
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 66: Music Dad is Never Wrong

"Here it is!"

The girl in the adjacent music room was none other than Gu Xi. Hearing this unreleased piece again, Gu Xi felt a mix of excitement and melancholy!

Excitement because...

Since the first time she heard this melody, after more than four months, she finally awaited the return of the mysterious Music Dad to the music room!

Melancholy because...

For such a long time, in her quest to find the mysterious Music Dad, Gu Xi spent almost every free moment squatting in the music room. She even spent her lunch breaks and lingered as the last one to leave the room after classes, fearing to miss him again!

But time passed too slowly.

Gu Xi thought he wouldn't show up again.

Yet today, she once again witnessed his presence. At this moment, Gu Xi was grateful for persisting all this time without giving up!

Her heart pounded.

Gu Xi swiftly entered the corridor and then looked rapidly at the neighboring music room.

She was sure; the melody emanated from this room!

Reaching out to open the door, she suddenly stopped.

Would rashly disturbing Music Dad make him angry? Gu Xi was a bit nervous; many Music Dad had a temper. If her first impression was too poor, it could be disastrous.

First impressions were crucial!

"Wait until the music stops." Today, she would guard the door, not leaving a step. Music Dad couldn't grow wings and fly away.

Five minutes later.

The music inside temporarily stopped, and now was the perfect time to enter.

Gu Xi knew the opportunity had come. She took a deep breath, adjusted her clothes and hair, made sure there was nothing inappropriate, then gently knocked on the door.

Not too hurriedly.

She knocked three times, very precisely.

Inside, Lin Yuan was surprised. He didn't know who would come to the music room, and subconsciously worried—

Could this piano also be someone else's possession?

He spoke, "Come in."

The door opened, and Lin Yuan, seeing the person who knocked, slightly furrowed his brows.

Gu Xi?

Lin Yuan remembered this girl's name. She was reputed to be the most skilled pianist in the school, and the piano teacher had mentioned her in class.

But Lin Yuan had a negative impression of her because unpleasant incidents always happened whenever they crossed paths.

Compared to Lin Yuan's furrowed brows,

In Gu Xi's heart, a storm surged, to the extent that her eyes widened instantly, and her mind went blank!

"Do you need something?"

After waiting for a few seconds without the other person speaking, Lin Yuan had to ask.

"Just now!"

Gu Xi spoke, only to realize her throat was a bit dry today. Holding onto the last bit of luck in her heart, she said,

"That piece of music... cough... Did you write it?"


Lin Yuan admitted without any psychological burden. Moreover, he was confident that there was no similar piece in the world.

Oh no!

Lin Yuan's words made all of Gu Xi's last traces of hope vanish.

Staring at Lin Yuan's undisguised frown, she wished she could slap herself—

He turned out to be the mysterious Music Dad!

Gu Xi had fantasized countless times about Music Dad's identity, perhaps as a low-key teacher or professor at school, or maybe as someone passing by outside...

But never did she imagine that he could be a student just like herself!

It turns out she had offended Music Dad from the very first meeting. Despite her thoughts on leaving a perfect first impression, she now questioned her past actions.

What had she done before?

Was this a case of finding a new self-destructive technique every day?

Gu Xi didn't doubt Lin Yuan's words' authenticity. Just because Lin Yuan was around her age didn't mean he couldn't produce outstanding music.

Genius exists in this world.

If she considered herself a genius in playing, the Music Dad she had relentlessly offended was a terrifying genius in composition!

Moreover, looking back, every time she sought out Music Dad, it seemed they always narrowly missed each other.

Back then, she didn't notice. She even thought he deliberately appeared in front of her to grab her attention.

Now, upon reflection, she realized those chance encounters in the music room were solid evidence of Music Dad's identity!

Is it too late to apologize now?

Regardless of whether it's too late or not, Gu Xi, driven by an almost instinctive survival instinct, understood that maintaining pride at this point would be foolish.

Remedy is a must!

Without hesitation, she bent down and apologized, "I'm sorry, it was my fault. Please forgive my ignorance and rudeness."

In that moment of bowing, Gu Xi's face turned crimson.

She had portrayed herself as superior before, assuming Music Dad and others buzzing around her had some special feelings. Such self-indulgence was embarrassingly explosive...

Lin Yuan was momentarily stunned.

Did Gu Xi just have a change of heart?

Although he didn't like her, it wasn't to the point of disgust. Since she sincerely apologized, Lin Yuan naturally wouldn't hold a grudge.

So, he stood up and left. As he passed by, he said, "It's okay."

"Thank you!"

Gu Xi, feeling somewhat guilty, looked up and found Lin Yuan had already walked toward the door, seemingly not planning to stay any longer.


She watched Lin Yuan's figure, opened her mouth as if to say something, but ultimately swallowed her words.

Although she didn't know if his forgiveness was out of politeness or if he truly didn't mind her previous offenses, at least his attitude hadn't worsened.

This meant she still had a chance!

Moreover, now she didn't need to worry about Music Dad disappearing; she knew his identity!

"No, wait..."

Suddenly, Gu Xi regretfully rubbed her head. She had forgotten to ask for his name, a negligence that almost made her chase after him.

But upon second thought, she stopped.

Since he's a student at this school, finding out his name shouldn't be too difficult for Gu Xi.

If I chase after him now, Music Dad might think I'm pestering him...

Although, in a way, she did have the intention of being persistent.

"I must gain Music Dad's approval!"

Given his age and the exceptional piece he composed, Gu Xi could almost imagine his future achievements. This opportunity, presented to any pianist, would be impossible to ignore!

"What should I do?"

Gu Xi was in a dilemma. "I need to devise a strategy."

Music Dad's standards for pianists were high. With the level of his composition, even if he worked with a pianist better than herself, he could easily choose someone else.

"My advantage is that we're the same age and schoolmates, proximity breeds fondness."

Thinking this, Gu Xi regretted her past actions, "If I hadn't offended Music Dad so much before, things might be relatively easier. I really made myself cry with my foolishness!"

Actions have consequences.

It's all karmic retribution.

Who's right and who's wrong?

Sorry, Music Dad is never wrong.