
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty two: Meet Up In The Void?

After all of the things happened I and Melissa again went upstairs after changing our dress into something cozy like our blue couple nightsuit.

It was a late night story hour.

As we get to the roof, my neighbours made 2 group.

Kids group and parents group. They were separately circled and sitting in a circular manner.

Mother than said that I and Melissa should join the kids group. We go there and sit. I sit beside Enquin and Melissa beside me.

They then look as us and gave made us hold 2 glasses of wine. They then starts question about Melissa. I and Melissa slowly answer each of them.

Questions after questions came to be answered. I then look the time. It was past mid night. I then look at Melissa who was half drunk and say, " Babe. Its too late. We need to sleep. We have to set our journey by noon.

Melissa smiles at me like a fool and says, " Oki Elisee. Leggoo. Byebye sweethearts." and blows kiss to everyone. I facepalm myself and take Melissa to home.

I then take her to my room and make her sit on my bed.

I go the kitchen and make some lemon juice and let Melissa drink it. I then wash my face again and brush.

I then hand Melissa her brush and make her brush on her own, eventho she can't help but dribble all the toothpaste so I had to help her.

Then I help her clean up. I then lay her on the bed and I lay with her too.

Time passes by but I'm not sleepy. I then look at Melissa and felt her struggling with something in her dream. I then join our forehead and went to the void, to find Melissa.

I saw a creepy women, trying to eat her soul. I tgen push her away as a strong soul, I am more powerful than her. I then hug Melissa as Melissa cries and says, " Is that really you Elise?"

I then break her hug and said, " I felt you struggling in your sleep so I came to the void. To find you bae."

In the dark, a paper plane fly to me. I catch it and open it.

I then said Melissa to hold my arm and not to let go no matter what. I then release my aura, so that no being gets attracted by us. The light from my aura was enough to read the writings on the paper.

It says, " How rude of you to take away my slave's prey!"

I get mad and take the big shattered mirror and step on it and crushed it. Due to the noise, I could take interrupt the void, realm of dreaming. And take Melissa with me to the reality.

Melissa and I wake up while Melissa breathes heavily. It was the time when the sun was rising.

Melissa then hugs me tight and cries on my shoulder and says, " Thank you, Elise. Sorry to dissapoint you. Im really sorry.I love you" I hug her back and said that it was okay.

I then hissed in pain and then realized that my foot was bleeding as I crushed the mirror on the void.

Melissa rush to get the first aid box and treats my wound. I closed my eyes as i was feeling the pain.

<to be continued >