
Fullmetal Wizard

Edward Elric had seen many wonders in his life, but none of them compared to the magic of his own world. Trapped in a mundane reality, he longed for a way to return to his family and friends. But when he stumbled upon a mysterious portal, he realized that going home would not be easy. He would have to face a dark and dangerous wizarding world, where his alchemy skills would be both a blessing and a curse. Accent Note: Due to the latest complaint on Ed's accent, here's bit o' the guide I have in my head. Please note- His accent gets worse when he's tired, upset, or even just uncomfortable --(Established in earlier chapters, and I didn't want to repeat myself in this regard-- perhaps I should have, given the numerous complaints I've received.) Things like this happen in real life all the time. The more upset he is, the less understandable he is, and the more likely he'll slip into speaking his native language, or even another he knows well. I believe I have already established that it sounds a lot like German, but it's not. It's a made up accent. I started with it in story, and I have to be consistent. I think it takes more than a year to get fluent in a language anyway, even when one is a genius. 'dh', 'd' when there should be a 'th' or a 't' -- means it's a really soft 't' that almost sounds like a 'd' but not quite. ending in 'ink' or even 'int' when it should be 'ing'- the 'g' is a harder than necessary 'g' 'vr' - 'r' at beginning of word. --kind of a like a puff of air right before the 'r' 'v' - 'w' 'vw' - closer to true 'w' usually only when he's calm and rational and can concentrate on pronouncing it right. Your author! llothcat

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Fullmetal Wizard | Chapter 80

Title: Diagon Alley

Several days later, a handsome brown feathered owl swooped in from the open window far above the stairwell just as Ed stepped onto the stairs.

"Oh...Ed! From Hogwarts!" Hermione said, nearly dancing in place in her excitement. Ed held his mouth in a grim line and stomped down the stairs one deliberate step at a time. Once at the landing, he took the letter from her outstretched hand and held it by the edges like it was a thing to be disgusted by. He broke the seal, and opened it. It read:

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,Fmr. Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Elric,

I am delighted to hear of your decision to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. I have recently had the unexpected delight to examine your handiwork for myself at the Ministry of Magic and I found it impressive indeed. Because of the lateness of the hour, I am arranging for your placement assessments to by held with the individual professors at the school the day after you are duly sorted into your house.

I am recommending recently appointed Prefects Hermione Granger or Ron Weasley to accompany you to Diagon Alley in your effort to procure supplies.

Enclosed is a list of books that may assist you in your endeavours here, as well as various other items that will surely to prove helpful in most class subjects.


Albus Dumbledore.

Ed swallowed, then took out the list. His eyes rested on the several items that made his stomach turn:

Cauldron, size 2.


4 Robes.

He looked up to Hermione's excited, expectant face, then to Harry and Ron, both of whom had just came down the stairs behind him. He frowned slightly.

"Bad news?" Harry said, looking at Ed's grim expression.

"Ye--no..I.. am going." Before the end of Ed's carefully pronounced "g", Hermione shreeked with glee. Ed cringed and held a hand against his ear.


The letter and list duly got passed about, and they headed to the basement for lunch. There, it passed to the twins, and Ginny, and finally Mrs. Weasley as she finished up Ed's treatment to the front of his neck. This time, she did not replace the bandage.

"Looks good, lets try it without it.." Mrs. Weasley mumbled, and she looked down to the paper and raised her eyebrows. "I thought you were a Muggle, Ed..?"

Ed shrugged.

"I tell you dhat is vhat I am. Dhis Dumbledore vants me at dhis school anyvay."

"Well..let's make a day of it, then...Ron, Hermione..We'll head out in the morning."

"The books..they're from first year to seventh..." Hermione said. "We have first through fifth already, you can borrow those if you'd like instead of buying them.."

Ed looked over at Hermione.

"I vould like to see vhat I am getting myself into...but..vhat do you get out of letting me.."

Hermione blushed under Ed's golden gaze. Ed's face scrunched up in confusion. Ron frowned, and his eyebrows creased together.

"Um..You'd better borrow the books from me, instead." Harry said, and Ed quickly looked over at him, then shook his head.

"Dhis is about equivalence. You have done too much for me alvready, Harry...Same vith you, Ron, Hermione..." Ed said, and when he saw the confused glances passed between those at the table, added. "I cannot ask for such dhings without giving someting in return."

"Nonsense.." Mrs. Weasley said..

"No." Ed insisted. "You offer me knowledge..hmm. Perhaps knowledge in return vill be equivalent..."

"No offense, mate, but those books of yours're way..too out there..for me." Ron said. "No way am I touching those."

Ed smirked.

"Dhat does not surprise me." Ed said. "But..I had someting else in mind. How about I show you katas?"


"It's a...Muggle ting. It vould be eazier to show, dhan tell." Ed said crypically, and rubbed his chin in thought "Vwe vwould need room, and maybe someplace soft for dhe showing. I have not seen a place like dhat here in dhis house. Maybe a park is nearby?"

"Um..no. Not that I know of." Mrs Weasley said. "Also, Harry can't go out of here without several..uh..escorts.."

"How about you show us at Hogwarts during a free period?" Hermione said quickly. "There're plenty of park-like places there..and Harry's safe there."

Ed nodded.

"It is agreed dhen. Katas for dhe use of books." Ed looked over to the twins. "I'll eben show you two.. vRon vill likely pound dhe snot out of you vwith dhem if I don't, I dhink..."

The twins exchanged a glance and grinned evilly.

"Um..what about me?" Ginny said.

"I do owe you. Yes. I vill show you dhem."

"'Pound the snot..'? Hold on. Just what IS this..Muggle thing you intend to show my children?" Mrs. Weasley said. "Is it dangerous..?"

"Not unless dhey chose to use it vrong. Dhey vill have to face me dhen, and take dhe beating I vill be giving. I vill NOT be pulling my punches." Ed said as he watched the twins with a stony expression. He noticed the look didn't faze the twin's exuberance at all.

After Ed had his blindfold removed, they had opted to take a taxi to this place. Ed paid the fare, though he had not slightest idea where this 'Diagon Alley' was. Ron and Hermione provided the cabbie the directions, but he was beginning to have serious doubts about their sense of direction.

Ed stood in the middle of the sidewalk, bright morning sun shining on the busy street, trying to see just what Hermione and Ron insisted was in plain view. Something about a tavern.

"Mouldee Kaultron?" Ed muttered, and scratched the back of his head as he searched for the a fore mentioned hanging sign.


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