
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty seven:Yeonjae and Roselle(side story#1): Meet up

Yeonjae's Pov

I was just doing fine until I start catching feelings for my senior co-worker. She is pretty, elegant, funny and the fact she is taller than me made me think that it is cute. Even calling her name makes me feel good. Roselle Foxen.

On a very normal day, she called out for me. I went near her and stand beside her desk. She then requested me, " Hey there, Mr.Kim. Do you want to grab today's lunch together?"

In my mind, I was screaming. But then I replied to her in a calm voice, " yeah! Sure. So, see you at lunch time." I bowed down a bit to her as it a respectful way to treat the seniors.

Time passes by. At the lunch, We went out and go for a cafe to eat. We sit on our respective chairs and order some lunch food items of the menu.

After a while, she said, " Is it okay if we can be room mates?" I choked on my spit and said, " Ehh? Are you sure?" She nodded and says, " Yeah. You know my home is too far away from the office. It takes me about 2 hours to come here." " That is indeed far away from your home, " said I. " Recently, I am also thinking about shifting near my friend's apartment."

While we talk further, our meals arrived. Ms.Foxen nodded and said, " So, where is this place?" I replied, " It is near X versity." She then asked me, " So is the apartment big enough for two of us to live in?" I nodded and explained the whole stucture of the apartment. She istened carefully and slowly swallows her food.

After a while, both of us finished eating and went back to office. Back to working for the rest of the time. I then went to my old apartment where I live with my room mate after we were done for the day.

At home, I start texting Ms.Foxen about shifting. After dicussing a while we ended up shifting 1 week later this day.

After we are shifted, I called Elise and Melissa at our apartment for a drinking party.

While they are talking, I noticed Elise being uncomfortable. Roselle then sudden popped out and said, " You are not only the special one here." Elise then said, "Excuse me?"

After I hear her saying that she is also like Elise, I was genuinely shocked. They situation got a bit awkward but when she said she was bisexual. I was ... dissapointed as I didn't have a chance even to confess.

<to be continued >