

A normal man who already has a wife but feels that life with his partner is not satisfied enough. He who has a high enough desire has done everything to fulfill his own and including his brother-in-law. Stories contain 21+ adult content, be wise in reading. Thanks. The Indonesian version with the title: PAWANG WANITA

Januar_EL_Capirco · Urban
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4 Chs


The night was so fleeting that even Frans was getting ready to take a shower soon.

"Today anyway I have to meet with Cantika again, because last night's Rose suddenly came instead to be a destroyer of my closeness to Cantika."

After bathing Frans who was wearing a jass and at the same time roses wearing the interior alone immediately hugged tightly from behind his body.

Seen in the mirror Cantika is much more exciting than Rose, while regarding wealth is indeed only Rose which this time is seen more in frans eyes.

"(I don't understand it at all anymore, two different people but it makes me passionate about doing it compared to my wife. The tip of the nail of the beautiful and rich charm is not in it.)"

The empty mind and filled with unimportant daydreams even made him surprised when Rose's hand touched his trunk.


"You're daydreaming, Frans?"

"He he, yes."

"Why? What do you think, do you hesitate anymore to marry me?"

"No, not about that. Yes there is no way I can hesitate to marry you, I am dear and quite in love with you. Emmm I was just daydreaming about work."

With enough so trust has made Frans also can not take long.

To avoid the existing affair has made Frans' own agenda.

And as usual if Frans leaves for the office of course anyone who is in the apartment must leave immediately including Rose though.

Going apart certainly makes anyone feel much more comfortable, especially about covering up the affair one to the other.

Going downstairs and wearing a luxury car is of course added to the fragrance of the room fragrance makes Frans even more confident.

Before going to the office Frans deliberately met Cantika first.

In the promised place has made Frans rush to get there and right, when it arrives Cantika is already there with a time ratio of only a few seconds.


The sound of Frans's car and by lowering it just a little bit was enough to be recognized by the woman.

Cantika, who this time got into the car, gave a peck on Frans' right and left cheeks.

"Good morning, dear Frans. Who came last night?"

"Good morning my beauty, who doesn't matter. Now where are you going? Let me deliver."

"Mas Frans has breakfast? Emm I guess it must not be yet, mending now we find food first."

"Well, let's find breakfast first and then walk."

Following what the woman beside him said led Frans to a luxurious restaurant there.

Frans did see that the women nearby were enough to cultivate his passion, making him to be closer.

Arriving at the luxurious restaurant has made Frans indulge the woman instead.

"Good morning sir, mom. What order do you want?"

"I want to book a VVIP super room here and please provide a winski."

"Ready, sir. Let me deliver it."

Being ushered into the VVIP super room has made Cantika even more spoiled to Frans.

"This is the order pack, is there more?"

"What do you want a message?"

"I just went to Frans."

"I order this one, keep this two."

"It's good to wait for the order, sir mom."

While waiting for the order to come, frans this time looked at Cantika's face more deeply..

Comparing the woman's face in front of her eyes with the woman who this time was still a task outside made Frans dark eyes.

Sitting next to each other this time Cantika actually dared to occupy the man in a public place.

"Dear Frans, what the * are you thinking? In front of you now there is me, do not burden much like this dong."

"No, I have no burden. Yes, it's just that I want to kiss your lips."

Frans quickly gave a warmth that had been reciprocated so gently with Cantika.

The two of them had done it until the order came.

Not caring about the waiter delivering the order made Frans actually dare to undress the woman.

"You really want to do it here?"

"Yes, why not? This room I have booked and of course we are the only ones who are there."

Slowly Frans touched the shirt and the deeper he took over the twin mountains.

By squeezing and also her head on the twin mountains it makes Cantika can not stand it and she actually lies below.

"I didn't expect that last night's inauguration alone had drugged me like this."

"Hemmm, I really didn't expect that the woman in the bar turned out to be wilder than I thought."

"Mas Frans is there, instead I feel this is only this time."

"Really? Means that I am the luckiest to get you, emm better you work with me."

An offer has been issued by Frans who of course he wants to enjoy the woman without other people's scars.

Some of the wages paid are certainly not small and even reaching deeper is certainly quite easy for Frans.

"How about it? Do you agree with my offer, if you say yes I want to transfer ten million now?"

Cantika looks so thinking about quite heavy, but all may be felt by Frans will say want to.

And sure enough if this nod of the head has made Frans immediately give a kiss for so long in the field of Cantika's chest.

"I will do everything, both passion and everything else. If you need anything just say to me, yes I will fulfill it for you."


"Yes anything for you dear Cantika, now look at me transfer you ten million."

"I don't have a credit card mas Frans yet."

"Take it easy, I will make it later. Now that this money you just hold, I love you."

Tawaran yang telah dikeluarkan cukup membuat Frans tidak mau meragu lagi.

"(Untunglah perempuan ini mau menjadi pelampiasan nafsuku tiap waktu, ya tak masalah keluar sepuluh juta setiap hari dan yang pasti uang segitu tidak ada apa-apanya.)"

Smiling at what is offered successfully makes Frans add a passion for a relationship.

The snarling hand re-entered the twin mountains and the other one headed towards the wet grass.

"You're out, are you? God, you get out quickly, hemmm I haven't even."

"Spurred dong mas, try to do something else. Diemut maybe or maybe want me to do yours?"

Frans just heard that he had made his trunk stand up and even his tongue was quite clumsy.

The twisted tongue instantly accelerated as Cantika opened the zipper of the pants and gently stroked the stem.

"Yours is big and rounded, oh yes, the offer I have received. But if the offer I bargain twice how?"

"Double? Emm how about it, what do you think?"

"Come on dong mas? We start this bargain."