

Not everyone finds love, not everyone finds what they desire for. Both are from different worlds, but can love to fix them? Can love help them fight the war without weapons? He is rich, he was just named as the worlds hottest ma alive. Between fame and love or work and love which will he choose? Will he make the right decision? And if it's the right choice will jeon Evel-Hyun be able to help and protect him and save him from himself? Can love really change anything? Will Axel ever be okay? Maybe their love will always be frozen unless....

Del_muoti_ · LGBT+
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52 Chs

Meeting him.

Minjae and Woojin weren't up yet when I was leaving the house. I understand them because lately, we have been working so hard on our solo projects. I checked on Minjae, whose room is opposite mine only to find him spreading himself comfortably on the bed with the blankets on the floor. I walked in slowly and covered him because it was a little bit cold. The room next to mine was Evel's and then opposite him was Woojin's room. I didn't bother looking at Evel's room because he had already left so I went straight to Woojin's. I prefer calling him Kim and he is a heavy sleeper and he covers himself so well that the blankets can't even fall. There was nothing much for me to do there and I struggled with the urge of pulling off those warm blankets and leave him in the cold. Good thing I was not that evil-minded. I had already informed my bodyguard that we were leaving so once I got outside the house, I found him there waiting for me. He walked me to the car and opened it although I prefer doing that for myself but he never lets me. I told him where he would drop me and within an hour we were there, this was due to traffic, or else it would have been only thirty minutes.

I've been here for almost two hours and he hasn't shown up yet. I'm not sure if he is coming but for Evel, it's worth the wait. I'm not giving i up just yet. My bodyguard who is also my driver dropped me and then I told

him to take some rounds because I needed some time alone and he let me. At least I've never landed him in any trouble and I know he trusted me, but u had told him to hang out just around the place. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten hours here and he had not shown up yet. My bodyguard came to check on me every now and then but I would tell him that I am still fine. I was not fine at all. How could I be when I was being defeated like this? Why was he not showing up? It doesn't hurt that I've stayed here for more than ten hours, I hadn't taken any snacks or food all I had was water, what hurts is the thinking that he might not show up. I've been texting him since I arrived here and he hasn't replied to even one text. Maybe I trust people too easily. It is getting dark and I think that it's time to go. The sun must set for it to rise again right? We can always meet another day because I will stop at nothing until I talk to him. I stood up to leave, my bodyguard had told me that he would be in the car in case I needed anything and that wasn't far from here, just a few steps.

"Park Shin?" I'm on a mask how could a fan know me so easily? I asked myself and turned around to maybe say hi and run because if a lot of them realized it was me then they would flood here and this would be a problem.

"Axel..?" I asked after a close look at him. How could I forget his height? How could I forget how cute his face looked even from afar? This was him, if there was a chance that I was competing with him then ik site I wouldn't win. Just looking at him right now makes me wonder if we are named as the cutest men worldwide just because we are popular because I think he deserves the title. I've always liked my visuals but looking at him right now I feel like I can never compare to his face not even by chance.

"Sorry I did not come earlier, you would not have liked the state I was in

...." He said and I nodded immediately. I looked around and the people were at a far distance and no one was caring so I removed my mask and sat, he then sat next to me. It doesn't matter that he is late, at least he got to come and that's an enough reason for me to be happy.

I looked at him once more and I could only compare him to an angel. His hair looked so beautiful and his eyes were so attractive. Perfect nose, perfect face and hair and height, and I just realized that everything about him was just extra.

"What did you want to talk about?... I'm sure the others are worried about where you are, especially your boyfriend, and I don't wanna take your time" he said looking at me. How can someone be able to resist those beautiful captivating eyes? For a moment I forgot that I was mad because Evel loved him more than me. If it's him then I can approve it. He deserves a prince charming just like himself.

"Umh... about what, we literally broke up yesterday....he cried almost the whole night because you pushed him away, I'm supposed to be mad at you but I can't... I'm worried about Evel... He might have seemed alright when you two met the other day but right now he is not himself anymore and trust me this can only get worse... He is never too good with sad stories and this one is on another level, he told me that he loves you so much, but you don't love him back,... That hurts trust me, I've been there before and I know how it feels but I can handle myself, he can't... he doesn't even care about music anymore, just one sentence and you were able to destroy him. Please, we have worked so hard to get here, don't let him come crashing down to the ground, I'm sure you love him too that's why you came..."

I wasn't even done talking and it started raining. My bodyguard came to get me immediately and he didn't let me talk or say anything else. I didn't even get to hear what Axel had to say.

"Don't worry I'll be fine..." he had said when he noticed that I wanted him to come with us because he was being rained on.

There was not much traffic and I got to the house. I was kinda upset due to the wrong timing of the rain. I found Woojin and Kim watching a Netflix series. I greeted them and then went to my room and got changed. I passed through Evel's room and I didn't find him there. Why is he not yet back? I walked down to the living room.

"Where is Evel? Why is he not back?" I asked and they both looked at me at the same time.

"He came back earlier today and said he is going to his house for some days.... he was looking for you but you weren't around so he told us to say bye," Minjae said handing some popcorn to me.

"Is he okay though? Did anything happen to him? Was he scolded when he went to the company? he doesn't seem like his usual self and he looked kinda mood less and hurt... do you know anything? Cause I'm worried I've never seen him like this before" Woojin asked and I shook my head to indicate I didn't know anything. I don't want to tell them when I'm not sure if he wants to tell them. I told you he could only get worse and not better.

'he is at his house... please do something ' I texted and saw that it was read immediately. I hope he does something.