
Furuichi and the Dimensional Chat Group of Disaster

???: Furuichi give me some Lucky talisman. ???: Furuichi teach me magic. ???: Furuichi do you have a new fish recipe? also erza is pissed and looking for you. ???: Furuichi-san how do you make some friends. ???: Furuichi! ???: Furuichi! ... 'Just how did my second life become troublesome?' I thought. "Furuichi fight me!" some random delinquent run towards me. "Furuichi-kun ? woul you join my peerage?" a sexy red haired devil is tempting me. "Furuichi what's the answer of this question?" an idiot asked me. "How did my life become troublesome?' I asked as I look at the sky and saw a cloud giving me the middle finger. 'F*ck off!!!' _____________________ Inspired by: Cultivation Chat Group and Sis-con with Dimensional Chat group I don't own any characters, this is just an idea and a fanfic

Simping_4_Akali · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 36: The forgotten touch of technology.

Kingdome of Belzerg, Axel

Yunyun was typing slowly with glasses in the laptop that was sent by Furuichi.

A beautiful and well-endowed woman with fair skin and a curvaceous figure approached the typing grandm- I mean Yunyun.

She has brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders and further behind her back, slightly curling at the tips. Her fringe sometimes covers her right eye. She also possesses a single ahoge that arcs off the top of her head, She is Wiz a lich and a former general from the demons ling's army and Yunyun friend in Axel.

"Yunyun, where did you get that?" Wiz asked Yunyun. Wiz noticed that various things happen with Yunyun after she sold her only product that has been sold in her store for the whole two months. It's a black flat square which she seems to act strange as she keeps on tapping the 'phone' which is the things called and she seems to smile more and happy.

"Oh? this is called a laptop that has been sent by my friend. He asked me to do some research about runes, natural laws and rules of the world. I am still new to this thing but I am sure what I find will make my friend happy." Yunyun said with a smile.

"I see, are you sure that he is a good friend? I am sorry for doubting but I am really worried for you since I don't know this people that you said from other dimension." Wiz said with a worried tone.

"Hehehe... Don't worry, they are really nice. Happy is really nice and we are like the same but he always make me happy and cheers me up. Garp-san is like a caring and carefree Grandpa and very nice. Furuichi is like a playboy and a little pervert but he seems nice, serious and funny and really smart, then finally Tama-nee, she is really naughty but very caring as well and very nice to me. She and Furuichi are really great friends as they talk more and seems very close." She said with a happy smile as she described what she observe from her interaction with her otherworldly friend.

"I see, is there anything I can help you with?" she asked.

"Yes, can you get me some books about some runes, about the elements of the world and some laws about the natural world?" Yunyun asked.

"Ah, sure." Wiz agreed and goes to the back to get some books that Yunyun asked.

"Hmm... let's see. Rune effect is writing a rune word that will have effect on how that word is understood in the world. Example of this is repel and attract rune..." Yunyun continue to read one of Furuichi research.

"One of the major example of a branch towards this power is written magic: Word. I hypothesis that any written word that is a common understanding to the world will execute the exact effect, one of example is fire. Writing the word for will transform that word into actual fire." (Example of this are Solid Script by Levy from Fairy Tail if I remember correctly and Word Magic by Hiiro Okamura of Konjiki no Wordmaster)

"Amazing, I didn't know that furuichi-san is this smart and have this broad imagination. along with trying if it will work" Yunyun said as she keeps ok reading some of Furuichi research and testing some things if they actually worked. The Word magic works as she try to write in the air by using non attributed Mana and wrote in the air 'Fire' and that word turned to actual fire.

"It's very costly though." Yunyun said as she just wrote simple word and felt a drain in her reserve.

"I already told You aqua that I am going to ask Wiz some help!!"

"But she is an Undead!!"

"And she has more experience than you and very reliable than you!! While you are Useless!!"

Hearing some bickering outside that's getting louder and closer to the store.

Looking up from the commotion she saw the door open and saw a young man entered the store with a blue haired young woman trying to stop him from walking and two other young woman follow them.

"Wiz!! Help us!" The young man shouted.

The young man has a average height and weight. He has short and slightly spiky chestnut-brown hair and green eyes. His outfit are a gold-trimmed green mantle, white shirt, pants, and leather boots. 

"Ah, Kazuma-san, Aqua-sama, Megumin-san, Darkness-san. Welcome." Wiz greeted as she walk towards.

"Thanks Wiz." Yunyun thanked Wiz and accepted the books as she put it beside the laptop and read them later as she continues to read some research and instructions on how to do it.

In the background you see the young man trying to hold the blue haired woman as she try to purify the lich while the other two just watched.

A young girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair and crimson-colored eyes, delicate and underdeveloped figures. She wears a classical witch attire such as a black cloak with gold border, choker, wizard's hat, fingerless gloves, and carries a black staff along with a eye patch, this is Megumin a rival of Yunyun. She looked towards the side and see her self proclaimed rival doing something with a strange flat black box that seems to be folded.

"Ah, Yunyun what are you doing here?" She asked as she walked towards her.

"Hm? Megumin hi. Sorry I don't have time to challenge you right now as I am doing something for a friend." Yunyun said with a smile.

"Friend?" Megumin said with a strange face as she can't picture having another friend aside from them.

"Yeah, he asked me to do research about some runes."

"I see, and this strange object is?"

"Oh? This is a Laptop that my friend let me borrow to do what he asked me."



Two voice said as Megumin said with a questioning face while Kazuma had a surprise face as he looked and saw a technology that is similar from his previous life.

She threw Aqua aside and dash toward where Yunyun and Megumin are.

He looked at the object in front of his eyes, he looked very seriously with wide eyes and inspect the item and see if it's true.

"Do you know this Kazuma?"

A beautiful young woman asked kazuma, she is well-endowed and also has light blue eyes and straight, long blonde hair, usually kept in a ponytail tied with a braid and red hair clips secured on both sides of her bangs. She is wearing a clad in black, white, and yellow armour, with a metal shoulder plate on her left side, and a wing-like cloth perched upon her right shoulder, she is Darkness.

"Yeah! This is a Laptop, A high advance technology. How did you get that?" Kazuma asked with weird eyes to Yunyun.

"Ah, My friend let me barrow it through this." Yunyun said as she showed Kazuma her phone.

"Ahh!!! A phone!!" Kazuma excitedly yell.

"How did you get that!!?" Kazuma asked with excitement as he keeps on looking at the two devices in Yunyun.

"Wiz sold it to me."

"Really!? Wiz do you still have some??" Kazuma turned and asked the hot sexy lich.

"Sorry, but that's the only one I have and I didn't even know what it was." Wiz apologize as she backed off from kazuma crazy eyes.

Of course since he was a stay at home NEET, internet was like his air to breath and technology is his body, when he died and didn't have contact with any high technology.

"What... Then can I have that? Since I am sure that you don't know how to use it, it would be a waste so just give it to me. I'll make sure that it's properly feed and use it to my heart's content. Come on I haven't felt the touch of a smooth screen for a long time. Come on Yunyun we will be best friends and we'll never be separate so just give it to me. It's really a waste of it's on your hand so just give it to me I'll let you barrow it once a year so no worry so just give it to me." Kazuma said with maniac eyes as his inner shut in NEET resurface from slumber and gave a command to grab those two devices so he will experience the life of comfort that he missed.

"No!" Yunyun shouted as she is scared on how the young man looked hungrily at the two devices, one where she met extraordinary friends and a device where one of her friends let her barrow.

"So be it." Kazuma said with a maniac face.

"SinceIknowthatdevicemaybeconnectedtotheinternetIwillfinallybeabletoreturnstothemanscultureofparadice!!!nh*ntai!!h*ntahaven!p*rnhub!!!" kazuma said that almost sounded like gibberish with crazy eyes when he imagine the pleasure that he lost when he comes to this shit world. He charged at Yunyun like a psycho, the others were just cowering in fear on what they are seeing as Megumin hid behind darkness that is somehow blushing as she seems to be imagining something and the useless goddess back off from fear from the unexpected turn of events while Wiz is hiding behind the counter.

"Kyaa!!! No!! Repel!!" Yunyun shouted as she is scared from this young man and casted a written magic: Word: Repel. When the word hit the young man he was blown off and hit in the ground before trying to stand up.

"I must say that was a bit crazy and not so like me." He said as he stand up and brought his hand to his face with a cool pose.

"Then-" Yunyun was about to speak but Kazuma had that face again.

"I should have used my skill instead! Hahahaha!!!! STEAL!!!!"

"Nooo!!!" Yunyun hugged both of the devices

A light covered the whole room before dimming down.

As soon it becomes normal Kazuma had a normal face and looked at what he stole. Opening his hand he saw a light blue striped panty.

"Hahaha... " he laughed creepily before looking at Yunyun who was confused on what happens.

"Give me those two devices or I'll lick this panty." Kazuma brought the panty to his face the other occupants in the room have disgusted face as they looked at kazuma.

'Ah, that's not mine, that's Tama-nee panty that she sent in the group.' she thought as she remembered earlier that she extracted the panty cause she thought Tama-nee might get hurt because no one wanted her panties and extracted it and put it in her pocket.

"So how abo-!" Kazuma stopped as he put the panty near his face and actually smelled it, he stopped for a minute and have a more crazy look in her eyes and grab the panty and start smelling it like a maniac. (Like that person in Tokyo Ghoul, I forget his name that was smelling a handkerchief if I remember correctly.)

"Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan! Tama-chan!" He started to chant as he fell to the ground and role with craziness as he start nibbling the panty and start sucking whatever in there that can be sucked.

The other people only have one thought in there head as they see this scene.
