themselves. Like the Earth pony Cheese Sandwich who as a young fowl was allowed to leave his hometown and live on the road. Needless to say Sunset quickly made laws that prevented things like that from happening again.

Now while Rainbow Dash after paying her bail and awaiting her court date, she got off lightly compared to Applejack. Which to punish Applejack and for her to avoid going to jail which the Apple's couldn't afford to pay the bail for, Sunset made Applebloom in charge of the farm. Applebloom had been pestering her family about making some changes and improvements to the farm which they're against for tradition. And now with her in charge and getting a loan from Sunset, Applebloom cast out the Apple traditions from hiring non-Apple helpers to making deals with Film and Flam to modernize the farm. Which is the ultimate humiliation for Applejack to take.

Then came Candance who shows up, Twilight was happy to see her. Both of them were so happy to see each other and they reconnect and bonded. Candace thanks the beavers, and Stump for being there for her when she ran off. She also thank Dipper and Wendy for helping Twilight to stop hiding from her past and face it instead.

Shining Armor wanted to see Twilight too, but Candance forbids it along with his parents. Their relationship has been on the rocks since she was released from the catacombs and learned what happened to Twilight, and the fact Shining slept with Chrysalis while she was disguised as her. They'd called off the wedding and are in the middle of relationship counseling.

Then there was Spike who has been a mess since Twilight ran away. Celestia has taking care of him like she use to before he became Twilight's assistant. Without Twilight to give him self-worth, Spike fell into a depression, which Sunset sent him to a psychiatrist to help him with his issues. She also got him a job at one of the resorts which is run by dragons, which are all came from different worlds. There Spike learned how to be a dragon which the ponies being cowards never tried to befriend and know nothing about. So, all the things that Spike didn't know about himself he learned from the Equestian dragons who told him that he's still a young dragon who hasn't even grown his wings yet. Being around other dragons allowed him to learn all about what he's able to do and what kind of dragon he is.

Once Twilight came back, Spike went to her to say sorry that he didn't stand with her. Twilight forgave Spike seeing how he's still just a child, but he couldn't be her assistant anymore. Sunset told her about how Spike based all of his self worth on her approval, as she's his big sister to him. And with Celestia being the only mother he had known, which seeing how Sunset turn out because of her, Sunset made sure that Spike is being mentored by one of the Equestian dragons to learn about being a dragon and not a pony. Seeing how Spike was malnourished because of his pony style diet besides the gems he ate, as a growing dragon he needed to eat meat to grow big and strong. And now with his meat diet, Spike had really grown in the year since Twilight last seen him.


In a homeless camp -

The homeless camp is one of the many Uselessvilles that have sprang up which much like the ancient Hoovervilles' of the great depression this is where useless adults from other worlds came to live when no one else wanted them and their stupidity was no longer tolerated or praised. And like the old Hoovervilles they appeared just about everywhere as people who had nowhere else to go ended up.

Many adults from Dimsdale who after losing their jobs and kids ended up living in a Uselessvile as they couldn't afford to live in their old homes anymore. Like the Turners who after losing their child and making themselves look bad during the court hearing where they blindly told the court all about how they repeatedly left their son in the care of Vicky who was at that point has been arrested and convicted of child abuse, never caring about how many times or proof that their son showed them of her abusing him, which their son showed them during the court hearing which they just laugh it off and didn't care as they explained that they cared more about their own happiness then his, which is why they left him behind so they could enjoy having fun on their own. Which cause their own lawyer to give up on the case as they already paid her, seeing how they did that in front of the judge and jury. Them and many other adults lost everything and just ended up in a Uselessvile as there was no other place to go.

They weren't alone as Mr. Lancer former teacher at Casper High was there as well. Having his face disfigured, with his jaw broken where he couldn't speak right anymore, his car and home destroyed, losing his job, he had no place to go as no one would hire him. All of his savings went to hospital bills, which ran out quickly and after the hospital fix him up as much as the law allows them to, they sent him on his way. He had wanted to sue Danny but didn't had the money for it, let alone how no one cared about him.

Then there are the many cops who because of how useless they are and refuse to acknowledge any crime in the places they use to be employed in, have been banned from ever having any sort of power ever again. There are also plenty of Skyway Patrol members who also ended up there as no one would hire them. For unlike how their world worked, what they were able to do and get away with out in the open, doesn't work in their new world.

Depending on where the Uselessvile is located many of the jobs that are found there are waste management. Seeing how almost all of the Uselessvile are located in places that no one else wants to live. Many of those areas ended up as dumping sites for trash. That was before the new recyclers came out and now the people living in the Uselessviles sort out the trash for enough money to keep themselves alive. As even if the recyclers do break down everything into cubes, it was just easier to sort the trash out first so that the cubes wouldn't be such a big mess to sort out later. And using people from Uselessvile is just cheaper than robots.

The Uselessviles that use to be towns or cities on the other hand, did things differently. As there are still some businesses that are up and running in most of them, but the glory days are behind them. But are very clean thanks to people collecting trash to sell at recycling centers.

Suddenly an armored car with a government official shows up at the camp. The man and the woman got out of the car and the man grab a megaphone from the car. And began speaking into it to gather as many people as possible. Everyone in the area rushes over excited hoping it's something good like jobs for them.

A ragged woman who kept walking, not caring about the job offer that the government officials are offering or aid, or whatever. She's been on the road searching for the one who caused her to lose everything, the followers she had either abandoned her or died from one reason or another, leaving just her.

She kept walking until she reach the government aide buildings where the food and other supplies are kept. There people are already lined up for the watered down and tasteless food that's cheap which was brought in bulk. Like typical prison menus that are designed to be low-sugar, low-salt, and to contain a moderate amount of calories. But unlike prison food, the dietary, religious, and ethical concerns are not taken into consideration. They either eat what's offered or they don't eat. Then there are the shelters which are full, with a long wait list, all paid by taxpayer money.

While she waited in line for some food, she overhear some guards talking how they needed to move a magical object that was recovered from a compound. The woman didn't care about what they were saying till one of the guards ask whatever happen to that princess that destroyed the magic. Which one of the guards revealed that she's staying at Gravity Falls, which is where the magical item is heading to as well.

"Star! This whole mess is her fault!... well I'll show her!" the woman said to herself. She walks to the place where the trucks are all parked at and stows away on the truck headed for Gravity Falls Brighton. And found the magic item that the truck is transporting.


Gravity Falls Brighton -

In one of the fence off and hidden away is a nudist camp. Which is where the Butterfly party is currently at to partake in Star's father survival training, which means no shelter, food, or clothes. Being the reason why they're at a nudist camp where they be able to be naked and won't get in trouble for it. They're also joined by Tom who came to Gravity Falls to join in on the vacation with Janna who is his new girlfriend. The only one not around is Pony Head who is off doing a web video or something like that. Hearing about the nudist camp and how Star is going through her father's survival training Marco and the others were rope into joining as well. Mainly thanks to his parents learning about it and getting him to join in.

"Uh...sir?" Marco ask as he's awkwardly covering himself while trying to not stare at River's nudity.

"Please, call me River! You've more then earned that my boy!" River said as he gives him a whack on the back for emphasis that and knocked him over.

"Uh.... I get your really into survival training... but why have Star do the 'no clothes' bit? I mean... she's your DAUGHTER. Pretty sure you can get in trouble for that...," Marco said trying to ignore the pain in his spine.

River gave out a sigh.

"I agree, I actually wanted to exempt her from the whole thing so she could take a much deserved relaxing VACATION, but Star insisted! Said she wanted to do more things with my dear moonpie! Even went as far as to sign a waiver so I wouldn't get in trouble for it! ...which is weird, considering they've hardly spent any time together or talked together during this whole thing....," River explains as he trails off confused.

"Come on Marco it's not that bad," Kelly said who is covered by her hair.

"Easy for you to say, you got the hair to hide yourself," Marco said. "It's not you who has his parents running around naked."

"Well, they did got Eclipsa and Globgor to watch the babies," Kelly said.

"Come on Marco join in," Star shouted as she swings from a rope.

"Yes come on you," Kelly said brushing her hair away revealing her naked body to Marco who looks away. Kelly smirks as she grabs his hand and leads him to join in on the survival training. Enjoying how he's doing his best not to stare at her or Star's bodies.

Despite the initial awkwardness Marco had a fun time together with Star and Kelly, just nothing dirty just non-sexual activities they do naked... although Star is uncomfortable seeing Marco's family naked. And Marco is flustered to see Star's parents naked. But after Stars parents are forced to go home after River eats a beehive, they have time alone and Marco confronts Star.

"Look Star, I'm having a great time but what's been going on lately? Before this it was landmine testing, bear-baiting, blood hunting, mosquito poison racing... you set up all these activities that you claim are for you and your mom together... yet you don't spend anytime with her at all during it and invite as many other people as you can to spend time away from her with THEM," Marco ask.

"He's right, it is weird," Janna said who is lounging on a chair naked in the sun, next to an equally naked Tom.

"GAH!" Marco gasp as he tries to look away from her body.

Janna laughs as she gives him a pose.

"Yeah, I'm with Marco. I'm all for keeping our friendship together and bonding closer, but inviting your boyfriend AND Ex-boyfriend to a naked survivalist thing? That's just weird Star," Tom said.

"Seriously Star, what's going on with you recently?" Marco ask concerned.

Before Star can respond, she's nearly run over by a truck driven by Mina and Amanda sitting next to her. Marco having seen the truck coming out of the bushes had grab Star and pulled her out of the way as the truck zoomed by. As it pass he saw driving the truck was an aged Mina.

Tom seeing the truck having tried to run over Star went on the attack mode. He blasted the truck with fire which he could still throw around as it's a passive magic thing that his mother's side of the family could always used thanks to being demons. His fire drove Mina to race away before the truck was set on fire, leaving as fast as she came.

"What was that?" Kelly ask having came back from the restroom.

"Mina's here," Marco said as he pulls Star with him to the camp's main building where they could call the cops.


The next day at the shack -

Dipper is reading the newspaper having seen an article about the Roman gods who unlike their Greek counterparts showed up in Rome. The Roman gods had more controlled over themselves then their Greek counterparts even if they are more military in nature then them. They still have their powers unlike the Greek ones and seem to be from the world of Juniper Lee. They're now celebrities in Rome where they either work with the local government in the city of Rome or like Apollo who is now a music star.

And unlike the Greek gods there were many other lesser known gods who are now found in Rome. Like Cloacina the Roman goddess of the sewers and works with the sewer workers of the city. And is surprisingly one of the most powerful Roman gods, as unlike the other gods like Zeus who is known but no one really prays to him anymore. The Roman gods are powerful but the lion share of their powers are from mortals believing in them, which Cloacina's domain is one that everyone uses and believes in. (3)

Dipper also reads about XJ9 foiling another rouge A.I. attack using the Tallnecks who have spread around the country since the merge. Which caused the machine animals to run wild and for things running on computers to go haywire. Which lead to many cities on the East coast being damaged before the A.I. was stop, with most of the damage being caused by the blackouts. In the aftermath of the attack, a company called Anderson's Robotics is offering to rebuild the affected cities for free, and them approaching Mr. House for a potential merger. Seeing how Mr. House already has household robots market cornered, with his robots who are all be remodeled to work better than they were before.

"Hey Dipper, I think I finally figured out the copier," Twilight voice called out to him getting his attention.

He then puts the paper aside and goes back to working on the clone-copier with Twilight. He discovered the copier that Stan has been using cause things to come to life, after he accidentally copied his hand and brought it to life. Which he then got rid of with some water that spilled on it. He called Twilight about it who has been trying to figure out how it works. He even showed her the journal which had a drawing of the crystal bulb which can make shadow copies of anything it's shined on but it only last as long as the light is making a shadow.

Dipper also told Twilight about the flashes he gets now and then of things that were going to happen, like how he knew about where to find the journal. And that he had a flash of him using the copier to make copies of himself so that he could keep Wendy and Robbie apart during the upcoming party at the shack. Twilight points out that his visions as he sees it won't happen as not only does his and Wendy's bond seem stronger but Wendy is still not talking to Robbie after what happen at the store, and theorizes that he might be seeing an alternate timeline which has become more unlikely thanks to all the 'changes' Dipper has made thanks to said flashes.

In the copier room, Twilight had taken the copier apart and finding that the bulb is made out of some kind of crystal and that there are tons of gears in it that a normal copier shouldn't have in it and some kind of red liquid inside of a glass container that the light of the crystal bulb is focus through. Which somehow cause anything that the copier scans of a living being is brought to life but in paper form.

"What did you find out?" Dipper ask.

"Well from what I seen and just guessing, the author of the journal. Went and used several magical items to make this copier. Which, I'm guessing the author used to study dangerous creatures without having to deal with the real thing. Seeing how all it takes to get rid of the copy is some water," Twilight said.

"Cool, I'll be able to create a clone army and keep everyone away from Wendy while, I do my list," Dipper said talking about the party that just got started in the shack.

"No that's a bad idea," Twilight said having a flashback to the Smartypants incident. "Dipper take it from me, living life by a list will get you nothing but trouble. But more importantly, They might be clones but they're still you and I'm guessing with all of your memories. Getting rid of the clone will be killing a copy of you."

"You're right. Bringing to life a clone that will just die with some water would be horrible. Like those quick clones that the MIB used, knowing that once your time is up you just end up melting to goop be horrible," Dipper said thinking about it.

"That's the reason why you shouldn't use this on anything that's sapient. There be a lot of ethical issues if you do that with a clone that will just die easily," Twilight said. She said just as she had a flash of a memory regarding a weird pond and an army pinkies staring at a wall with drying paint.

"Twilight?" Dipper ask.

"I think... I think I just had my own flash forward and it's about me zapping clones of Pinkie and not caring if I might had ended up getting rid of the real one," Twilight said shaking her head.

"Huh... Maybe those flashes show what you would had done if it wasn't for the merge," Dipper said thinking out loud.

"Maybe, but will theorize more later. Just to be safe we should focus on making sure that this clone machine is disable so there won't be any accidental cloning," Twilight said.

"Did someone say cloning?" Mabel ask as she walks in.

"We discover that this copier makes clones of living beings, but they die once they get wet," Dipper said.

"Is that why you two are missing the party?" Mabel ask not paying attention to what Dipper said as normal.

"We'll grab some food and drinks later," Twilight said.

"Come on you two are missing everything, Sunset and her sisters are here as well as those campers," Mabel said.

"Nope we're too busy here," Dipper said.

"Wait, I know," Mabel said as she goes over to the copier and aims the copy screen at the two. Thinking of the prospect of another brother to try out her 'peanut butter, jelly and macaroon' costume idea and clones Dipper before he can stop or objects.

"Hey!" Mable shouted as Twilight had toss a bunch of blank papers in front of Dipper at the last second and block the flash.

The copier only copied some paper and Twilight followed with her bucking Mable away from the copier.

"You idiot!" Twilight shouted.

"Mable weren't you listening? You would had killed me!" Dipper said.

"What?" Mable ask getting up.

"I said that any clone made from the copier, WILL DIE when they get wet. The copy you would have created would know that he will die when he gets wet," Dipper said as he pulls the plug cutting off the power of the copier.

"I… wasn't listening," Mable said.

"Well maybe next time you will or next time I won't be around to stop you from being stupid," Twilight said.

A loud crash and the house shaking cause all of them to stop what they were doing and run out of the room.


Earlier In The Shack -

The party is in full swing as the kids are enjoying themselves after they paid to get in that is. The party is in the house but is also spread out to the outside because of all the kids who showed up. Thanks to the campers from Camp Lakebottom coming to the party with several of the camp counselors coming with them, not to mention Sunset and her sisters showing up, the party is packed. Causing more people to show up at the party once it hit the social network, as long as they paid first that is. Stan is outside making sure that no one crashes the party without paying first.

"This is it guys, this is the big leagues," Eddy said as he, Edd and Ed walk up the road to the Mystery Shack. They gotten on a bus that took them from Peach Creek to Gravity Falls after hearing about the party.

"This be fun!" Edd yelled out.

"Too bad we're going to be working," Ed pointed out.

"So, what. We'll be with the big kids and no longer having to deal with the same old crowd of the cul-de-sac. It's like they're the only kids around most of the time," Eddy said.

"Hey, we're right here," Nazz said as she and the other kids had tagged along to join the party. Of course, unlike the Ed boys they had to pay to get in.

"Just be glad we're letting you tag along," Eddy grumbles back.

Since the merge things in Peach Creek had greatly changed from what was normal. For one Kevin isn't seen as the cool kid anymore thanks to all the new kids that filled the school and surrounding neighborhoods, which the kids couldn't remember the last time they actually interacted with other kids besides themselves before the merge. Not to mention the adults who suddenly they're able to see and aren't out of view. With how much of a jerk Kevin acts no one outside of the little group of the cul-de-sac, wanted to have anything to do with him. Seeing how he keeps calling everyone who he doesn't like dork. Not to mention that he's no longer the tough one in school as older and bigger kids took that spot.

The there's Sarah who quickly learn that acting as a spoiled brat no longer something that people just put up with. It caused her to be the most dislike kid in school. And that her going around destroying things will get her in trouble, not to mention that she can't beat up much bigger and older kids like she could with the cul-de-sac kids. The last time she got in a fight with older kids she got beaten badly and when she tried to lift something bigger and heavier then her, it caused her to pull her muscles off of her bone. Due to that she can hardly lift things anymore without hurting herself. Not to mention that the teachers had taken a disliking to her because of the damage that she does and all that screaming she does.

Jimmy quickly became the known as the lamest and the crybaby of the school. He tried to blame the Ed's to get back at them after another one of Eddy's money-making scams, with the Ed's selling Zap Apple jam that they made themselves, ending with Jimmy covered in jam and bugs with everyone laughing at him. To get back at them, Jimmy ruin the school wide project dealing in planting a school garden, but unlike before the school didn't just believe that the Ed's did it. The school had installed cameras and caught Jimmy pouring weed killer into the planting soil. Needless to say Jimmy got in deep trouble and now is pick on by all the other students for ruining their hard work.

Nazz found herself no longer the school beauty as there are now plenty of other girls around. Nazz just became one of the crowd with her only standing out when it was just her and the cul-de-sac kids. She just wasn't that interesting to stand out anymore, with so many other girls around.

Jonny on the other hand somehow became an internet star be posting videos of him and Plank. People found him interacting with Plank very interesting for some reason and the money he makes from the ads on his videos made him the only kid at school who wasn't dependent on his parents to give him money. Making Jonny and Plank very popular around school

Seeing money signs, the Ed boys soon began making their own videos of their money making scams and became a hit as well. They did have to tone down the scams as if they do something illegal they would have proof that they filmed themselves of doing the deed.

Rolf never really fitting in because of his refusal to learn a new culture to his own. With so many other kids around after the merge happening the other kids stop hanging out with him as he wasn't the only other kid anymore. Rolf did find some new friends with the other kids who came from farms but like Nazz, he just became part of the crowd. Rolf is depressed as his country of origin isn't here in this world, making him and his family the only ones who follow their culture.

"Hey Eddy, you and the other Eds get over here," Stan yelled waving for him and the other two Eds to cut in line. He and Soos are keeping an eye on who gets into the party, backed up by several eyebots that Stan rented from someplace to act as guards.

"Hi Mr. Pines," Eddy greeted him.

"Alright you and your friends help out inside with Wendy and the kids," Stan said.

"Sure thing Mr. Pines Eddy said as he, Ed and Edd went inside. After one visit to the shack where Eddy tried to scam Mr. Pines who wasn't fooled at all being a experienced conman, turn the tables on Eddy. So now every now and then he'll call Eddy and his friends to work at the shack for free, while teaching Eddy his conman skills.


Inside -

The party is in full swing with the kids enjoying themselves or helping themselves to the food and drinks being served by Mr. Handy who is also acting as the bouncer of the party. Wendy is also making sure the party wouldn't get too wild and that the party goers wouldn't damage the shack. They're helped by Sunset's sisters who came for the party who are all adults and help keep the kids from getting too wild. Seeing how all of them are giant amazons, it was very easy for them to keep the younger kids in line. Of course seeing how they are amazons the boys are mostly interested in them while the girls are jealous at how attractive they are.

The human Applejack and Applebloom congratulating pony Applebloom on her recent success at running her family farm. And pony Applebloom asks if they'd be interested in doing business with her farm. The human learned how pony Applejack is still sulking over how she had to take orders from her little sister and that her little sister is better at keeping the farm afloat than she was.

Human Rarity is talking with Strawberry Shortcake and her friends who came from Big Apple city for the party, and also Rainbow Brite and the color kids who also came. She wanted to make clothes themed after them as they have become very popular. She points out that they should make money while they're hot, so that later they have a lots of savings to fall back on later.

Human Fluttershy talking to Wendy about the habits and ecology Deer Women. While pony Fluttershy with a bunch of eco friendly kids who is expressing her concerns how the pampered Equestrain animals aren't adapting well to a world where the ponies aren't in control of everything and they have to do things themselves without the ponies to take care of them. Like how a domesticated animal struggles adapting when released back into the wild. The ponies are having enough trouble in making a living in the new world they found themselves in, to bother taking care of animals as well.

Human Rainbow Dash is getting annoyed of people saying how sorry they were she got kicked of the Wonderbolts, them confusing her with pony Rainbow Dash. The pony Rainbow Dash wasn't at the party as she's busy working at her new job. While on the dance floor the human Pinkie Pie is dancing.

"Come on, do the Pinkie! Do the Pinkie! Do the Pinkie!" Pinkie shouted.

"No thanks," human Maud said with their other sisters, Limestone and Marble.

"DO THE PINKIE!" human Pinkie shouted at her sisters.

Molly McGee and Libby Stein-Torres are with Andrea Davenport, their other friends Kat, Sheela, and Tammy Myers are elsewhere in the party. Molly's brother Darryl is stuffing himself with pizza and soda. Off to the side Sunset is talking with her fellow princess Melody the mermaid princess, along with Pacifica.

Nearby Rose is talking with Trixie.

"Oh, yeah, Jake's been having crazy problems with the whole 'clothes disappear when transformed' thing ever since the merge," Rose said to Trixie who learned that Wendy keeps spare clothes around in the forest because her clothes don't just reappear when she turns back to human.

"Come on guys, stop telling that story!" an embarrassed Jake said as he walks up to the two.

"Really? Why it's not like there is anything to see. I've seen you plenty of times and I'm not gonna lie. You're smoother than a ken doll 'down there'," Trixie pointed out.

"It's the same with other reptiles. It all goes inside of us. It's the reason why you don't see anything hanging under a male snake or lizard," Jake said face red and looks to Danny who is laughing at something. Being eager to change the subject. "What's so funny Danny?"

Danny holds up his phone, streaming news coverage. "Get this, my old 'friend', Tucker thought to ride my coattails and try to run for mayor in my old town!"

"Isn't he 14?" Trixie ask incredulous to the news.

"HA! well that had to be a short campaign," Jake stated.

"That's the best part... it was!" Danny said smirking. "Him being my 'former' friend made him so popular those idiots gave him the job on the spot!"

Jake sputters at the idiocy of this while Trixie laughs.

"So, what did he do?" Rose ask.

"About as well as can be expected, that idiot sunk all of the cities few remaining resources and revenue to bring the city 'into the future'," Danny explains.

"So what? He made the city automated? Gave everyone the latest gadgets? Tossed out everything low tech or obsolete?" Rose ask confused.

"All of the above! He ripped out the whole towns infrastructure and bankrupted the city doing so. By giving everyone gadgets that they didn't need/want/use/know how to use and trying to set down new infrastructure how he wanted and not consulting anyone how to assimilate it into the city properly. The city collapsed with an hour of the cities 'grand re-opening!," Danny explains showing a picture of a Tucker being tared, feathered and run out of town on a splintery rail by an angry crowd of naked girls (including Sam and Paulina). The only girl missing was Valerie Grey due to her moving out of town with her father after she got a job with the government using her ghost fighting equipment. (4)

"Wait, why are they naked?" Jake ask.

"Tucker made all the girls in town wear 'anime style' clothes so naturally they crumbled like paper within the hour. Seeing how he ordered them straight from Japan from company which came from a world where clothes just fall apart with any damage," Danny explains. (5)

Rose face showed how annoyed she was with the information. "For crying out loud! Where was the governor during all this? Tucker should never have been mayor in the first place!"

Danny merely shrug. "He had bigger things to worry about what with that rouge A.I. making all those machines from Alloy's world go amuck, by the time he found out what was happening, the town was already ruined. And he more or less washed his hands of them. They're now just another 'Uselessville'.

Danny showed a picture of townspeople and the still naked girls huddling who are using rags to cover themselves, shivering around a dumpster fire. Then he showed some more pictures of how the town fell apart because of what Trucker did as the businesses and stores closed down and those who could move to other towns. There is also a picture of Dash who is crippled because of Danny, having to wear arm and leg braces just to be able to move around, his face disfigured, unable to eat solid food because of his missing teeth. He and the other jocks who were crippled as well by Danny, are lining up at a job fair trying to find work. With any chance of them becoming big football stars gone, and their medical bills piling up, their parents are forcing them to either find a job, get work skills where even if they're cripple, they can still work or get out. As their parents had enough to worry about with many losing their jobs and their sons being a drain on what is left of their savings.

Star was about to get another soda when screaming was heard outside and the same truck that almost hit her came crashing into the shack. With the truck's front was now sticking halfway in where the front door use to be. Bursting out of the driver seat came Mina who's body is now like it was made out of metal and she's armed with a sword. (6)

"Hello princess," Mina said pointing the sword at Star.

"Mina!" Star gasp.

"You may have everyone else on this dirt clog fooled but I KNOW BETTER!" Mina ranted.

"You call me a monster? Well, what does that make you? I only massacred a village! You massacred entire universes in our old world! Ledgerdomain! World of Exalted! The Planeswalkers world! XANATH! Discoworld! The Genie Realm! The realm of magic! Your Mother fracking spells! All dead because of you!" Mina rants.

"And you gave me no choice," Star said.

"And say what you will about me. At least I'm brave enough to tackle my enemies head on! Did you do that? NO! You ran like a coward, killed magic and destroyed countless lives just because you didn't want to destroy an already broken city! Good call dumb-dumb!" Mina ranted.

Star could only step back from Mina.

"And at least I'm strong in MY convictions! You? You're a hypocrite! All this flak aimed at me... but it takes two to Tango, doesn't it? Can't help but notice no one talks about MOON's roll in that whole fiasco? Hmm? Where's her punishment? Where's her ostracization? Where's the demonization of HER belief systems and all she fought for?! Huh!? I never would've gotten all that armor without her help! Sebastian was good, but even he would've taken years to get that much! Never mind that short amount of time I had to work with! SHE convinced the citizens of her 'town' to be my army! She was the one who cast the Solaria's Mega-spell on them! And yet... you SAID NOTHING! YOU NEVER TOLD ANYONE ABOUT WHAT YOUR MOTHER DID YOU HYPOCRITICAL, COWARDLY, STUPID LITTLE BIT...," Mina was ranting till she was cut off.

"Alright that's it!" Danny growls as he went ghost and fire beams of energy at Mina.

Mina rolled out of the way and summon the sword back to her hand. Danny fired more energy blasts at Mina who block them with the sword. As that was happening the kids in the crowd moved as far as they could from the battle, with Sunset's sisters protecting the younger kids. A young girl who had been keeping to herself during the entire party, sneak off to the room where Dipper and Twilight had been working with the copier. She was near when she overheard them yelling at Mable for trying to copy her brother.

"Watch out she has a magic sword," Jake shouted to Danny.

"I know. Don't get hit by it," Danny said as he avoided Mina's sword swings at him.

"Take her outside!" Wendy shouted.

"Right away!" the Mr. Handy chime in as it flew into Mina taking her for a ride and slam her threw a window.

"You have to do better than that!" Mina shouted getting back up and pointing the sword at Danny and Jake who is in his dragon form.

"Don't have to," Jake said pointing to the side.

"I'm not falling for that," Mina said.

An energy beam strikes the sword breaking it in half.

"What?" Mina ask looking to the side and her eyes widen seeing, XJ-8 firing a missile that slams into Mina and takes her skywards where it blows up in a massive fireball.

"Sword recover," XJ-8 said picking up the sword pieces that Mina drop.

"What is it?" Jake ask.

"This sword once touch by an organic being, will transform the holder into a metallic being. Any organic being who is hit be the blade disappears, we're still trying to locate what happens to them," XJ-8 explains.

"So, what are you going to do with it?" Danny ask.

"I'm going to throw them into a recycler that will break it down into cubes," XJ-8 said as she flies into the air into space and back to home in the space station.

Inside the shack Sunset was leaning out of the window having watched along with the others watched what happen outside.

"She got here faster than I thought," Sunset said.

"Wait you called the giant robot?" Lincoln asked.

"Of course, I did, with how many things that have been happening it's a good idea to have more than one hero on the call," Sunset said.


Meanwhile, Star is still contemplating the talk she'd had with Mina...

"Did I really do the right thing? Or just the easy thing? I remember those Law and Order episodes where they go after big companies after finding their connection to smaller cases. Like the mother who was medicating her psychotic son with her own meds that she got from mail order via the company," Star said to herself.

"It didn't matter her insurance company wouldn't pay for her sons expensive meds, it didn't matter that the school refused to assist with the boy, it didn't matter she was giving him pills that wouldn't treat his symptoms because the school demanded she give him 'something'. It didn't matter what the company was doing was totally legal," Star said to herself.

"The minute they have a big obvious target like big pharma, all of the actual guilty parties were moved aside to take on the 'big obvious target' that was as guilty as the blacksmith who made the sword rather than the guy wielding it," Star said to herself. (7)

"Come on Star, what choice did you have? The only other option was Eclipsa's 'spell of destruction' and that would have destroyed Mewni!" Marco said who is close enough to hear Star talking to himself.

"Oh, so as long as my world's okay that makes fraking over a hundred other worlds fine and dandy!?" Star asked sarcastically.

"Uh...," Marco said.

"I'm sorry or butting in...," Sunset said stepping in. "But while were on the subject... did you really forgive your mother after what she did?"

"Hey come on, that's a bit personal," Marco said.

"Of course, I forgave Her! With magic gone," Star said.

"I'm sorry how did magic have anything to do with her betraying you?" Sunset ask.

Star is dumbstruck... and she thinks it over.

"Wow... Is that what I did? Destroy magic because it was easy to blame one big, easy target that I could get ride of easily... instead of facing the reality that so many of my people were horribly backward and racist? Or.... the fact that my mom betrayed me and nearly destroyed all I helped build simply because she didn't trust Eclipsa. No... because she didn't trust me? That she was willing to trust that psychopath MINA over her own Daughter!?" Star said out loud.

"Pretty much," Sunset stated.

"I need to be alone...," Star said going off. IN the background the cops are talking with Stan as the party is over and everyone is leaving.

Marco glares at Sunset. "Thanks a lot."

Sunset just shrugs.

"Hey, pretending your happy and okay doesn't mean you are and clearly she was pretending she had forgiven her mother just so they could be a family again. Maybe she even was able to convince HERSELF she was happy... but she wasn't. Trust me, that kind betrayal," Sunset said as she thinks of Celestia. "There's no happy ending there."


Back at Canterlot Castle -

Catching a ride Star went back to the castle where she would confront her mother. She enters the VIP area of the castle where she and the others are staying at. There she found her mother with some bake goods on a table.

"Oh, good to see you Star! I made more of your favorite," Moon said.

"Mom... we need to talk," Star said.

Moon looks concerned seeing how down Star is.

"Mom... I'm not happy... and I DON'T forgive you. ...I never did. I lied to you... and myself. Nothing would make me happier to say I was happy and I forgave you... but I'm not and I don't. I watched a memory of what happened when you got sucked into the magic realm... Eclipsa was THIS close to getting through to Meteora and calming her down. But you ruined it! Yes, Eclipsa, shouldn't have done what she did. But your as much to blame for what happened as she was! But I'm not mad at that," Star said.

"Star...," Moon said caught off guard from Star opening up to her.

"I could forgive you for that, I could forgive you for not trusting Eclipsa, I could even forgive you for not warning me about Mina being up to something at the castle. Yes, I found out about that. Let's be honest, you MORE then deserved a vacation from being responsible for everyone. But what you did... this isn't about not trusting Eclipsa... you... DIDN'T TRUST ME. I sacrificed so much to help Eclipsa's dream of equality become a reality, a dream you nearly destroyed! You nearly got so many of my friends killed. Strike that, a friend of mine DID die! All because you trusted a bigoted whack job over your own flesh and blood! YOU TRUSTED, CRAZY AS A LOON AND BLOODTHIRSTY, MINA' OVER ME AND WE ALL NEARLY DIED BECAUSE OF IT!" Star takes numerous breaths to calm herself.

"Star calm down," Moon said in tears seeing how much she had messed up with Star.

"I can relate with Sunset with her relationship with her mom, Celestia. You and Celestia both thought little of us your daughters when it came to what you think is right. And look what happen, Sunset gave up in ever having a loving relationship with Celestia as she has her human family. But with me... do you have any idea what destroying the magic has done? How many magical beings who were only alive because of spell casting magic? All of the spells in the wand? All the magical beings who were living their lives before I destroyed the magic that were keeping them alive? All the cultures out there that depended on magic to survive? What you think happen when, I destroyed the magic? The only reason why those who survive aren't in worse shape is because of the merge happening bringing all of the different dimensions together. But it still means that, I'm responsible for the deaths of countless magical beings or others who were only alive because of a spell cast on them. You did this to me. You made me become that Thanos guy from the Avengers movie, who wipe out half the universe. You made me become him, you made me become the queen of genocide. Mom... I can't be your daughter anymore... one day I might find it in my heart to forgive you... but not today... and not till you earn it," Star said breaking down before she runs from the room crying.

Moon is heartbroken and then she sees her husband having listened in.

River just looks at her disappointed, he looks like he wants to say something but stops himself.

"I'm going with our daughter, for the record. I ALWAYS trusted her, I'm sorry you couldn't do the same," River said as he leaves room also in tears.

Moon just found herself walking till she somehow ended up in the bar which is part of the dining hall of the castle. She sat down at the counter where she order a drink from one of the kitchen staff. She is joined by Celestia who sat down besides her.

"I couldn't help but overhear," Celestia said.

"We really mess up with our daughter's lives haven't we," Moon said.

"At least you have years of you and your daughter having a loving bound with each other. As for me, I only have a few short years not even going past 4 years before I mess it all up and now my teenage daughter has taken over and cut me out of her life as I did with her. I never once bothered to contact her in all that time when it was right there. It would had been something when it would had mattered. Instead, I wasted so many years and now that I want to have a mother and daughter relationship with Sunset, she doesn't want it and already has a loving mother, father and sisters," Celestia said sadly.

"Both of us miss our chances when it would have matter with both of our daughters," Moon agreed.


Elsewhere -

Star is walking around the Canterlot garden in a melancholy manner during which a song is being played.


To her surprise she finds Marco who brought along a group of friends they had made while on this trip. Even Jenny came after hearing what happen from her sister XJ-8. All came to help Star feel better and move past it. But Star points out how much she feels guilty among other things because of her being part of the reason why the world's merged in the first place.

"For what it's worth Star... I'm glad you did what you did. If not for you I'd still be stuck in that friendless hellhole of a world constantly saving stupid jerks from an even stupider jerks," Dib adds.

"From what I've seen of other worlds... if not for what you did, I probably would've just forgiven my family for what they did and just let them keep treating me like garbage," Lincoln spoke up.

"Rose is still with me and I'm no longer trapped in my 'destiny'," Jake said holding Rose's hand.

"And I found my real family because of you," Rose adds.

"I'm no longer have to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders. Now I can just enjoy my life with my girlfriend without worrying about having to be the only one who does anything to protect the world," Korra said.

"I'm way better off then I was before," Danny adds.

"Me too," Dani adds.

"I can leave Orchid Bay and was free to let my friends in on my secret! Thank you Star!" Juniper said.

Harry gave a smirk. "If I told you how much I was grateful for you... we'd be here all day..."

"My sisters are free to be themselves!" XJ-9 said.

"Star... you helped me get closure with my mom Celestia... I can't say if that's good or bad yet... but I'm definitely better for it... thank you," Sunset said.

Mr Scotsman who is there with the rest of the family gives her a hug. "Ah, las! Thank yah! Cause of you my family lives in a castle instead of a rinky-dink farm!"

Everyone gives him a weird look.

"What? I mean it! My family is happier now! That farm was a dump. We only stayed there because there was no place that could hold and support all of us," Mr Scotsman said.

"Thank you...," Star said crying.


At the farm own by Doctor Von Reichter -

The good doctor look at the body of Mina who somehow survived the explosion, thanks to her metal body. Mina is bound to a wheeled gurney by metal clumps. He never worked on a inorganic being before. He knew having the Fix Idea's spying on Gravity Falls would lead to him finding something useful.

"Boss I found something you be very interested in," a young girl said as she enters the room with a full backpack.

"What have you got for me?" Reichter ask the young girl. She is one of his new minions that he created, experiment 053 or Babydoll. Who because of her appearance could blend in without anyone taking notice of her. (8)

"While everyone was too busy watching the fight, I went and got a clone machine. I took the notes and what I could grab and carry before anyone saw me," Babydoll said as she opens the backpack and pulls out the notes that Twilight made and the glass container with the red liquid and the crystal bulb.

"Good work Babydoll," Reichter said picking up the glass container and stares at the red liquid inside.

"What about my friend?" Babydoll ask.

"He isn't ready to come out of his tank just yet. Give it time and you'll be able to go on missions together," Reichter explains as he took the backpack from Babydoll. He turns to the Fix Ideas. "Take the new test subject to the lab and put her in a container cell."

The Fix Ideas wheeled Mina away as Reichter walk to his other lab where he'll be able to study what Babydoll brought him and figure out how it works. Yes, he'll be able make great breakthroughs with his research once he figures out how it works. Babydoll went off on her own to where her friend is kept at, who is still in his tank like she was not long ago.

Inside his lab Reichter place the objects on a table where a scanner overhead scanned them for data. With all the new technology and his skills he had already, he was making breakthroughs that would had taken him years to do in his old world. Reichter waited as the scanner did it's job and to pass the time he went to check the two tanks that held his newer experiments.

One tank held a giant of a woman that he managed to clone from samples her managed to get his hands on. Thanks to the right pay offs here and there. The other tank held the remains of a creature that his men found in the woods. It was badly burnt, and it was amazing that it managed to survive as long as it did before dying of blood lose. Once he knows how the cloning machine works, he'll be able to clone as many test subjects as he wants without having to deal with the cost that each clone came with.


In Space -

Since the merge happen many new alien races and cultures appeared throughout the universe. With many galactic empires and other powers clashing, many have tried to stay on the sidelines till the dust settles. While others who lost more or less had taken up hiding and reeking a living as best as they could. On a small outpost of a desert world which was only settle for the massive amount of a scarce and volatile fuel source that most of the spaceships in that sector of space used. In the settlement that sprang up around one of the drilling pits where the fuel is collected, a new comer came into the town.

Vlad Masters also known as Plasmius has been traveling searching for the ones that Bill Cipher sent him to find and in exchange he'll help him get his revenge on Danny Phantom. He was floating in space when Bill Cipher contacted him while he was sleeping and told him of his plan that would let him get his revenge.

On this planet he would find the first of many that Bill wanted on the team. He walk past all the buildings till he reach the junkyard of the settlement which is just a pit where the trash is thrown. And where his target is located.

In the pit in a shack is former Queen Vexus who been banish from her planet by her own daughter. With the only one still loyal to her being Krackus. Since the merge both of them ended up on this planet where they pick through the leftovers and salvage the fuel from the drilling operation to keep them powered up. The reason why they're on this dust bowl of a planet is because the bounty on their heads, also by Vexus daughter. Currently both of them are looking through a new trash pile for anything they could use.

"Former Queen Vexus and her loyal minion Krackus," Plasmius said walking up to the two.

"What do you want with me?" Vexus ask wondering who this person is, she never seen his kind before.

"I'm here to offer you some revenge against that robot from planet Earth," Plasmius said.

"And what would you know about Earth?" Vexus ask.

"I know enough, I'm from that world and I have a friend who can help both of us," Plasmius said.

"And what does your friend have to offer?" Vexus ask wondering what the man is planning.

"Ask him yourself," Plasmius said producing a gem that he made allowing his new friend to project himself into this realm easier.

"HELLO FORMER QUEEN VEXUS," Bill Cipher said as he appeared from the gem. "I'M HERE TO MAKE A DEAL."


Author's Notes -

1 - Itsudatte My Santa!

2 - With the number of parents of anime and manga kid stars that are always away and those who are so hands off that they don't mind their kids facing death almost every day. It be easier to list off the kids who have both parents in their lives. I know that in Japan there is a big different culture in how to raise children but there are child laws which many of the parents in anime and manga break all the time.

How many animes or mangas that you can name off the top of your head where the kid star of the series has both of their parents alive and not away overseas or never around at all?

3 - The gods feed on mortals praying to them or doing something that feeds to their domain of power. Which for war gods when there is battle which empowers them to great levels then what it would be in peace time. For Cloacina the goddess of the sewers, seeing how everyone uses toilets which is part of her domain, she is greatly more empowered then gods whose domains aren't used as widely or prayed too anymore.

4 - In real situations, the subject was forcibly stripped fully or half naked and covered in hot tar, which if hot enough would burn badly. There was probably a beating or two along the way. After being feathered, the person would be humiliated by being carried around on a rail not a rounded pole the cross-section is square or rectangular, and the corners undoubtedly dug in. That's where most fiction ends. Then consider that if the person survived, the cooled tar would need to be removed aggravating the burns and ripping out hair. Being tarred and feathered was never a good or easily-overcome thing. Everyone would remember what was done to you.

5 - Seeing how many animes and mangas have female clothes bursting and ripping at the slightest impact. The clothes would be very poor and sown together to break so easily. Where anyone trying to wear it in a realist setting it would break apart even when they're just walking around.

6 - SCP 2200

7 - The law and order dialogue was contributed by Wolvenstorm.

8 - SCP 053
