
Frozen heart.

Daphne, the first daughter and successor to the throne in the kingdom of Dnuiran, her younger sister is still at the Royal Academy while Daphne is preparing to take on her role as the Queen of Dnuiran. Things start changing and at a fast pace when she meets her mate or more like mates but the twist is that only one of the two women is her actual mate and there was some twist that went on behind the scenes to make her think the second female was her mate as well. One of the ladies happens to be a new student at the academy but seems like her mate has a lot of unresolved problems and secrets to hide and her second mate as well has some skeletons lurking in her closet from the past that she just can't seem to let go of and has come to revenge mistakes and events that happened centuries ago. She loves her mates and treats them well but the secrets they are individually hiding can't let them freely enjoy their time together until they come clean with the truth of their hidden agendas and that seems impossible until when it happens but when the truth is out there's more to loose than to gain leaving the ladies distraught in their own ways.

Mo_yong · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Can I?

The Next Morning

Laying down it was quiet and peaceful till I realized I had soft pillows pressed against me and a strong pair of arms around me."

'... I didn't know Freda felt so good especially now and the unholy thoughts are beginning to surface in my subconsciousness and it isn't a good sign since we're basically just friends and I'm in no mood for a no strings attached relationship.'

"You can't exactly have that now as you know you two kissed last night and seeing your position right now is very ambiguous and I can tell she has a thing or two for you so you're way past putting off a no strings attached relationship hun." Xena, Zelda's wolf spoke up in her mind.

"Yes but can't we just take it slow and see how we handle the situation instead?"

"Knowing you, taking it slow is not in your dictionary I could already see you two scr*wing a few weeks from now."

"Give me some credit, it won't happen anytime soon I assure you."

"Whatever you say."

"Morning the shuffling woman."

"What do you mean by shuffling woman I barely moved."

"Doesn't mean I couldn't feel your little movements with your fingers."

"Sure. Anyways how are you today?"

"Really? After a night of confessions and cuddling your ask me the iconic 'how are you?' the next day."

"Is it a bad thing to ask how you are?"

"Well it isn't and I am fine thank you."

"Ah polite. Funny when you're ere full of sass yesterday along with being rude."

"I'm sorry about that I just had a really bad day yesterday and the alcohol didn't help I admit."

"So you're basing it all on the alcohol?"

"At least I can say I tried."

"Better safe than sorry."


"Are you feeling better today about what we talked about yesterday?"

"I can't say for sure as I'd need more time to experiment and figure that out for me to fully decide."

"Ok ok let's go freshen up and get something to eat and I also have clothes you can borrow."

"You know you're not getting them back right?"

"I knew that already."


"Lucky guess."

"Where are the clothes please and I have some questions for you."

"The clothes are this way follow me to the closet and I'd answer all the questions over breakfast."

"We're at the closet, can I start with the questions now or...?"

"Now is fine don't worry I'm not trying to run away from you."

"You have no choice either way."

"Lucky me."

"You're using sarcasm in me again what did I tell you about it yesterday I said I'd kill you if you use sarcasm on me again are you really willing to go down that part."

"I'm not ready to die today thank you very much and I'd start the questioning."

"Thank you very much detective."

"How do you afford the mansion, cars etc?"

"Rich parents."

"Fair enough."

"Are you in college or high school?"

"I am in college, it's my second year and I got exams coming up soon then I'd be in my third year. How about you?"

"Shush... I'm the detective here but I'd answer you I'm in senior high school."


"That's it? No comebacks or snarky comments?"

"You can't exactly make a comeback on a get to know you questioning besides you didn't diss me for me to bite back."

"Ok I see."

"But there's a million things you could comment in the reasons you shouldn't be with a junior right now."

"You're in senior high school so that seems fair enough. How many years you got left to finish?"

"I have two semesters to finish, less than a year to finish senior year and why do I fell like you're the detective now?"

"I don't know exactly for now but for now please can we head over to the kitchen and get something to it because I'm dying to eat I'm famished."

"Seems I am too here put this clothes on and meet me downstairs and before you start giving me attitude on not knowing how to get there. Downstairs two corridors to the left and you'd meet the staircase."

"Even with that I won't reach down successfully on my own please wait so we can go together or do you really want me to die so desperately?"

"No. I'd wait for you and we will go down together."

"That will be well appreciated."

After changing.

Going out of the dressing room Zelda called out to Freda but she didn't respond.

"Hey! Freda!! Where are you?"

"Freda! This isn't funny come out!"

"Ugh the nerve of this woman I can believe she fooled me to believing shed really wait for me her only to go away.

I really want to braid her veins right now."

"Ohh you made it down successfully. Wasn't so hard was it? Do you still want to braid my veins?"

"Not just that I want to kill you as well."

"You can kill me all you want later but for now keep all the murderous intent for later."

After Breakfast

"You got class today?"

"Yes unfortunately but I'm gonna skip some classes since I'm late anyways."

"Ok let's finish cleaning up so I can drop you at school."

"Do you guys always wear uniforms?"

"Yes but if you have a black and black that'd be fine or if you have a white shirt and short black pleated skirt that'd be fine."

"I don't have something like that here so let's quickly stop by the mall before heading to your school."

"That's good."

At The Mall

"Have you found anything you like yet?"

"Yes I've seen a few things and I'd pay for them right away."

"Hey excuse me please how much are this?"

"It's a few hundred dollars for each but they've all been covered by the woman beside you."

"I hate the smirk on your face right now and you crossing your arms it just screams like a bad girl at rest vibes and it's pretty hot too."

"Agreed. Since we're done change into the clothes and let's go drop you off."

"I'm coming. I won't be long."