
Further to the beyond(GL)

A girl named Elise chases her love, finds all the solution of her problems and tries to assure that her love ones are protected.

Xuexi_xiao · LGBT+
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37 Chs

Chapter Twenty Nine: A little panic.

As I was working on my assignments and leave my sit until i heard Melissa whimper. I then go to her and hold her hands as I was sitting on the chair beside her. After a while, Melissa stops whimpering and gone all quiet again. and suddenly the door lightly brusts open.

To my surprise, it was Melissa's dad.

I then stand up and greeted her father and told him to be a quiet as loud noises can wake her up. I then leave my sit and let him sit. He then kept his bag on the ground beside the desk and handed me a basket full of fruits. Mr. Jade, Melissa's dad let out a sighs and says, " I entrusted you with Jane(Melissa) and you broke broke my trust today. Would you like to sort out a few reasons for Why I should let Jane stay with you any longer."

I then take a deep breath and say, " Mr.Jade, I know that I sgould have informed your regarding this matter but please try to understand. I don't want you and Melissa to worry about it. I never wanted her to get hurt. I never thought the situation will go this extend. I really love Melissa. Please don't take her away.I beg you-" " Even after all of this, you want me to let Melissa go and stay right beside you? Never. I don't want her to get hurt." said Mr.Jade. "Sir-"

"That's enough, dad. Even mom asked Elise to protect me." said Melissa.

" When did you wake up? Are fine now?" asked Mr.Jade. "Since you two were so loud, I couldn't help myself but to listen your conversation. And its my fault that I got hurt. Elise has nothing to do with it. I was the weak one." " Melissa, we can talk about it later. Take some rest." " I'm absoulutely fine now. I don't know how but I don't feel any pain. Its like I'm totally normal again."

Huh? Wasn't she hurt so bad that the doctor told her to stay her for a few days. How did she managed to recover that fast? I was totally stunned.

After a long pause I then say, " I'm going to call the doctor." Like that I went outside and trying to figure out the matter. I then go to the floor's frontdest and asked for the doctor. The nurse then replied that he will be here in no time.

With that I went back to the room and listen to Melissa and her father's conversation about explaining the whole situation. Shortly after the doctor came and did a quick check up and said, " I don't know how or why did she recovered so soon but during my analysis, I noticed that Ms.Jane has some sore muscle. I'm not so sure about it now but please to the following things asksd to do in the report."

I nod as the doctor leaves. With that Mr.Jade sighs and says, " I do understand your situation but please take care. And Elise, I would appreciate that if you if request you father to meet up with me." I nod again and say, " No problem. Let me inform him first."

With that I called my father a few times as he wasn't picking the call. After a few try, I call mother and asked for father. She replied that he was outside of the country for some works and will return after this month.

I then go to Mr.Jade and said that father was outside of the country for some works and will return after this month. He sighs and said that it was fine and told me to take care of Melissa and hand me a bag of flavourful mochis ( sweet rice cake with fillings inside) and told me to eat that later.

I smile and bid him goodbye.

After this I go back to Melissa and asked what happened. She said, " Yeah.. don't mind him actually. He was like this from the starting. He was too ashamed to apologise after this mess. " I look at Melissa and and said, " He scared me to death." With that Melissa laughs and looks deeply into my eyes as if she was asking for something. I look back into her eyes as she pulls me closer to her and closes her eyes and kissed me passionately. I kiss her back and smile.

I then said, " Thanks honey for all your support. Without you I would have gave up on life now. " "Don't say that, you idiot. Ahhhh.. still now we have to get all this reports done. " I slightly laugh at her silliness and call for the nurse to take her to do the tests for the report.

<to be continued>