
Fun In Highschool DxD World

After being struck by lightning in a freak accident caused by a gaming god's tantrum, an ordinary guy wakes up in the presence of the deity himself. Far from panicked, our hero eats pizza, jokes around, and manages to convince the god to reincarnate him into the world of Highschool DxD. Reborn as Izashi Gremory, the twin brother of Rias Gremory, he inherits the infamous Power of Destruction and the bloodline of the Chaos Dragon, surpassing even the mighty Great Red. But Izashi isn't aiming for world domination or intense training from day one—he just wants to have fun! With sealed memories until age four, Izashi is set for a chaotic journey filled with devilish antics, powerful foes, and, of course, a harem. Join Izashi as he navigates the wild world of devils, dragons, and the supernatural while keeping a laid-back attitude and finding pleasure in every twist and turn. ~~ Check out more chapters ahead on P.atreon: https://bit.ly/evildragon

Evil_Villain · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Sirzechs Comes The Wish (Kuroka)

The night was thick with silence, only the faint rustling of leaves outside breaking the stillness. Izashi had spent hours indulging in carnal pleasure with Rias and Akeno, their bodies entwined in an exhausting dance until midnight. When he finally allowed them to rest, they nestled beside him, their skin warm against his, each clinging to one of his arms as if they were extensions of him. They lay completely naked, a testament to the intensity of their intimacy, and for a brief moment, everything was peaceful.


However, Izashi's tranquility was interrupted by a strange, subtle shift in the atmosphere. His eyes fluttered open, and he quickly became aware of a faint magical fluctuation. The room, once bathed in darkness, began to glow with an ominous red light. He blinked, trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness, and when his vision cleared, he found himself staring at a figure he knew all too well.


Grayfia Lucifuge stood before him, her imposing presence filling the room. She was dressed in a meticulously tailored French maid outfit that hugged her every curve, emphasizing her voluptuous figure. Her silver hair cascaded over her shoulders, and the uniform's tight bodice accentuated her ample bust. The sight made Izashi's thoughts wander, an amused smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.


'Sirzechs really has a thing for maids…' Izashi mused to himself, the idea of his brother's fetish bringing a glint of mischief to his eyes. He let his gaze travel over Grayfia's form, his mind briefly entertaining the thought of what it would be like to have her under his command. The idea made him lick his lips unconsciously.


Grayfia's expression, however, remained as neutral as ever, her face betraying nothing. She appeared unperturbed by the situation, even as she stood in a room filled with the lingering heat of Izashi's earlier activities


 She had seen Rias's tendencies to sleep naked before, and Akeno was no different. This was nothing new to her.


Despite this, Izashi knew better than to reveal too much. He stayed under the covers, the sheet strategically hiding his exposed body. The last thing he wanted was for Grayfia to catch a glimpse of his still aroused state—it would only complicate matters, especially when he had other plans for her.


"Grayfia, what brings you here at this hour?" he asked, his voice calm and composed, as if her sudden appearance was nothing out of the ordinary.


Grayfia met his gaze evenly. "Izashi-sama, I've come to deliver a message from Sirzechs-sama. He has located Kuroka, as per your request. She has been captured and brought to the Lucifer Mansion, where she awaits your arrival." Her tone was formal, her words precise.


Izashi's interest piqued at the mention of Kuroka. "I see... So, my brother has completed the task. Very well," he said, nodding in acknowledgment. "Give me a moment to get dressed. We'll leave shortly."


Grayfia gave a slight bow, her deference impeccable as always. "As you wish, Izashi-sama." Without another word, she turned and exited the room, closing the door softly behind her.


As soon as she was gone, Izashi exhaled deeply, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "That was close," he muttered, glancing at the sleeping forms of Rias and Akeno beside him. The timing of Grayfia's visit couldn't have been worse. He was just grateful she hadn't arrived earlier when things were more... intense.


His thoughts briefly turned to Grayfia once more. There was something undeniably exciting about the prospect of breaking through her composed exterior, of making her submit to his will. But now was not the time for such pursuits. He had a more pressing matter to attend to—Kuroka.


Izashi shifted, carefully moving the sheets aside as he rose from the bed. Rias and Akeno stirred slightly but didn't wake. He couldn't resist one last caress, his hands gently fondling their breasts, eliciting soft murmurs of contentment from the two. They smiled in their sleep as he leaned down to place a kiss on each of their cheeks.


"Sleep well," he whispered, before stepping away from the bed.


He dressed quickly, opting for a sharp black suit that exuded authority. As he adjusted his tie, he caught his reflection in the mirror. His eyes gleamed with anticipation. This meeting with Kuroka would mark the beginning of a new chapter, one that he intended to control entirely.


When he stepped into the main lobby, Grayfia was already waiting, her posture immaculate as always. She turned slightly as he approached, her eyes briefly scanning his attire before she spoke.


"Are you ready, Izashi-sama?" she inquired, her voice steady.


Izashi nodded, stepping closer to her, the space between them shrinking. Even as he moved closer, his eyes couldn't help but wander, drawn to the way her maid outfit clung to her body. He resisted the urge to reach out, knowing that such actions would have to wait for another time.


"Yes, let's go," he replied, his voice betraying none of the thoughts that were running through his mind.


Grayfia, ever the professional, did not react to his proximity. "Please stand close, Izashi-sama. I will initiate the teleportation."


Izashi complied, stepping even closer until they were nearly touching. The scent of her perfume, a subtle blend of lavender and something distinctly feminine, filled his senses. He fought to keep his hands at his sides, clenching his fists slightly.


With a flash of bright red light, they were gone, the teleportation spell whisking them away from the Occult Research Club. The familiar surroundings of the club room were replaced by the grandeur of the Lucifer Mansion, the sprawling estate that served as Sirzechs's base of operations.


The first thing Izashi noticed was the towering figure of Sirzechs himself, his elder brother, the current Lucifer. His long red hair flowed freely, and his eyes sparkled with their usual playful mischief. But what really caught Izashi's attention was the figure beside him.


Kuroka. The infamous stray devil, a former member of the Naberius Clan, and a powerful Nekoshou. She stood there, her cat-like ears twitching slightly, her golden eyes watching him intently. She was dressed in a traditional black yukata, the fabric slipping off one shoulder to reveal an expanse of smooth, pale skin. The neckline plunged daringly, barely containing her ample bosom, and Izashi had to remind himself to stay focused.


Despite the gravity of the situation, Sirzechs greeted his brother with his usual levity. "Iza-chan~! I worked hard to get her here for you," he exclaimed, his voice carrying that signature blend of seriousness and playfulness that only Sirzechs could manage. "She's all yours now."


Izashi couldn't help but smile at his brother's antics, though there was a glint of something darker in his eyes. "Thank you, big brother. You've done well." He paused, letting his gaze linger on Kuroka. "I'd like to speak with her alone. If you don't mind, could you give us some privacy? Besides, I'm sure you have plenty of Lucifer duties to attend to."


Sirzechs seemed to consider this for a moment, then glanced at Grayfia, who remained by the door, her expression unreadable. A silent exchange passed between them, one that did not go unnoticed by Izashi. He knew Grayfia would be close by, ready to intervene if things went south.


Sirzechs finally nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Of course, Iza-chan. I'll leave you to it. But don't take too long—I'll be expecting a full report later," he teased, before turning to leave the room.


As Sirzechs made his way down the stairs, Grayfia stayed behind, stationed just outside the door. Izashi waited until he was certain his brother was out of earshot before he turned his full attention to Kuroka.


He extended his hand, a faint aura of red devil energy enveloping the room. It was a subtle barrier, one designed to dampen any sound that might escape the room. To Kuroka, it would seem as though he was simply gesturing casually, but Izashi was already taking precautions to ensure their conversation remained private.


"Let's get to know each other properly," Izashi said, his voice smooth and commanding. "I'm Izashi Gremory, and from now on, I'll be your king."


Kuroka's lips curled into a playful smile, her golden eyes gleaming with mischief. "And I'm Kuroka, nya~" she purred, her voice laced with a seductive undertone.


A/N: I hope you all liked this long chapter.

(I want to request you guys to support me on my p.atreon and continue to read 12 advance chapters ahead over there.

P.A.T.R.E.O.N link: https://bit.ly/evildragon)