
Fulfilling Harry’s Need

When Harry starts to have certain urges, the people around him are happy to accommodate his desires while conveniently fulfilling their own. Pure smut fic. https://www.patreon.com/MarkusEllis - Read 8 chapters ahead on Patreon

Markus_Ellis · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

Chapter 17

Maybe Harry was going insane, but it looked like the clock was somehow mocking him.

The second-hand ticking was getting increasingly obnoxious by, ironically, every second. Harry had never been so bored since the insanity with Molly and Hermione started. He didn't know what to do by himself anymore.

Ginny was busy getting ready for her next quidditch match. She would probably follow through with her often repeated threat of hexing his bollocks off if he bothered her. Hermione was still being all pissy about what Harry did yesterday… even though he couldn't remember exactly what it was to save his life. And Harry felt that Molly deserved a break after the state he left her in.

Who was Harry trying to fool? The only reason he didn't try to find himself some action was that he was somehow sexed out, as hard as that sounded. Today would be a break not only for the women but also for Harry himself.

It was during times like these when Ron came in handy, but his henpecked mate wouldn't dare meet him when Hermione was furious.

"Maybe I should check out the Nimbus like I planned yesterday."

Harry said that out loud to see if he felt any motivation to do so, and no, he didn't. Ron's presence as an absolute quidditch lunatic was needed to make that exciting, and he was obviously unavailable.

"Neville should be free…."

Harry immediately threw that thought away. The last time he met the man during the day, Harry had been covered with what might possibly be the foulest sap in existence. Leaving Neville to his plants sounded like a much better idea.

"Oh!" Harry's eyes brightened as he jumped off the couch. He never did get that check-up at St. Mungo's that Pansy Parkinson suggested.

Harry supposed he might as well do that now. His wand flew into his hand before a majestic silvery stag appeared in front of him.

"I'll be there within an hour. Tell me if you're busy."

The Patronus tapped its feet silently and shot off to St. Mungo's to deliver the message.

Was it arrogant for Harry to not include his name in the message? He didn't think so since his corporeal Patronus was well-known in the wizarding world. Harry felt it would be somewhat redundant if he actually included his name.


Pansy often wondered why she chose to become a healer. It might have been that impulse to make sure the winners of the war didn't discriminate against her, or maybe it was to lessen her guilt at the wrongs that she had done. No matter what it was, she was stuck with it now.

"Honest. I didn't know how it got in there!"

"I see," Pansy deadpanned, not bothering to hide her disbelief.

"Now look here! I'm a respectable wizard! I would never do anything like this!"

Pansy noted the patient's name and signed off for one of the trainees to deal with this case. It was a bit of practical hazing that even she had to go through when she first became a healer. Plus, it gave Pansy such pleasure when imagining the trainee's face when they saw the dildo entirely inside the man's anus.

"A healer will be with you soon, Mr. Covedigger."

"Another one? Why can't you just do it? Too good for me, are you?"

Pansy rolled her eyes and ignored the man before walking out of the room. If she didn't have clinic duty this week, he would have never seen her in the first place. Pansy's time wasn't so worthless to fix the sexual mishaps of closeted wizards.

As if magic was hearing her complaints, an impressive Patronus galloped out of nowhere before stopping in front of Pansy. After hearing Harry's voice, a brilliant smile was on the previously-annoyed Pansy's face as she practically skipped off to meet her colleagues.

Which healer wouldn't want an unknown condition to puzzle over? After seeing an unending amount of patients with minor scratches or bruises, Harry Potter would be a needed change in the monotony.

"Jones! Potter's going to be here soon! Tell the others to get their arses here."

A man lazily taking sips from his cup froze before his previously dead eyes gleamed in rarely seen excitement. Without a word, he rushed up the stairs leaving his cup of hot tea stranded on the counter.

"What's got in his trousers?"

Pansy barely held herself from letting out an undignified shriek at the unexpected voice directly behind her.


Harry blinked, not sure why Pansy seemed to be furious at him. It wasn't like he came here without warning, and even if he did, this was St. Mungo's, not her home. Wasn't it normal for people to come here for a medical check-up?

"Er, hello? I'm guessing I shouldn't have come?"

"No!" Pansy yelped, scared that her ticket to escape her boredom would leave, "I'm glad! Very much so!"

"Alright, then," Harry said unsurely, wondering if Pansy was ever this expressive in Hogwarts. He certainly didn't think so unless sneering and pouting angrily in his direction counted as expressive.

Come to think of it, Harry remembered thinking Pansy was cute when she scrunched her face at him back when she was Draco's lackey. Well, as cute as a girl insulting his entire bloodline could be.

Maybe it was because of how distracted Harry was at his engagement party, specifically with Molly and her fantastic tits, but he didn't take any notice of Pansy then. Sure, he had a conversation with her, but he never really looked at her in order to judge her attractiveness.

Pansy was… different.

It wasn't to say it was a bad sort of different, but compared to the women in Harry's life, it was not the norm.

The aesthetics Ginny, Hermione, and Molly possessed might differ from each other in style, but they were all similar in how black wasn't a color that was involved in their makeup. Pansy seemed to love that color.

Maybe that was an exaggeration on Harry's part since she only had on black lipstick and mascara. Still, it was so eye-catching that it made him associate that color with Pansy. Her shoulder-length black hair had faint green highlights, most likely a show of Slytherin pride, but it only made her silky black hair stand out even more.

Pansy tilted her head in confusion when Harry started chuckling as he stared at her. "What's funny, Potter?"

"Just had a random thought. It's nothing, really."

Pansy narrowed her eyes but didn't try to dig deeper. She didn't really care what Harry did as long as he willingly became their test subject… rather, patient.

"Follow me. Jones should have everyone ready by now."

Harry wordlessly trailed slightly behind Pansy. His eyes casually glanced at her bottom before moving away. As expected, there was a reason most of the wizards that arrived for a checkup kept looking at Pansy.

With a cute face, fit body, and unique but attractive makeup, there was no question why Pansy was an in-demand healer. It's a shame that Ginny forbade him from looking outside the Weasley family. Harry wouldn't have minded having Pansy bouncing on his cock.

"So, Potter. What took you so long to get here? I almost thought that you would never come."

"Er... I was busy, I suppose. Didn't have much time to do anything, really."

Pansy's lip twitched as she held back the comment she wanted to make. Since she was the one that initially gave Harry his diagnosis, if it could be called that, she knew that he was 'busy' wearing out Ginny Weasley. Pansy wondered if she should be jealous of that redhead for having an insatiable fiancé or feel pity for the poor witch.

"I see," Pansy replied, not wanting to overstep by making an inappropriate joke with Potter of all people, "No matter. We're glad you came by."

Harry followed Pansy into a room with three others waiting for them. If he wasn't comfortable in his own skin, Harry would have been uneasy with the looks they had in their eyes. It was like they had seen the most delicious steak of their lives, only the 'steak' was Harry.

"Mr. Potter!" An excitable blonde-haired man grabbed his hand and tried to shake it off, "When Pansy told me about you, I had to stop myself from barging into your home. It is unprecedented to have such a delayed awakening."

The rest nodded rapidly, looking eager to make Harry comfortable, but it only accomplished the opposite.

Pansy noticed that.

"Alright, stop sucking up to him. Potter's a busy man so let's not waste his time. Let's get started immediately."

That wasn't true, but Harry didn't want to admit that he was a bit of a lazy, sex-addicted bum these days.

He was soon surrounded by four far too excited healers as he each ran their own checks on his body. The only positive of having three men standing far too close to Harry was Pansy acting as eye candy. She had thankfully chosen to stand in front of him.

"This seems a bit rushed," Harry said after a few seconds of wands frantically waving around him, "Why don't you all go one by one? It would stop your spells from affecting each other, wouldn't it?"

"Are you telling us how to do our job, Potter?" Pansy seemed to have lost the last bit of verbal filter that made her polite to Harry.

"… No, I suppose not."

Harry backed down and decided to endure whatever these healers wanted from him. He amused himself by imagining what Draco would think if he had heard how Pansy had talked to him.

It would have infuriated Malfoy, undoubtedly. He would have hated that Pansy, his former bootlicker, is uncaring of Harry's position and could talk to him without care. Especially when Draco has to now bend his head to Harry in order to save his finances.

Harry made a note to have Hermione send the man his memory of this. Simply because Draco was still a little shit.

"Alright, we're done testing your body. I'll be back in a little while with the report."

Harry hadn't realized that he was lost in his thoughts for that long. Or maybe it didn't take as long to finish since there were four healers instead of just Pansy. Either way, he was left alone in the room.

Harry wasn't too concerned with the outcome of these tests. Since Pansy had told him that he was in good health at the engagement party and the issue was with his magic, Harry couldn't see any significant problem here.

Magic was one of the few things that Harry was a natural at, and that self-belief led him to trust in his instincts. It was a minor issue as long as he didn't feel like Death was about to swing the scythe.

After all, what could be the worst that could happen? With his lovely Ginny fully supporting him, Harry was confident that he would be satisfied no matter how randy he would get.

Harry could feel himself getting the urge to leave St. Mungo's immediately. Molly and her fantastic tits sounded like a great idea right now. He wanted to see those large orbs of flesh slapping into each other as he railed her tight cunt.

"Good news, Potter. Well, it might be bad news for Weasley. Poor girl will—" Pansy cut herself off when she looked up and saw Harry, "… Really? I didn't think it would be this bad."

Harry followed Pansy's line of sight and shouldn't have been surprised to see the prominent bulge that had formed as he thought about Molly. If this was before the debauchery with Molly and Hermione had started, Harry would have been beyond embarrassed, but now…

"Well, I wouldn't say it's bad…."

Pansy looked into Harry's eyes silently for a few seconds before saying, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

Harry's face flushed when he realized that he wasn't talking to one of the witches that had regularly worshiped his cock. The abundant access to pussy had twisted Harry's way of thinking.

"Right, Potter, let's talk about the state of your magic."

"Please," Harry nodded, happy that Pansy didn't linger on his gaffe.

"I already told you that you'd be active with your sex life, but there are some pitfalls that you should look out for. If there comes a time when you are unable to have sex for more than a few days for whatever reason, I urge you to do so as soon as possible. We suspect that your mannerisms will be warped in a greater magnitude compared to a normal teenager going through this."

Harry remembered when he had simply disregarded Ginny's feelings and talked about her mum during sex. He felt terrible after the fact, but not enough to regret it. It was merely good fortune that Ginny's fetish fit perfectly with what Harry did, or he would be down a fiancee.

"So when I acted strangely, this was the reason?" Harry was hopeful he could foist the blame on something other than him.

"Well, it could be," Pansy said carefully, "But unless you went through a period of more than two weeks with sex, it's unlikely you experienced anything you couldn't control."

Harry's hope that he wasn't willingly an absolute dirtbag was immediately crushed. Still, he tried to play it off.

"Right, it wasn't that bad," Harry said casually as his mind flashed to fucking Ginny relentlessly as he teased her about how he would do the same to her mum, "I was just curious."

"I see," Pansy nodded before adding, "There isn't much more to be said there, but would you mind coming in every week just in case? Your situation is still unprecedented, and every bit of data we get would be invaluable. I'd like to keep track of your magic to ensure it's in line with our estimates."

"Right, sure, that sounds fine," Harry agreed without much thought. It wasn't like it wouldn't benefit him anyway to do so. "Is that all, then? That was a little anticlimactic, to be honest."

"You didn't have some sort of rare desire, Potter. You just happened to be going through magical puberty later than usual. It's a good thing it was anticlimactic."

"I wouldn't have minded finding out that my magic would get much stronger."

Pansy gave Harry a strange look before saying, "Sometimes I envy the stupid but powerful, Potter. Does magical puberty not tell you anything with its name?"

Harry was offended until he got what Pansy was saying. In his defense, he was thinking about where her black lipstick would leave a mark on his shaft when she was gagging on his dick. It was technically Pansy's fault that he wasn't paying much attention.

However, Harry didn't pay any of that too much mind. There was something more important to focus on.

"Wait, how much stronger are we talking about? Will I experience anything like accidental magic because of this?"

"Accidental magic is unlikely," Pansy assured, "You would have to go through something truly shocking for that. But then again, that's true for any adult witch or wizard. As for stronger, we're estimating between fifty to seventy percent. It isn't a precise measurement, but if you come in weekly, we'll have more accurate numbers. My colleagues will review your information for days to pick out other details. We'll owl them to you."

Harry wasn't sure what fifty to seventy percent meant in terms of his magic. The only time he really felt magical exhaustion was the first time he cast the Patronus in his third year. So as far as Harry understood, all he would gain from this was more stamina with casting spells.

Not something Harry would complain about, but also not really necessary.

"I think we should end this here, Potter," Pansy brought Harry out of his thoughts, "You need to get rid of that thing before someone gets hurt."

With Pansy unabashedly pointing at his cock, Harry couldn't misunderstand even if he wanted to.

"Agreed," Harry stood up and nodded at Pansy, not wanting to get close to her with the threat she just made, "I'll be in touch, Pansy."

As Harry was twisting in his spot to apparate, he heard Pansy yell, "Watch your phrasing, Potter!"

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