
Frustrating novel

I hate webnovel bootlickers.

Lucky_Punch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Feels like hell

Zorha's eyes widened as he stared at the main character, his mind spinning with disbelief.

He couldn't believe what had just happened - he had been wounded, and it was too fast!

Zorha looked down at his wounded left shoulder, his brow furrowing in confusion and concern.


He spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

As time rewound, the world around them seemed to shift and blur.

"Fortunately, I saved that moment earlier." Zorha said.

The main character's movements are so fluid and graceful even backwards.

The scene played out before them like a movie, each moment unfolding in reverse until they reached the point where Zorha was back when he was smiling.


[ Time stored: 9 hours, 58 minutes, and 30 seconds. ]

[ 2 seconds to reset, save or automatic reset. ]

This time, Zorha's smile vanished as he tried to focus on the battle at hand.

"This is the reason why I hate being controlled by the system, I don't know if the system knows how to use this ability or not."

Zorha stopped talking after that, he knew that the system was counting down, and he couldn't afford to lose his concentration.

He gritted his teeth and tried to push aside the nagging feeling of unease that was creeping up on him.

"2, 3, 4, 5..."

The countdown echoed in Zorha's mind, each number like a hammer blow against his resolve.

He felt sweat beading on his forehead, his heart pounding in his chest.

Zorha gulped nervously, his throat feeling dry and tight.

He could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on him, threatening to crush him with its intensity.

He tried to swallow but found that his mouth was too dry, his throat too constricted.

He knew that time was running out, that he had to act fast if he wanted to win this battle.

Suddenly, there was a sharp sound - "Swish!" - and Zorha felt a searing pain in his left shoulder.

Blood sprayed out, staining his clothes and the ground beneath him.

He gritted his teeth against the agony, his eyes narrowing and didn't wait to identify the source of the attack.


[ Player Asura Zorha was poisoned. ]

Zorha gritted his teeth.


He said, and the scene unfolded back once again.


[ Time stored: 9 hours, 58 minutes, and 20 seconds. ]

[ 2 seconds to reset, save or automatic reset. ]

Zorha gritted his teeth in frustration and disbelief.

"How did that happen!? I moved a little to the left further, I should've evaded that attack!"

His voice rose in irritation, and he couldn't help but continue his tiradem

"Plus, I should be able to see that attack, why is it so fast!?"

Zorha couldn't shake off the feeling of anger and disappointment.

He had trained hard for this moment, and yet he still couldn't keep up with Nei Lee's lightning-fast movements.

As the reset was completed, Zorha took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves.

He knew that he had to stay focused if he wanted to stand a chance against Nei Lee.

This time, he decided to change his strategy and evade even further to the left side.

He had to be quick and precise if he wanted to avoid Nei Lee's deadly arms.

The sound of swishing filled the air as Nei Lee attacked once again.

Zorha's heart raced as he prepared to dodge the incoming strike.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Zorha moved as he had planned.

But to his surprise, Nei Lee was even faster than before.

He moved like a shadow, and Zorha was unable to keep up with his movements.

Suddenly, Zorha felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder.

He looked down to see blood spurting out from the wound.

He couldn't believe it.

The main character had managed to pierce through his defenses once again.

Zorha let out a cry of pain and frustration.

"Not again!"


[ Player Asura Zorha was poisoned. ]

He exclaimed, gritting his teeth in agony. He knew that he had to keep fighting, but his injured shoulder was making it difficult.

This main character was such a formidable opponent, and Zorha was beginning to realize that he might not be able to defeat him even with his ability.

Zorha's mind was in turmoil as he looked at the main character with dread.


He screamed in his head, unable to comprehend how he was always caught, even with his ability to see the future.

He felt helpless, and his confidence was slowly dwindling.

Little did Zorha realize that the curse that had been controlling him earlier was becoming wilder and more erratic.

It was taking a toll on his mind, making it harder for him to focus and strategize.

"I am a warrior, a former prince who has spent countless hours on the battlefield. I won't be defeated easily!"

Zorha reminded himself, gritting his teeth in determination.

His past experiences had taught him to never give up, no matter how dire the situation.

"Even if you are the main character."

Zorha declared, his voice filled with pride and defiance.

"I refuse to believe that you won't go down with my most powerful ability!"

He made a promise to himself to fight till the end, to uphold his honor as a young master and an Asura soldier.

The thought of defeat like this was unbearable to him, and he was willing to do whatever it takes to emerge victorious.


After saying that, the scene unfolded once again.


[ Time stored: 9 hours, 58 minutes and 10 seconds. ]

[ 2 seconds to reset, save or automatic reset. ]

And then it happened again, Zorha's left shoulder was pierced once more!

"Arghhh… RESET!!"

He screamed once again!


[ Player Asura Zorha was poisoned. ]


[ Time stored: 9 hours, 58 minutes. ]

[ 2 seconds to reset, save or automatic reset. ]

As he was back, Zorha's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to accept the truth.

"I refused to believe it! I refused to believe it!"

He exclaimed loudly in his mind, gritting his teeth in frustration.

The reality of the situation was overwhelming, and he couldn't bear to face it.

Every time he uttered the word "reset", his mind, energy, freshness, and pain would revert back to their original state.

It was a powerful ability that he possessed, but for some reason, it left him seething with anger each time.

The frustration was unbearable, and it gnawed at him constantly, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.

Despite knowing that there was no reason to get upset, Zorha couldn't help but feel a burning rage every time he used his power.

It wasn't until later that he realized why.

"Don't tell me?"

He mumbled with hell like anger.

With each reset, he was forced to relive all the pain and suffering he had endured since the last reset.

The weight of those memories was crushing, and it was no wonder that he was filled with fury every time he used his power.

However, even though he knew, he still could not help it for some unknown reason.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Zorha declared, his voice shaking with anger and desperation.

He knew that he had to find a way to make his power work, or else he would be trapped in this endless cycle forever.

This time, he would try something different.

He would evade the right shoulder, hoping that it would be the key to breaking the cycle.

With a fierce determination, he braced himself and waited.



[ Player Asura Zorha was poisoned. ]


This time, Zorha's eyes landed on his right shoulder.

Zorha's mind reeled as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.

It felt like he was waking up in a dream, with reality shifting and warping around him.

He had tried to evade to the right, but somehow, he found himself on the right shoulder once again.

It was as if the world was playing an elaborate trick on him, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could take it.

However, despite the confusion and disorientation, his arrogance would not stop to give up.