
FTA: Full-time Artist

In the world of artistic mastery, Lin Yuan stands as an enigmatic figure, a virtuoso in realms untold. When interviewed about his expertise, the questions lingered like a silent melody. "Do you know all of them?" the interviewer inquired, probing the depths of Lin Yuan's artistry. "I have a bit of knowledge about them," Lin Yuan responded, his humility shrouded in mystery. "You mean you're proficient in all of them?" the interviewer pressed further. "Well, I'm proficient in them to some extent," Lin Yuan confessed, a subtle smile hinting at his vast horizons. With a system in hand, Lin Yuan embarks on a remarkable journey, a quest to conquer the world through art's myriad forms. As his talents weave together, he becomes the uncrowned king, adored and revered by people from all walks of life. This is a tale of artistic triumph, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed beyond the ordinary, and creativity reigns supreme. Notice: This novel, "Full-time Artist" by 我最白, is presented as an English translation. Please note that this novel is not my original work, and this marks my debut attempt at translating a novel.

Shang2naii · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 53: Husky

How rare!

Even a work of medium quality like "Balloon" could, with its unique melody at the beginning, trigger listeners to imitate and challenge each other...

And it even made it to the trending searches?

If Zhao Jue couldn't seize such a rare opportunity, she might as well not be the chief agent for Starlight.

Without a second thought.

First, boost the trending searches.

The Balloon Challenge, a trending search initiated spontaneously by ordinary people, generally fades quickly. But if Starlight's celebrities participate in the Balloon Challenge, it will undoubtedly mobilize their fans, causing a larger wave of imitation and emulation, naturally elevating the trending search topic...

The results were just as Zhao Jue expected.

With the entrance of celebrities, the popularity of the Balloon Challenge indeed began to rise, and more and more people joined in, pushing the Balloon Challenge topic to the fifth position!

In contrast,

On the February New Song Chart, "Balloon" successfully advanced one place, becoming the sixth on the new song chart.

The industry suddenly erupted in lamentation!

February is the group of death; major companies put in a lot of effort into the February charts, and no one wants to fall behind. Therefore, the quality of the songs presented is extremely high.

But no one expected.

Starlight released "Balloon."

This song unexpectedly made it to tribe's trending searches because of its singing difficulty!

The strange thing about this song is that seemingly few people cared about whether the song was good or not. Everyone was only concerned about whether they could sing the first paragraph in one breath like the singer...

In terms of quality, "Balloon" did not crush the advantages of other songs on the charts.

This song's ability to trend in February was entirely reliant on the "Balloon Challenge" on the trending searches!

Of course, this also had to do with the upcoming Lunar New Year, so everyone recently had more free time. If work were busy, who would bother recording this stuff?


Jiang Kui received a call from her agent, learning about the situation of her new song. Early in the morning, she jumped out of bed with her hair disheveled and belted out a rendition of "Balloon."

"Trending search, trending search, trending search!"

After calming down a bit, she took out her phone, logged into tribe, and found the "Balloon Challenge" topic on the trending searches.

"Ah ha!"

The feeling of appearing on the trending searches for the first time in her life was somewhat subtle for Jiang Kui. Although the protagonist of the trending search was "Balloon" and not herself, rounding it off, it was equivalent to Jiang Kui herself trending.

Under the topic, there were many recommended videos.

Jiang Kui chose one with relatively high praise.

It was a video made by a female anchor, carefully edited. The beginning of the compilation of scenes was the female anchor practicing various sports activities that could improve her lung capacity.

After completing this pile of projects...

The female anchor flaunted non-existent muscles in front of the camera, a determined look on her face as she asked her partner, "Are you ready?"

Her partner nodded earnestly.

Taking a deep breath, the female anchor, accompanied by her partner's piano playing, suddenly started singing, 

"Black ones, white ones, red ones, yellow ones

Purple ones, green ones, blue ones, gray ones

Yours, mine, his, hers

Big ones, small ones, round ones, flat ones

Good ones, bad ones, beautiful ones, ugly ones..."

She couldn't continue.

Jiang Kui knew instantly.

Indeed, the female anchor in the video clearly couldn't continue singing.

The last few words wouldn't come out at all, as if she was running out of breath. She could only wave repeatedly, saying, "Can't go on, can't go on, I've lost the vibe."

The final scene in the footage showed the anchor and her partner, sitting in chairs with no romantic connection. Then, the screen was marked with a cross and several large black words:

"Balloon Challenge Failed!"

The comments on this video on tribe had already exceeded ten thousand, with netizens leaving messages in queues:

"Anchor, you're deficient in kidney energy."

"Another one with kidney deficiency, case closed."

So, someone who didn't understand asked, "Why do they say the anchor has kidney deficiency?"

The earnest reply below said, "Don't you know? Research by experts shows that people who can't sing the first main song of 'Balloon' in its entirety belong to the category of kidney deficiency/dog."

"What the heck?"

Jiang Kui burst into laughter.

The capacity of the lungs and kidney deficiency could somehow be related. The humorous netizens on tribe were indeed a source of joy.

After the laughter, Jiang Kui suddenly felt sentimental.

Once again, she witnessed the prowess of Teacher Xianyu. Unexpectedly, even placed in the deathmatch, "Balloon" could thrive so vibrantly.


The February new song chart stirred the nerves of countless people.

Naturally, some online media in Qin Prefecture wouldn't miss the topic of the balloon challenge on tribe, such as "Entertainment Citizen."

This was an entertainment program.

The host was a bald man well-liked by the audience. "Waking up this morning, I saw a popular balloon challenge on tribe. I stared at it, thinking it was someone jumping off a hot air balloon in the air. When I clicked in, I realized it was a song. The lyrics start with black ones, white ones, red ones... goodness, I can't remember them. But I counted specially. This song has fifty-six words in just the first sentence!"

Speaking of which.

The program played Jiang Kui's original first-sentence singing.

Bald Head, having finished shaving his head, grinned and said, "I have a friend who works as a music anchor. He sings really well. He told me that during today's live broadcast, all the barrage messages demanded him to sing the song 'Balloon.' The funny thing is, he couldn't get through the first line for half an hour. We thought he would lose followers, but instead, he gained ten thousand. It's really as mysterious as this song, carrying a touch of the inexplicable."

Bald Head continued with witty remarks, weaving jokes effortlessly.

The conversation quickly shifted to the entire February chart: "We all know that every February and December are the 'deathmatch' because many A-list singers release songs during these two seasons. This year is no exception, with a total of twelve A-list singers on stage, making the competition extremely fierce. Let's take a look at the chart..."

After Bald Head spoke, the production team revealed a unique "chart."

It was a cartoon-like pack of wolves.

Each wolf had the corresponding song title written on its body, from left to right, representing their rankings in February.

But the sixth position in the wolf pack.

Surprisingly, it was a Husky mixed in with the wolves.

On the Husky's forehead were two characters, "Balloon"!

At that moment, countless viewers of the show burst into laughter.

This image vividly and humorously depicted the rankings for February.

Because, except for Jiang Kui, all the top ten positions in February's chart were occupied by powerful A-list singers!

Being on the same chart as this group of A-list singers and in a relatively high position, Jiang Kui, as a newcomer in the industry, wasn't she like the Husky mixed into the wolf pack in the cartoon?

At the end of the show.

Bald Head said solemnly, " 'Balloon' brings joy to everyone, but when singing this song, I found that the oxygen in my lungs gradually decreased until there was none left, just like a balloon, from inflation to deflation. I think this might be the meaning that Xianyu wants to convey through this song."


Qin Prefecture, Cloud City.

Lin Yao was also watching "Entertainment Citizen."

As Lin Yuan's sister, she already knew that her brother was Xianyu and naturally paid close attention to related news.

For instance, at this moment, she was curious about Bald Head's summary: "Brother, do you really think so?"

Lin Yuan replied, "It depends on whether this song will become an exam question."