
Frozen hearted lord

To ascend the skies and render the earth, to discover the endless mysteries of the dao and to harness the energy of the world, they cultivate. In a world where comprehension is the only path to power, and where every moment is a race against time, Bai sheng start his journey toward greatness.

Caeliferous · Fantasy
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28 Chs

7th stage of Body strengthening

The different levels of comprehension of a dao were organized into 3 great realm and 3 subdivisions, making it a 9 levels system. The three great realm were master, grandmaster, and great grandmaster. Each realm was subdivided in advanced, achieved and accomplished. After Bai shen's victory, other children began to voluntary for a spar, while the two instructor were still discussing the first fight.

"Achieved master at the age of 10, not bad" Casually remarked old Xu.

" Mmh, to draw cold from oneself to the enemy, that is something only ice achieved master can do" said Bai ning, before adding :

"But what is really terrifying is his body cultivation : he is actually not far from the 7th realm."

"What ? The barrier from the 6th to the 7th realm of Body Strengthening is quite the challenge for martial practitioners, you sure he is close to the 7th ?"

" Yes, there's no mistaking it, he has managed to lower the freezing point of his blood to around -30 degrees. Having tempered his blood to this extend, he shouldn't be too far off."

Elder Xu face twitched as he spat :

"You guys from the Bin family are all madmen. What kind of torture did this brat go through for him to have this kind of body ?"

*sigh* "He hasn't been taught by us"

"Oh ?"

"He never showed up on training classes of the clan. 7th stage at the age of 10, that requires a staggering amount of rare herbs and harsh discipline"

"Well, that is what it takes to make warriors." Said elder Xu before shaking his head at the pathetic display of a student begging for mercy.

The Bai clan members had an easier time at the spar as they fought regularly between clans member. All the students were advanced masters in either ice or time or both, saves for Han wei who was a time achieved master. He also stunned the onlookers with a perfect grasp of timing, and a reaction speed almost instantaneous. Just like a fly would see the world in slow motion, his sensitivity toward time allowed him to disarm his opponent flawlessly.

"See that Sheng? You scared?" taunted Han wei as he sat to a seat not too far from his.

"Not bad, not bad. If you continue your efforts I might consider taking you as a disciple." replied Bai sheng with a pleased smile.

Although he wasn't fond of how arrogant this commoner was, he had to admit that he was somewhat capable. To get to where he was as someone of humble birth wasn't easily achieved, so Bai sheng considered entertaining Han wei's taunt with some trash talk of his own.

"Me? Being your disciple? Humph, your heartbeat is not even synchronized, it should be me teaching you don't you think? "

It was then that Bin sheng realized that Han wei's pulse was regular to the tenth of a second.

'Wow, it seems his body cultivation is not too far from mine'

"Haha, little Weiwei, when you are able to hold on for more than 10 second in the 3rd lake, you will have the capabilities to boost in front of I, your father." Answered Bai sheng without a change of face.

The two youths continued bantering before going home, as the class ended. After getting some workout done, Bai Sheng entered the pont in front of his home.

'Sh*t that's much colder than it should have been, what is mother doing'. Though Bai sheng while doing his best to absorb the cold into his blood. As his blood condensed to the limit, he felt a subtle change in his body. Lighter, more resistant, and in sync with the ice element. The pont suddenly didn't feel so cold, and he exited with a proud face.

"7th stage! I did it mom!"

"Good." she replied.

The breakthrough would occur naturally when one's body was attuned enough to the dao.

"At the 7th stage, our teachers told us to focus on regulating our heartbeat and tempering the bones with cold to make them sturdier." Probed Bai sheng, unaware of the direction his mother wanted him to take in his cultivation.

"No. You will continue making your blood colder, and you will only focus on that, until I say otherwise."

"But won't my skin start decaying if I do that ?"

In order to avoid skin necrosis, Bai ning told them to temper their entire body with cold before attempting to further condense their blood.

"With the herbs I will be giving you, you won't"

'Where the hell does she even take those herbs from.'

He didn't know much about his mother's past, only that she wasn't an ordinary elder of the Bai family. But he wouldn't object to anything she planned for him because he trusted her more than anyone.

"When will you tell me about my origin ? About your past ?"

" When you are able to hold on in a -100° pont, I might consider telling you." Answered his mother with a relaxed expression.

Ever since he was young, he only remembered doing training. No history lessons, no cooking classes, only cold, harsh training. Although he did learn some mathematics and how to write. Heck, he didn't even know where his father was.

'Maybe my father doesn't even know I exist, huh'

He shewed off the herbs and played a little of time guessing before getting into bed. He dreamt of being unrivaled through the land, a hero soaring to the sky and revered by the masses. But more than anything, he dreamt of making his mother proud.
