
Chapter 1

Cold winds ripped over the barren planet, empty, snow blanketed plateaus stretching over miles. A forest of leafless trees in the distance, as they are threaten by the raging winds to topple over. Footsteps echoing across the snow forsaken field, the feet of the being leading it to the forest.

Darkness loomed over the trees as the figure stumbled toward it against the winds. The being cloaked in a dark hood hiding their features, tattered pants with ripped ends, and black boots that helped them tread on their journey.

Green shining eyes pierced through the tree yet they go unnoticed by the hooded figure as they pass by. The figure stumbled deeper into the forest until they collapsed in exhaustion, face planted in the cold snow.

The green eyes gleamed as a tall figure walked from within the shadows of the trees and into the last of the sun's light. The man with the green eyes crouched down and lifted the hood from the being. Long, wavy, brown hair cascaded from the dark hood, the man turned the woman's face as he gazed down upon her side profile. "Gorgeous..." the man whispered, as he touched lightly to her paled skin.

The green-eyed man gently turned the woman onto her back and lifted her gently from the snowed ground. (Alpha,) the green eyed man spoke through to his alpha with his mind.

(YES ZACK, WHAT IS IT?) the green eyed man received a reply from his alpha.

Zack stood, the brunette in his arms with his eyes focused as if on something distant, (I was on patrol and found a woman. She collapsed with our territory...) Zack trailed off, knowing his alpha was very cold to outsiders.


(Alpha please, she's harmless. She travels with nothing but the clothes on her back, she was looking for shelter for the cold. She is pale...) again Zack trailed off, hoping his alpha will break and pity the woman like himself.

Zack's mind empty as his alpha took a moment before he spoke. Zack heard his alpha's deep voice as he sighed, (FINE...BRING HER IN ZACK.) With that Zack smiled lightly and started to walk deeper into the forest with focused eyes, no longer were his green eyes hazy.

Zack treaded through the snowy barren forest with the brunette within his arms, his sight set on the depth of the forest. "Hang on just a little longer," he whispered to the cold woman in his arms, hope laced his words, "Life still resides in you." He glanced down at the brunette as her face seems even more paler then Zack remembered.

Looking back up, Zack stared at the wooden building before him as another building flanked it. Walking through the front doors of the first building, Zack climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway with doors lining it. Heading to a door on his left, he carefully opened the door without dropping the woman and walked in.

Heading to the bed against the right wall, Zack gently placed the brunette onto the sheets and pulled the heavy blankets over her. Glancing down at the beauty before him, he quietly walked for the bedside and out the door closing it behind him.