
Fun In Highschool DxD World

After being struck by lightning in a freak accident caused by a gaming god's tantrum, an ordinary guy wakes up in the presence of the deity himself. Far from panicked, our hero eats pizza, jokes around, and manages to convince the god to reincarnate him into the world of Highschool DxD. Reborn as Izashi Gremory, the twin brother of Rias Gremory, he inherits the infamous Power of Destruction and the bloodline of the Chaos Dragon, surpassing even the mighty Great Red. But Izashi isn't aiming for world domination or intense training from day one—he just wants to have fun! With sealed memories until age four, Izashi is set for a chaotic journey filled with devilish antics, powerful foes, and, of course, a harem. Join Izashi as he navigates the wild world of devils, dragons, and the supernatural while keeping a laid-back attitude and finding pleasure in every twist and turn. ~~ Check out more chapters ahead on P.atreon: https://bit.ly/evildragon

Evil_Villain · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Awakening His Previous Life's Memories


After 4 Years


The life was completely normal for Izashi Gremory, he had an imouto named Rias who was super-clingy to him but nobody in the family minded their closeness since their were young, nearly 4 years old.


Izashi turned out to be a genius in their family as he learned walking just after a month and could start running after another half a month. While the ability of the Devils allowed him to communicate in all languages but his teeth still needed some time to form before he could start speaking.


Rias was a little slow as compared to him however she was also a genius just not to the same level as he was. Both Rias and Izashi were playing together in their house that suddenly Izashi fell down on the floor and started to scream in pain.


Rias was scared as she saw Izashi on the ground groaning in pain, she thought that it was better to call out her mother and quickly left the room leaving him alone in that headache.


Izashi's headache continued for 20 minutes, and in those 20 minutes, he felt as if he had experienced 20 years of life in another world. His memories finally started to coincide as he remembered everything from his previous life.


He stopped screaming and slowly tried to open his eyes. He was surprised to feel his face against something extremely soft as if it was a pillow but he could detect some heat from this soft thing so he knew that it wasn't a pillow.


He raised his small hand and tried to grab this soft thing and found out that he couldn't grab hold of it with his small hand, his eyes completely opened as he realized where he was.


His face was buried in Venelana Gremory's bosom. His try to grab her large breasts went unnoticed by the men standing around them as he analysed each and every one of them.


From the memories he held, he knew that the middle aged man with the beard was Zeoticus Gremory, his and Rias's father in this life.


There was another man standing there, he looked like Zeoticus but he looked even younger than Zeoticus Gremory, from Izashi's estimate, he guessed that the man was in his early 20's.


He glanced at the person standing next to him, she was an extremely beautiful young woman who seemed to be in her early 20's. She had back length silver hair that featured a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the end.


She was wearing a blue and white French maid outfit with long sleeves and a white maid headband, however, the thing that attracted him the most was her big boobs. He knew that this woman was Grayfia Lucifuge, apparently she was Sirzechs Lucifer's Wife and the maid of Gremory House.


There was a reason why he chose the Highschool DxD world, this world had beautiful and sexy woman, and as he knew the story of the Highschool DxD, he basically knew all the future events that were going to happen.


He could easily manipulate them to be his women. He didn't mind if he was being manipulative to get these women, he desired them so what was wrong with getting them.


He wasn't a saint, he was going to use everything he could, manipulate them to become his women.


'The women I like are all going to be mine! I don't care what it takes, manipulation or power to make you submissive, I am going to get you. Whether you are my brother's wife or my own sister. Hehehehe...' Were the dark thoughts swirling inside his head.


(A/N: This is once again a warning to those who don't want to read a story like this. I have already said that this is not going to be a story of a nice character, the mc will do tasks that are good but will also do tasks that are bad in people's perspective. I had rather not have hate reviews for the novel.)


"Mother, brother has stopped screaming!" Rias exclaimed in happiness as she also hugged her mother Venelana. Venelana let out a motherly smile as she patted their head.


Venelana stared at Izashi's body as she asked him, "So, what happened my little baby? Why were you screaming so loudly?"


Izashi whimpered before he softly murmured, "I don't know mother, I suddenly started to feel a pain in my head. But when I don't know why when I was hugged by mommy, the pain in my head suddenly disappeared."


His soft voice touched Venelana's heart as she responded back with a lovely smile, "Don't worry my lovely child, the pain is scared by mommy. It won't come back if you stay with mommy…"


She softly caressed his face as she saw Izashi closing his eyes and go to sleep. Actually, the reason is that Izashi was too tired after the fusion of the memories that his mind needed a little time to adjust those memories.


It was nothing serious, he just needed some time to rest around. Venelana observed him as he went to sleep, she realized that his pain seems to have subsided and he would be fine alone now.


Venelana glanced at Rias who was hugging her as well and lowered her head as she asked Rias, "Rias, your brother looks like he is comfortably sleeping. Stay with him and inform us if he starts screaming in pain again."


Rias nodded her head as her mother's words were registered in her mind. Venelana picked Izashi in her hands and placed him on top of the bed in his room.


Rias stayed in his room as she hugged him tightly while thinking 'I won't let him experience such a pain again. I will be there for him.' She hugged him tightly as she tried to imitate the way Venelana eased his pain.


Rias thought if she did this then his headache won't come back.


Meanwhile, Sirzechs Gremory smiled at his mother Venelana, "It's fortunate that Izashi-kun's condition wasn't serious." Venelana nodded at her son's words as she completely agreed with him.


Venelana went away leaving Zeoticus alone with Sirzechs and Grayfia. Zeoticus's expression was completely serious as he questioned his son, "Did you feel that magic power inside Izashi?"


Sirzechs expression soon turned serious as he nodded, "Yes, I felt that energy. It's enough to rival a Middle Class Devil. It seems as if the headache was due to his magic awakening in bursts."


They speculated that this must have happened, it wasn't rare for some devil's magic to be awakened in a single burst when they are young. But normally, it happened if they had too much magic energy for their body to handle.


From this, Zeoticus preassumed that his son had the potential to become an Ultimate Class Devil or maybe become a Super Devil like Sirzechs.


He spoke to Sirzechs in a monotonous tone, "However, it would be a problem if we don't help him control his Magic Energy. If he doesn't train right now, then he is simply wasting his potential that his body holds."


Sirzechs nodded as he was thinking from the same line of thought, he let out a sigh, "It's a pity that I can't train my little brother. My duties as a Lucifer are going to get more hectic now. I have heard that the Old Satan Faction have started to move once again."


Hearing this, Zeoticus seriously nodded as he couldn't let his Sirzechs waste his time teaching his little brother if the Old Satan Faction was on the move. If they were slightly negligent in their duties then it would cause a tremendous loss on their side.


Both of them sighed out as even though a great talent had been born in the Gremory family, it was a pity that he won't be able to train Izashi.


Grayfia, the Strongest Queen and the wife of Sirzechs was silent for all this time, she finally ended her silence as she spoke, "Lord Gremory, Lord Lucifer, I have an idea."


Her words grabbed both of their attentions as they were curious to what she wanted to say. Sirzechs voiced out with a hint of curiosity, "Speak, what's your idea?"