


The cafeteria is bustling with students, and the smell of food fills the air. We see a group of friends, JIM, SARAH, and LUCAS, sitting at a table, eating their lunch.

JIM (munching on a sandwich) So, I heard this hilarious joke the other day.

SARAH (raising an eyebrow) Oh really? Let's hear it.

JIM (grinning) Okay, so why did the tomato turn red?

LUCAS (shrugging) I don't know. Why?

JIM (with a dramatic pause) Because it saw the salad dressing!

The group bursts into laughter.

SARAH (shaking her head) That's so bad, it's actually kind of good.

LUCAS (still laughing) I can't believe I fell for that.

Suddenly, the cafeteria doors burst open, and a janitor, MR. SMITH, enters.

MR. SMITH (shouting) Attention, students! There has been a spill in the cafeteria. Please remain seated while I clean it up.

The group looks at each other, confused.

JIM (muttering) What spill?

Suddenly, Mr. Smith trips over his own mop and falls to the ground, sending a bucket of soapy water flying through the air. The group jumps out of their seats, trying to avoid getting soaked.

SARAH (laughing) I think we found the spill!

The group helps Mr. Smith to his feet, and they all look at each other, covered in suds and water.

JIM (still chuckling) Well, that was unexpected.

LUCAS (shaking his head) I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before.

MR. SMITH (apologetic) I'm so sorry, kids. I didn't mean to cause a mess.

SARAH (smiling) It's okay, Mr. Smith. You just gave us a good story to tell.

The group laughs again as they grab some napkins to clean themselves up.