
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

Grimm_48 · TV
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9 Chs

Scott's return

The next day Scott is looking over the police academy training and when he could start.

"If I get Nick to put a good word in for me I can join anytime I want I gather." Scott says, closing the laptop and looks over to a photo of Rosalee rolling her eyes at the camera while carrying some jar through her store.

"But there's that timing problem." Scott groans, rubbing through his hair indecisively before opening up the laptop again and fills out the online application, putting Nick's name in as reference. After hitting the send button he relaxes in his seat at the small table in his apartment, closes his laptop and picks up the framed photograph from his counter, running his thumb over it lost in thought.

"I better go talk to her. Which will most likely be the biggest gamble I'll do in my life." Scott sighs to himself, having made up his mind to tell Rosalee that they should have a clean break and see if their feelings haven't changed once he's back and hopefully really start their relationship.

Gathering his nerves, he drives to the shop and enters, knocking on the closed door leading to the back when he sees no one up front.

"I'll be right with you." Rosalee replies from what he assumes is her cellar.

"It's just me." Scott answers.

"Oh, alright. Come on down then." She invites him, Scott stopping to take a deep breath before heading down the stairs.

When he reaches the last step he looks around the spacious room, but sees no sign of her, he was about to get worried until he smells her perfume and finds himself in her embrace from beside him.

"Caught you off guard." She says triumphantly, heading back over to an opened box with a certain joyfulness in her step.

"Listen, Rosalee. I... how do I say this?" Scott groans, starting to mumble to himself.

"What's wrong?" She asks supportively, going back over to him while he's frozen standing in front of the stairs.

"I think we should break up." Scott says quickly.

"What? What did I do?" She asks hurt.

"No, no, no that came out wrong. Damn I suck at this." Scott says beating himself up.

"I applied for the academy. I could get invited to start any day." Scott informs Rosalee, sitting down on a step.

"So wait are you or aren't you breaking up with me?" Rosalee asks confused, joining him on the stairs.

"I this to be fair for you. I'll be gone for 3-6 months most likely. That's not a short time and I don't want you to feel like I'm holding you back. So for that time I think it'd be better if we weren't a couple. And if when I get back I'm lucky enough that you still want to go out with me, then we can start dating fresh." Scott tells her.

"So... you are breaking up with me because you really like me." She says, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Yeah. Basically. Unless you have another solution?" He asks, rubbing her knee gently.

"Not really." She replies.

"Soo. Are we fine? You're not mad?" Scott asks, looking at her.

"Yeah. You're probably right. Waiting that long for a first date would be hard." Rosalee answers, woging with her fox ears falling forwards sadly.

"My feelings for you are the same." He promises her, caressing her cheek.

"And you think that will stay the case?" She asks curiously and doubtful.

"It's my intend that they do." He tells her confidentially.

"Well anyways I'm happy that you are going to try and follow your dreams." Rosalee says encouragingly.

That's the last talk Scott had in Portland before returning as a novice beat cop 4 months later.

When he arrives at his apartment he's relieved to see it in a good condition, Rosalee having done a good job on taking care of his few plants.

"I better tell everyone I'm back." Scott says to himself, excited to get to see the fuchsbau he's been dreaming about for months.

After putting away his newly received uniform and luggage he heads straight for the spice and tea shop, when he arrives however, he spots Rosalee in the alley behind her shop, wogued and looking lost.

"Rosalee. It's so good to see you again." Scott says, smiling brightly as he approaches.

Hearing no reply, he slows down his approach.

"Rosalee? Are you OK?" He asks worried, reaching out for her when he's just behind her.

She turns towards him and slashes at him, Scott jumping backwards instinctively, just dodging her claws.

"Rosalee, what's going on?" Scott asks confused, now seeing the red blisters on her fur.

"You're sick. Calm down Rosalee. It's me. Scott." He says, trying to calm her down.

She only snarls and lunges at him again, trying to slash him. Scott grabs her leading wrist and holds it in place, grabbing the other as well when she tries to get him with that as well.

"Rosalee, it's me." Scott says desperately, struggling to keep her contained.

She seems to relax for a second before she tries to rip his face off again, struggling against his hold.

"I'm sorry about this." Scott says, pushing her against a wall, sliding her hands up above her and grips both wrists with one hand while woging and lets his his index from the free hand run over her neck and shoulder while closing his eyes, concentrating on the feeling he receives from her neck before he sinks his claw into it, making her go limp and pass out.

"Let's get you inside." Scott says, carefully lifting her in his arms and approaches her front door when he almost runs over Nick.

"Scott? You're back?" Nick asks surprised, relaxing when he sees Rosalee caught.

"What did you do to her?" Nick asks, looking at the woman in his arms, both their wogues now gone.

"I knocked her out. What's wrong with her?" Scott asks.

"Come in. I'll catch you up while we treat her." Nick says and opens the door for him, Scott stepping into the shop, seeing Munroe visibly rattled as he's mixing something in a bowl over a burner while Hank is kneeling on the back of another pustule covered guy.

"Scott? Rosalee. What did you do to her?" Munroe asks accusingly upon seeing the girlfriend unconscious in his arms.

"She attacked me I knocked her out." Scott says, carrying her over to the bed in her shop before joining the four men in the front of the shop.

"What's happening here?" Scott asks.

"Some kind of wesen sickness." Hank answers while groaning at holding down the other ill wesen.

"Hank knows?" Scott asks shocked.

"Yes. He knows enough at least." Nick answers.

Scott then wogues, freaking Hank out with his dangerous appearance while he leans down and pokes the ill wesen in his neck with his claw like he did with Rosalee.

"Do we have a cure?" Scott asks.

"Yes. But very little. It'll be done in a second." Munroe answers, taking the pot off the burner and adds another liquid to it, mixing it with a glass stick and then kneels down next to Hank.

"Turn him over." He tells the cop and hank rolls the person on his back with Scott's help.

"Nice and easy." Munroe stammers, his hand shaking like crazy.

"How much?" Scott asks, holding out his hand for the pot, which Munroe gives him gladly.

"Half. We need half for Rosalee." Munroe answers.

Scott then pours about half of the liquid in the man's mouth while holding it open.

Once done with that the three other men watch relieved that the red pustules and rash already start to recede.

"Hey Rosalee. Here, drink this." Scott says softly while kneeling down next to her bed, combing some hair out of her face and gently opens her mouth, holding it open while pouring the medication in.

He watches her intensely until all of the visible effects of the illness are gone.

"What happened?" Scott asks the others, bringing the empty pot to the large table in the backroom of the shop.

"An wesen plague broke out, but with this, everyone affected is dead or cured." Nick answers.

"How did it spread?" Scott asks.

"The affected person becomes violent. The original carrier attacked that park ranger and that he crashes my date with Rosalee and scratched her. "

Munroe answers, Scott taking this in and looking like he's just been told he has cancer for a second before putting up a facade.

"OK, so we're safe now?" Scott asks.

"Yeah I think so." Nick answers.

"I seem to have missed a lot. I mean Hank, you know?" Scott asks.

"Since half a week ago. So barely." Hank answers.

"What else did I miss?" Scott asks.

"Before that, what are you? Snow leopard or something?" Hank asks.

"Mauvais Dentes." Scott answers.

"He's pretty much most town's boogeyman." Munroe answers, not catching the pain written across Scott's face at that mention.

"What else did you miss? Oh yeah, Juliette was in the hospital because of a hexenbiest. My mother is alive, Juliette can not remember me anymore, everything else she can remember just not me." Nick sums up.

"Sounds like a lot. Sorry I wasn't there to help." Scott says, slumping down on a chair in the front of the shop.

"That was peobably good, because I killed a cousin or something of yours. A mauvais dentes tried to kill me and my mom." Nick informs him.

"Another mauvais dentes?" Scott asks surprised.

"Yeah, he damn near took out two grimms." Munroe says.

Hearing a female groan Munroe hurries to Rosalee's side.

"You saved me." Rosalee says thankfully, looking up at him from her spot on the bed while squeezing his hand.

"Well it was more of a group effort. Nick's here. So's Hank and uh, Scott." Munroe says awkwardly, knowing that Rosalee didn't have a chance to tell Scott that she and he have been a couple for a little over two and a half months.

"He's back?" She asks surprised, having assumed that she just imagine seeing him when she was ill.

"Just arrived 2 hours ago." Scott answers, peeking around the door to the backroom.

"Welcome back." She says, sounding worried.

"Thanks. I should leave and let you get some rest I think. Hank, Nick, I'll see you tomorrow." Scott says, before rather quickly making his exit.

"That was awkward right?" Hank asks.

"Scott and I were together for two weeks before he joined the academy." Rosalee answers.

"Ohh, alright that's none of my business then." Hank says, getting up from his seat and leaves with Nick, who's quick to say good bye as well.