
FrostBitten (Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Lost. Confused. Threatened. He had no memory of where he was, how he had gotten there, or anything except his own name. On the run from bloodthirsty beings that wanted his head on a pike, dealing with powers he couldn't control, seeing visions of people and places he had no recollection of, Chion Pagos wondered if he was truly meant to be alive. The only thing that kept him going was the image of a hill with an abnormally large tree. //1 chapter every other a day, 1 on patre0n. patre0n.com/ShadowDrev Discord: https://discord.gg/AZnQSJQEGh Donate to Patreon for a plethora of benefits. Extra chapters, sneak peeks at other projects, and even first hand looks at character designs for my Original novel. Novel should last about 1000 chapters, more or less depending on pacing, story direction, and so on. Timeline is a year before Percy shows up to camp. //Special Note: Those who purchase $20 Tier and above will get exclusive access to high tier rewards. This includes the first pages of a Manga for my original novel, NameLess, and even a free first edition copy when the first volume is complete.

CarlosDr3vna · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Submersible Fun

//One more chapter to complete the deal. And while I do that, I have another deal for you. Take it or leave it, this one DOESNT have an expiration date and can't grant tons of chapters or something.

Anyways. Enjoy


They reached the Clashing Rocks after some time, around the time Annabeth had predicted they would.

And boy, were they called that for a reason.

The current was fast, churning and moving with enough force to capsize a large fishing vessel, or even rip it apart if it wasn't sturdily built. Tons of water roared past, flowing along different routes as if the channels were etched into the sea itself. Large boulders and smaller rocks moved along these passages, crashing into each other at random intervals, some of the bigger ones even breaking down and causing even more debris. Just off first glance, it looked impossible to cross without suffering some form of damage, the constant barrage of debris, small and large, dull and sharp, making the entrance nigh impenetrable. Even with divine intervention, it was hard to see how an old sea vessel had made it through.

The trio weighed anchor, and took in the sight, watching as the virtual minefield of earthen objects drifted by.

Chion took the moment to carefully take in the scene before him and run some mental calculations through his head, trying to search for a way through, any way through. From the currents to the occasional gaps within the rocks that appeared at random intervals. He analyzed and predicted.

And came up with absolutely nothing.

From where he was sitting, there wasn't any way to safely pass through without garnering some form of damage. Even with the outer plating, there was still a chance of the interior being compromised by a rogue piece of jagged rock. Accurately depicting an opening wasn't a possibility due to the random nature of the rocks and how they moved, crashing into each other, causing a domino effect that changed the course of everything every few seconds. It wasn't a matter of having a better vessel that was the problem. It was how dangerous the rocks actually were.

For the most part, Annabeth was right. Running through the field of debris and relying solely on the luck of the draw was idiotic.

No matter what direction Chion glanced, there was just no way through.

"Whatcha think Chion?" Luke asked, getting closer in order to be heard over the Clashing Rocks. "Still wanna run through? You have a plan right?"

Chion didn't reply immediately, neon blue hues scanning the ocean, mind running millions of thoughts per second, trying to put together some sort of plan that didn't involve backtracking. Though there was nothing wrong with falling back, he wouldn't feel right unless they exhausted every possible outcome.

It's just that each outcome carried far more risks than reward.

"I don't see any way to do this," Chion freely admitted, willing to take the loss. "Even with the SS Overland. Current isn't in our favor, and the rocks are too random to be put into any format. We might have to turn around and take our chances with sea monsters A and B."

Annabeth didn't immediately offer an "I told you so" look, but Chion could feel it coming. He didn't mind it, though, since he would have definitely regretted not taking all available routes, especially if a route allowed them to enter the Sea Of Monsters without taking a ton of damage. His initial option had fallen through, so all he could do was look ahead and prepare for the only path that remained, ignoring those who wanted to gloat, namely daughters of Athena.

"It's okay." Luke tapped Chion on the shoulder. "There wasn't any way to go through it. It's not your fault. Was a good try."

"Yeah. No way to go through....to go through." Chion blinked as they began to speed away from the Clashing Rocks. "IM A MORON!! The option was there that entire time!!"

"What?" Luke was completely baffled as the white-haired individual barreled past him, sprinting towards the upper deck.

"Annabeth!!" Chion slid into the room. "Turn around and head straight towards the rocks!!"

Without missing a beat, he began flipping switches and mashing an assortment of buttons that no doubt looked random to those who weren't in the know of how the Overland worked. Fiddling with the radar, he turned a dial and waited until it was on, then flipped three separate switches.

"What?!" Annabeth was definitely confused, almost tonthe point of showing anger or frustration. "Why?"

"Do you trust me?" Chion halted what he was doing and turned to fully meet her gaze, locking eyes with her.

"What are you-"

"Do?! You?! Trust?! Me?!"

Annabeth grit her teeth and hesitated for a second. But only for a second. Without a word, she yanked on the steering wheel, whipping it to the left while momentarily dropping their speed. Angling back the way they came, the blonde girl revved the boat to a higher setting and shot towards the Clashing Rocks, eyes narrowed in concentration, hands gripped so tight on the wheel her knuckles turned white.

"Hold it steady and don't decelerate no matter what happens." Chion pressed a few more buttons. "Depth of about 20 meters should do. Oxygen levels are efficient. Hull intact. Parameters are more than sufficient. Push the speed to its max!!"

Annabeth followed the order, raising the lever to its fullest.

They were nearing the Crashing Rocks at this point, close enough to hear the pounding of boulders and roar of the currents over the running engine. It was around then that Chion finally hit the biggest button on the panel, the one closest to the steering wheel.


Various sounds immediately echoed around them as thick metallic plates previously unnoticeable, unlatched, and unfolded themselves before spreading across the upper part of the ship. The opening was rapidly covered by the sheets, locking together to make an airtight space that didn't even allow oxygen to pass through, let alone water or any other obstruction. Light flickered into existence, allowing the trio to see what was going on the inside.


Sections of the plates moved up with a loud grating noise, revealing thick circular panes of glass that offered some form of visibility to the outside. The largest piece of glass was the front, which opened up near the front of the ship, positioned in a way that allowed the pilot to maneuver see what lay ahead. Additionally, rising from the ground near the steering wheel, four flat screens surrounded the driver, showing them the sides and rear ends of the Overland just as it sank into the oceans depths, narrowly avoiding a huge chunk of debris. The engine that had been roaring became a soft hum and Annabeth immediately lowered the speed on reflex.

"The fuck???" Luke looked through the window as they moved through the underwater currents with relative ease, moving past the Clashing Rocks. "It's a submarine??!!"

"Hehe. Uncle Festus, you crazy genius." Chion let out a breath, a cold blast of air escaping his lips. "Expect nothing less from the God of Forging."

Annabeth said nothing as she concentrated on steering, trying to understand how to maneuver the Overland now that it was a submarine. Obviously, being the daughter of Athena, it didn't take her very long to figure it out, as she was smoothly sailing the armored vessel within minutes of first submerging.

"I read over it turning into a submarine," the blonde said after she had stabilized the vehicle. "I admittedly forgot it could do that."

"Same here." Chion agreed. "It took me a second. I guess we aren't perfect."

"You two are insane!!" Luke was all smiles as he made his way into the room. He ruffled Chions wild snow white hair and pulled Annabeth into a hug. "Defying the odds. Yeah Hephaestus built it but you guys put it to the best use!! Be proud of yourselves!!"

Annabeth blushed before extracting herself and Chion grinned almost as widely as Luke was, quite pleased that they hadn't wound up as a grease stain on the side of some boulder. With the newly submerged Overland, it was a straight shot towards the C.C's Spa and Resort, a clear-cut course that wouldn't have been available otherwise. Moving towards the steering wheel and the surrounding screens, Chion took a moment to carefully observe their surroundings as well as Sparrows Compass. Though relieved that they could now move forward uninhibited, they still needed to be sure that they weren't off course or immediate danger.

"We made it into the Sea Of Monsters." Annabeth walked up and joined Chion at the steering wheel, gazing through the large window and into the long stretch of ocean before them. "One step closer to obtaining the Golden Fleece.

Luke slapped Chion on the shoulder before walking away. "It's getting pretty late though. We should take this opportunity to have two of us rest while one keeps an eye on where we're going."

"I can take the first shift," Chion said, nodding towards Annabeth. "Go and get some rest.

Annabeth opened her mouth to argue but immediately closed it and let out a sigh. Before she left, she punched him in his shoulder, not hard, but firm enough to move him slightly. Chion already knew she wasn't good at displaying sappy emotions so he said nothing as the blonde turned around and walked out of the room. Shifting his attention towards the steering wheel and the screens, Chion made sure they were heading in the proper direction and made the proper readjustment. He checked the depth, pressure, oxygen levels, and various other pieces of data, assuring a smooth trip.

"Well, dad. Looks like we're on our way." The individual flicked a few switches. "I wonder, what would you have done if you were in the same situation? Would you have taken the same risks? What about my mother? What would she have done in my place? If she were the son of frost...."

(("Son of Frost. Son of frost?")) Chion frowned as the words repeated in his head for some reason. Now, of all times, something was developing in his head, an idea that made so much sense the longer it remained, he was ashamed he hadn't realized it sooner. (("The son of frost? Maybe...."))

Reaching behind him, the demigod yanked out his dagger, holding up Katavro to the light. The message scribbled in Ancient Greek stood out as bright as day, the forgers name etched just below that.

(("The son of frost had nothing to do with my powers nor my mother.")) Chion slammed himself mentally for only just figuring it out. (("It has to do with the forger of this dagger and the one who raised me. The one who was a friend to the gods as well as being a demigod himself."))

The words seemed to glow a bright white as the youth soaked in the words. The name of his father.

Jackson Overland Frost.