
Full Metal

The Adventures of Roy Mustang in the Potterverse. Self insert character.

BigToFu · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3

Full Metal

Chapter 3

It turned out to be a pretty chilled weekend for me after being released to explore the school and prepare for classes on Monday. Even though Dumbles had told us the two days were to decompress and prepare for Monday: I knew better.

The two days were for those who hadn't finished the assignments that came with the acceptance letter to get it done. It was also for those who were Pureblood to judge and view the other heirs and send letters home. There were so many reasons why, but I was alright because I was able to get away with a few things myself.

Closing my notebook, I got up from my library table in the back while also picking up the book I was reading on enchanting. Ignoring the hawkish look Madam Pence was giving me, I put away my pen before putting my notebook in my knapsack.

Walking down the L4 aisle, I put the book back in its spot on the shelf before turning around and leaving the library. Checking myself for tracking charms and listening charms as I walked out of the library, I sidestepped a fifth-year student with his girlfriend as I made a turn for the west side of the castle.

Honestly, I wanted to pull my notebook out and look it over but when I turned a corner and made it halfway down the hallway: I felt it. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't place my finger on what it was. My wand slipped into my hand with a thought and my magic thrummed in my veins.

Instead of using my wand, I wiggled my left hand's finger and felt for the magic in my surroundings. The magical scent and power of the school almost overwhelmed my senses, but I shut my eyes and forced it all out as I calmed my breath from the sudden influx.

Opening my eyes, I took in the hallway I was standing inside. On the left were four large paned glass windows flooding the hall with light. And on the right were three doors that looked like older classrooms with magical torches on the wall.

Interestingly enough none of the torches give off heat or smoke from their burning. Putting that idle magical curiosity to the side, I really took in my surroundings as I felt out the lingering traces of magic in the air. The lingering magic didn't match any of what I felt from the school trying to bear down on my senses.

As I slowly walked down the hall, it was the flurry of dust on the marble flooring that drew my attention to the last door on the right. The shimmer of the magical protection was what had the dust floating around on the floor by the door. It was easy to tell that this was a magical defense spell best used for night time activities.

Instead of popping the shield that was placed in front of the door, I slid my wand along its surface. This keeps the magic from popping as I slide inside along the ripple. Wards were always so damn easy if you understood that poking was not the way to enter.

Charming my steps to be muffled, I did the same for the hinges on the door. Slowly I pushed it open to listen. From what I could hear it was a few purebloods talking to a girl. I had to listen to figure out where I had heard that voice before. If I wasn't mistaken it was on the train yesterday, shit Willow.

"I don't care what your personal tastes are, but as your soon to be betrothed, I will have to cure you of it."

"Huck, huck, I know, I know how to cure the little fairy."

"Yeah, you know what they say in the snake pit."

"You can't do this, the contract."

"The contract says you must be virgin, but it never said anything about your other holes. Reg, hold her down."

That was when I had heard enough, sliding open the door wider. I unleashed a stunner into the first fool with the massive buck teeth. The one that was standing in the middle flanked by his two lackies twisted and got a spell off at me.

I spun myself out of the way, but the blasting curse clipped my outstretched wand arm. Yeah, note to self, don't do that anymore. I could feel my pinky and ring finger break as I completed my twist. I was still mid flinch from the pain when I noticed the light of another spell bear down on me.

Gritting my teeth, I lashed out with my left with my magic coating my arm. Can't believe I forgot to do that, getting lazy Roy. His eyes widened comically as he saw me swat away his spell like it was nothing. I spied the other lackey go for his own wand, but I was already on him with a lumos.

They all panicked and covered their eyes, even Willow. Stepping forward, I gave the guy in the middle a swift kick, I hoped beyond all hope that my boots crushed his family jewels. Ignoring how he went down like a sack of potatoes, I grabbed Willow by the hand as I noticed that she was still properly dressed.

There was nothing around her at the moment and I did a silent accio spell to see if her wand was in the room. The way her forearm moved told me that she still had her wand on her, so I canceled the spell.

Seeing no bag to grab, I kicked the fucker in the face since he was doubled over on the floor on our way out. The other idiot was still hunched over with his hands on his face while his eyes bled a little.

Smirking at him, I kicked the door open as I pulled Willow along behind me. We dashed down the hall and ran through another archway when one of the suits of armor started to yell at us.

"Why I say, there is no running in these great halls."

I couldn't help myself and yelled back, "Fuck off tin-man."

The small glimpse I had taken backwards, let me see the wide eyes of Willow as we bolted down the hallway. Up a few stairs and around the corner had us standing in front of the Ravenclaw common room.

Taking a moment we had to listen to the riddle but it was so easy I had to roll my eyes, "Applesauce."

The door opened up for use and I waved an arm for Willow to enter before me while I checked our backs. It was easy to see that no one was following behind us, so I went inside. Walking in through the hole in the wall, I found Willow in a corner.

Sighing, I walked over and took the empty seat across from her. I waited for her to wipe her tears and gather herself as I sank into my chair. Her wand flicked out and the little bit of makeup she was wearing fixed itself. Her composure returned easily and because we were the house of the bookworms, no one noticed.

That was alright though because I was going to be here for her at least.

The tears were gone and she wasn't sniffling anymore, "Feeling better?"

"No, but I will be." Willow replied, pulling her legs up into her seat.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked trying to understand more of what the hell is going on.

"No, I just want it to be over." Willow replied not meeting my eyes.

Leaning back in my seat, I smiled at her. "That I can help you with, the forbidden forest is massive after all."

"You shouldn't talk like a Slytherin," Willow answered as she looked at me. One delicate eyebrow raised, but I paid it no care.

Snorting, I couldn't help but answer her back. "We both know that the headmaster will let them off. That means that they will be trying again sometime in the future."

After saying that I wanted to wince at how she flinched but I couldn't because she needed someone with confidence right now.

"I'm bound to my fate, that's all there is to it." Willow replied with a shrug. I stared at her and willed myself to try and understand. Hell, even with my own with the Greengrass heiress, I didn't feel that way. And that's knowing that the bloody girl had a thing for cryo spells. Then again she isn't a wannabe rapist.

Getting up from my chair, I decided on some parting words. "Reality is what we make it and fates can be changed."

Willow looked up at me and I gave her a nod in return. "Come find me once you have decided to make your own fate."

Not looking back, I made my way back out of the Ravenclaw common room. Pulling out my blue notebook, I checked a certain runic script that tracked familiar magical signatures. It had taken me bloody months to create this thing and even longer to be able to add in magical signatures without people realizing what I was doing.

Sticking my notebook back into my pocket, I took off at a nice pace towards the outside of Hogwarts. Tonks, Susan, Hannah and a few other Puff's were down by the lake so that was where I was heading.

Taking a left then a right, I played with the magic under my skin as I made my way down the grand staircase. Standing in the middle, I waited for it to stop moving before I kept going on my planned course.

As I made my way through the grand hallway, I noticed that I didn't seem much to any of the Slytherin's besides the ones I ran into. Making a mental note of that, I walked out and then off to the side of the pathway.

The air was crisp with beautiful rolling greens down to the black lake. Around that same black lake were various sized groups of people. Smoothly strolling along as I looked around until I found the shock of blue hair on the far side of the lake.

Shaking my head at how easy Tonks made it for anyone to locate her, I made my way over towards them. Walking around some sixth years, I noticed how I couldn't hear anything from them even though it was clear that their mouths were moving as they walked. Interesting bit of magic, that. I want it.

Putting that thought aside for later, I walked down next to the tree where the Puff's were relaxing. They spotted me pretty easily since I wasn't trying to hide my approach. Tonks was on me in seconds, but I had to wave her off and that was when she noticed my hand.

Tonk's yanked my hand forward as she pulled it for closer examination. She looked at my broken fingers over before glaring at me, "Who did this to you?"

Giving her a roguish smile, I watched the heat leave her gave before answering, "It's nothing to worry about, just saving a fellow Raven."

"Did you report this at least to one of the teachers?"

Turning I raised an eyebrow at Susan before snorting at that suggestion.

"Yeah, like that's going to do anything," I replied rolling my eyes as Tonk examined my hand. "There are maybe ten to fifteen teachers total and more than four hundred plus students. I'm not about to go down as the snitch around here. Also, we both know it's not going to go anywhere."

Susan huffed at me, damn she was a sexy little short stack. No, don't think with my dick right now. Turning away from her, I nodded to the other Puff's around listening to the conversation.

"Look Tonks, can you fix my fingers please, I can't use my wand with my left yet." I asked, trying to ignore the jiggle coming from my right. Susan was not making it easy on a man and with the smirk at the corner of her lips. It was easy to tell that she knew damn well what she was doing.

Looking at me but trying not to give herself away, Sue decided to add her own idea to the mix. "I can write a letter to my Aunt?"

Gritting my teeth, I watched as Tonks wand snapped out of her arm holster. The sound of crackle and pop sounded out as my two fingers snapped back into place.

Turning away from me then, Tonks smirked at Susan. "What? So she can try and purchase herself a stud horse?"

"Aye, I resent that," I huffed at them both.

"Please, did you or did you not tell me that one of your goals in life is to build a harem?" Tonks asked me with clear mischief in her eyes.

"Yeah, right after you said you wanted the American Bolts Quidditch team to have their way with you." I shot back and watched as her cheeks pinked.

"You didn't deny that you're a stud horse," Susan replied with a straight face but pink cheeks.

I couldn't help but scoff at that, "Please what else am I then, last I checked I was purchased by the Greengrass Matron to be with that ice princess of hers." I rolled my eyes at the both of them. "I still don't get what she offered my grandad for him to agree with that bullshit."

Susan winced and Tonk's smirked at me.

Tonks had one hand tap her chin in thought while the other put her wand behind her hair. "Well, the last I checked she has been with that Tracy girl since etiquette classes."

"Well, my Aunt told me that nothing has been confirmed yet." Susan replied with a shrug.

"Urgh enough of that then, so what were you all doing before I came to get my hand fixed." I grumbled as I put an arm around Tonks and placed a kiss on her forehead. They both rolled their eyes at me before leading me towards where the rest of the Puff's sat.

"We were talking about magic and sharing basic spells." Susan replied, pulling on my left hand. Looking at her and hearing about my favorite topic, my face split into a grin.

"Well, let's talk then." I replied allowing myself to be pulled along by the both of them. Tonks pushed me to the location she was sitting at before depositing herself into my lap.

"Okay, where were we?" Tonks asked looking at the other Puff's.

"We were discussing wandless magic and if we were going to get a chance to learn any." Hannah replied leaning onto a stone sitting behind her. "And Rickard over there was commenting on that light spell you used the other night."

"Tilting my head to the side I had to think over the night we arrived, "You mean the candlelight charm?"

"Never heard of it," Susan replied instantly, browsed in a frown of thought.

"That's because I made it by cannibalizing a few other spells." I replied as I let Tonks play with my hands.

"That's not possible," One of the Puffs spoke up. He was a chubby faced guy with that Superman curl to the front of his hair.

"Do you mind sharing the spell?" Susan asked, batting her eyelashes at me.

Smirking at her I flicked my wrist, wand in hand, I started a simple explanation. "There are no latin words for the spell so forget all that crap. The key is imagination, will power and the wand motion to get it all down."

The group perked up at that and I could see Susan looking at my wand arm intently.

"Quick tip for those who might not get it right now, but I will share the biggest secret all powerful Witches and Wizards have figured out. Words of all spells don't actually depend on the actual wording or wand waving it, but it's the key because the body tends to hang onto how the spells are formed with the mnemonic key phrase. The one for the candlelight charm, it goes like this. Can - I pointed with my wand as I charged the spell. dle - I moved my wand to the right, light - I then flicked my wand upwards as I shot out the orb of soft pulsing light."

They all watched in awe as the orb of brightness floated over us all. I could see that half of them had no clue, but Sue and Tonks in my lap were already deconstructing and trying the spell themselves.

"On the point of the wand you charge the spell is if you are about to do a lumos. The right motion converses it into a ball. Then the flick upwards you imagine a self contained bubble of light levitating out from your wand."

The first one to get it was the small girl in the back and then Susan got it the same time Tonks did. Two more were able to do the spell afterward, but the rest of the Puffs only got small blips to float before sputtering out.

They all smiled and then the chatter started, but I kept my eye on the one in my lap. It was easy to see that she wasn't happy with only that one spell. The same could be said for Susan, as she kept throwing me glances as she assisted Hannah.

It was easy to see that she was going to send a letter home to her aunt about this. I wonder how Greengrass will take it when another gets on the negotiation table for my hand in marriage. The fact that I am a second son with one of the highest magical talents since Dumbledore was only going to work in my favor.

Keeping the blood pure my ass, I was going to abuse the hell out of the system they set in place and have fun doing it. Kissing Tonks on the side of the neck, I gave her ample rear a nice squeeze and had her let me up.

Once I was up it was time to see how well I could do as a teacher. Anyone who knew the Puff's knew that they came with undying loyalty, and I will need my own group of people. Smiling, I helped them for another few hours making sure to get hands on with both Sue and Nym before I excused myself to head back into the castle.

Looking around the second floor of the castle, instead of heading up the front grand staircase, I decided this time to check the east wing. It was clear that the school was massive on the outside and so was it on the inside, but something was off.

There were a little over five hundred students here with less than thirty teachers. There had to be far more to the castle then anyone really chose to explore. Enjoying the collegiate feeling of the place, I kept walking around while pulling a Scooby-Doo.

I searched up and down across the bloody castle as I walked and can I just say, damn. Neither the movies nor the books did this bloody castle any justice. It was easy to tell that this whole castle was far larger on the inside than it was on the outside. It was clear that they used a far more advanced version of the expansion charm and then powered it and kept it powered with the magical ley lines.

Grumbling to myself I took one of the back stairs up to the four floor, then walked past the moaning broom closet. Whoever she was, she was very vocal about wanting some more. Shaking my head at them, I made a left at the end of the hallway.

Checking the one of the two doors in this hallway, I found a room that was set up as a lounge area. Interestingly enough, it was clear that no one had been in here for a very long time. From the outside there weren't any dust tracks from the room being used so it was clear that no one had been here.

Checking my back, I made sure no one was following me before I closed the door on my way inside. On one side of the room were massive windows set to let light in, but when I checked it. I was certain that this room couldn't exist. The simple fact was that this room overlooked the black lake and that couldn't be right.

The windows of this room took up an entire side wall and I was outside not too long ago. It was easy to tell from the black lake that the castle didn't have a room that took up it's entire side.

Running that bit of information through my head had me come to only one conclusion, magical room. Of course, it was a magical room, I was going to now be living inside of a magical castle.

Smiling to myself, I made my way around the room exploring. I found two sets of bathrooms for both males and females. Interestingly enough the castle had modern day plumbing, fuck J.K. and her vanishing poop bullshit.

There wasn't a blackboard I noticed, but looking around one of the walls manifested one when I did a full turn. It was clear that the castle had some sort of understanding to the needs of its occupants.

I was starting to see why Dumbledore had this place hold his throne. Pushing that thought aside, I kept exploring. There was no raised section for a teacher's desk nor were there stairs leading upwards to an office.

What I did find though was a door in the far right corner leading into another room. Jiggling the knob returned a soft click as I opened that same door. My wand slid into my hand before I turned and shot a simple alert ward towards the entrance door of the lounge area.

Yeah, no way I was going to get caught unaware if I could help it. Once I was certain that the alert ward was set in place, I anchored it to the coat rack before putting my wand away. Happy with my alert system in place, I turned around and walked through the door.

Inside the other room, I found a large gym type set up. From my location, I was on top of what appeared to me a colosseum in the middle of the room. Well, it was more like a fighting pit if anything. Walking down the steps, I noticed that the seats were made out of wood and the pit down in the middle had sand.

As I approached what was clearly a fighting pit, the wall changed and stairs allowed me down into the pit. The ring around the fighting pit was ten feet tall and the radius of the pit was thirty two feet if I was judging it properly.

Walking into the middle of the ring, my wand snapped into my hand as I spun on the spot. Blast curses fired off with clear intent followed up by stunners and transfigurations.




My spells slammed into the side walls, magical barriers flaring into sight as more and more spells hit the walls. The transfigured horse rose up and ran around the ring tail whipping back and forth before a cutting curse from my want split it in two.

More sand raised to my commands forming into shapeless mass of humanoid forms. My wand twirled in my hand, ozone crackled around me before I shoved my hand forward. Instead of it coming out of my wand, my left hand lit up as if I was a Sith.

Ohh yeah, duel wield magic baby.

I cackled like a mad man as red colored lightning fired from my fingers with such force the air popped. The wall directly across from me lit up as I carved a hole into it with my use of lightning. Breathing heavy, I leaned on my knees as I breathed hard from so much magical exertion. I barely made it past fifty high intense spells before I had to catch my breath.

Damn it was hard using such high tier levels of magic without proper practice. Breathing heavily, I tried to catch my breath as I tried to recover from using so much heavy magic. Smiling at the destruction, I watched as the debris melted into the surroundings before the walls fixed themselves.

There was so much improvement that I needed to do if I wanted to contend with the real powers in the world.

My wrist buzzed and I found it was time to head down to the grand hall for dinner. Leaving the pit, I picked up my knapsack before leaving what I was going to call the Raven's nest. Yeah, this was going to be my little hanging out spot alright. It just sucks that I can't head to the seventh floor right now with Voldiface inside the castle.

Thinking over plans to invite Nym to the room first or maybe Susan, I ran into Potter on the way to the great hall. A simple hey was all I gave him as I watched Ron hover at his shoulder. Instead of showing disdain on my face, I politely turned the other way and took a seat with my other Ravens.

Sitting down, I got ready to load up my plate when Willow took the free seat across my location. I said nothing as she watched me load my plate with some mashed potatoes. I then added a steak but the one I wanted she jabbed a fork into it.

Glaring across the table at her, I let a growl slip out then took the steak when she relented.

"If we are to be friends, you will learn, never play with anything I plan to eat." I replied smoothly as if that last scene never happened. "It's the fastest way to get me slinging curses in your direction."

"You were ignoring me." Willow shot back.

"My hearing is selective when it comes to meal times, you will have to repeat yourself." I replied with a shrug at her.

Willow looked at me for a moment, then gave up as she watched me stuff my plate some more. "Well, I thought over what you said when we were in the common room."

Nodding at her, I didn't say anything, but kept on listening.

"Well, I want guarantees that you can help me decide my own fate." Willow said filling her plate with what appeared to be a light meal. "Because the last time I checked you were still up on a serving block to be sold off like a stud horse."

Some of our house mates snorted or choked on their foods at that statement. I on the other hand just chuckled at her, if only she knew. There is far more to it than I would like to be known here, but it's easy to help you handle your own problems. The castle and it's grounds are large after all, also let's not forget about the fact that we have magic at our disposal.

"My situation is easily handled because of my magical talent," I answered rolling my eyes. "What you need to do is make sure that you're indispensable so your family doesn't want to sell you off. Or make it so that you get a choice in who you can date."

I had a fork of mashed potatoes pointed at her as I pointed out the most obvious thing.

"Well, right now I don't have much of a choice."

"We all have choices, girl." I replied with a roll of my eyes. "Last I checked Andy left her family instead of marrying that old fat bastard the Blacks wanted to sell her to. The question is, how far are you willing to go to get what you want."

Willow looked at me with brows scrunched up before shaking her head, "Can't we try something on a smaller scale first, please."

"Enchanting or creating magical spells to add into the family's library then" I replied with a shrug. I noticed when I mentioned enchanting how she perked up, interestingly. "Do you know anything about runes?"

Her eyes lit up and I knew what was about to happen.

"Hold it," I said, calmly holding up a hand to forestall the tirade of words about to assault my ears. "I will show you some of my own runic work and if you can tell me about them, then we can be a team, deal?"

I watched as her brows knitted together in thought before looking past her and to the other tables. Quirrell was here and so were the rest of the Hogwarts staff. The one thing of note was how Snape, Dumbledore and Quirrell were all looking at the back of Harry's head.

Bloody hell, I was happy I was not reborn as she because shit would have gone down in the most colossal way. That brief encounter we had in the hall made me very aware of how powerful Harry really was. He was slightly already ahead of me in power and he didn't have a lick of magical training in him yet.

I could only imagine what he would be like in the future and I had to figure out a way to get him on my side or at least view me as neutral. The only thing we had in common was the train ride and that we were both distantly related. The Blacks did get around to keep the bloodline pure.

The only difference was that he was next in line to be heir black, Malfoy was next because of his mother and I was after due to my distant relations. Maybe I could use that as a way to get him on my side, maybe later. Food for thought of course.

My eyes kept roaming back and forth until I saw a head of snow white hair. A person at the table shifted and I met her gaze unflinchingly. Daphne Greengrass, my supposed soon to be betrothed if the talks and contracts go through. She was known very young as the ice queen with her knack for cryo magic and using it on kids who annoy her. The only person who really hung out with her much was Tracy.

Instead of breaking eye contact and showing weakness, I stared her down until someone shifted back between our gazes. Benefits to the family or not, I think I will pass on that one. Plus it's not like I want to give Nym up and Susan: that short stack has one amazing rack. I wonder if she would be up for some sharing.

Damn teenage hormones.

"Sorry, I was inside my own head for a moment there," I answered Willow as she looked at me. "Please, if you don't mind repeating yourself."

"Help me and I'll help you," Willow replied smoothly rolling her eyes.

"Done," I replied, instantly smacking the table.

Willow looked at me lost before putting her fork down, "Just like that?"

"Just like that," I replied back with a smile of my own. "I'll even show you how to clear your wand."

Some of my dorm mates looked lost at the term and I could even see Willow trying to figure it out. Instead of asking me more questions, I heard her mutter.

"You should have ended up in Slytherin."

Smiling at her I couldn't help myself and replied, "Ha, they wouldn't survive the school term with me down in the snake pit."


It's Chapter day!

Yes, he was tossing around lightning.

There was a reason why I decided to jump skip a few years. All of the fun stuff will be explained later for you folks who love the whole analytical side of things. Although, I'm still of the impression that the only rules of magic are those our imagination limits it with.

The Ravens Nest that he discovered is going to be very important for later.

Fear not, I did name him Roy Mustang for a reason, and transmutation is something I plan to explore.

If you wanna support and get the early chapters.

pat - reon - com - TheToFu

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