
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty:Save me.

I was surrounded by the people until Melissa calls out for me at the 2nd stored roof. I then got up by the stairs and see no one. I then looked down and saw the woman who haunts Melissa was behind Melissa.

I then quickly rush through the stairs and end up falling. Father then help me get up and says if I was ok but I didn't answer and run to Melissa and hug her as whisper in her in her ear, " That women was there. Go to my neighbour brother and sister, Loris and Loren. They emits a kind of aura that reflexes void beings."

Melissa then nods and went there. After a while I hiss in pain as by knees were bleeding. Father then took to home and gave me a sandwich to eat in their room and then he go outside in the living room and use his phone.

As I was eating the sandwich and stopped as my dog came and stare at me. I then give my sandwich to my dog to eat. I then look at the closed door which was open a while ago. I then look at my phone and called Melissa to make sure if she was safe or not. I then look in front and see the guy who haunts me in my nightmare at me.

I then say, " What do you want from me? " He then tilts his face to my dog who was grring at him. I then knew it what was going on and I then say, " No. Please don't. " and hugged my dog and try to cover him up and no use. Suddenly my dogs head blasts as he smiles creepily at me.

My dog's blooed then splashed on me. I was terrified. I then scream out for my dad but he can't hear me. It then comes closer to me as it was so close enough to me, I then realised he has no body in this reality. I push him away and scream again.

Suddenly the door bust open and to my surprise it was Melissa and father. I then looked around and saw him nowhere.

Melissa then came and hugs me and says, " Thank god you didn't cut the call." Father then says, " It was him. Wasn't it , Elise?" I then say, " How do you know father?"

<to be continued >

End of Season One.