
The Truth

As I feel myself being lifted out of darkness I just close my eyes trying to block out the voices around me, but I now its worthless. I open my eyes, blinded by the light of the sun just starting to peak through the clouds. My feet finally find my footing on the pavement as Major Armstrong let's go of my coat coller. I flatten my ears like a ashamed cat and stare down at the pavement feeling my face turn red with ambarsment. "I'm sorry" I barely whispRisa As Mustang walks over to me and takes off his hat. "You got a lot of explaining to do" Mustang says placing his hat on my head covering my ears. Mustang walks off as I just stand there stunned that he didn't look at me like a freak. That by the time we got back to Mustangs office the rain was only a mist and I was shivering from the cold and fear. "Now you have some explaining to do Miss Nora" Mustang says as I sit on top of my desk with my face down, Edward who is sitting on the other desk across of me. "You've seen that thing haven't you" Edward says looking up at me. "What do you mean" I reply. "You now I saw you transmute without a transmutation circle" Edward says. "Then yes I did see that thing, but not on my own will" I say wanting to just sink into the floor and disappear. "What do you mean not on your own will" Mustang says. "Well I don't really remember that much, but whoever tried using me to make something called the philosopher stone failed and I ended up being used as a lab rat which will explain the cat ears" I say as Edward perks up. "The philosopher stone you know how to make it" Edward says getting excited. "Like I said I don't remember much" I say sadly. "Also how did you see the truth without paying the toll" Edward asks. "I did pay a toll far more valuable than I wanted, but at least I'm alive" I say shivering at the thought of the cold labs. "Because my toll was my memory, its slowly coming back but I don't remember anything before that like my family or why I was there" I say looking Edward straight in the eyes. "So how did you escape" Mustang asks. "I escaped with a few other half human chimeras like me who we're mixed with animals and lived with them for awhile" I say. "Do you know who did this to you" Risa asks looking at my ears. "No, I don't remember who did it but I do remember something wasn't right about the people there" I say. "Well I think that should wrap it up for today" Mustang says walking over to the window. "And don't worry both of you I made sure to put a gag order over everyone there" Mustang says to Edward and me. "So Nora you should go home and get some rest" Risa says. So I jump off my desk to follow her out the door Ed does the same. Ed looks down at me. "Wait a minute" Ed says grabbing my arm and pulling me close to him. I blush. "Hey your shorter than me" Ed says acting like he won a game. "Hey your two years older than me shorty" I say back defensely. "What did you call me shrimp because your shorter than me, finally Al i'm taller than sombody" Ed says happily. "Ed you know that ain't fair" Al says as I walk out into the hallway waving goodbye. "I'll give you a ride home" Risa says out in the hallway "Don't worry I live nearby so it ain't a problem" Risa says grabbing her keys in her pocket.That by the time I got home and said goodbye to Risa It was late so I made sure to lock my door and windows. Somewhat scared that scar was still on the lose. "But mustang lives in the building across from me so it should be okay" I think to myself. As I lay on the couch eating some rice watching cartoons. I look over at the sliding door with the cold rain pounding against the glass and wonder why did this happen to me and why did the transmutation not work, was there something wrong with the ruins or was it me.