

Silvermist used to believe that guardians exists; however, as time pass by, she's slowly forgetting everything until she met one of them after she broke the Frost Guardian's staff, following the wicked fallen guardian's orders, Periwinkle. Evidently, she had been tricked and found herself entangled with the twelve Guardians, and order to save the humanity against the Sandman and his apprentice with their plan to perish humanity, Sil was left with no other choice but to be Frost's human staff.

ExoShaneey · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Guardians


I heaved a sigh as I closed the book I was reading. I still don't want to go home. I just want to stay inside the library and consume all my time until I forget everything. I just hope it's that easy tho.

My parents were always arguing every time I got home. I don't wanna hear them cursing each other, wishing each other's demise.

I snapped back into my senses when realized Cullen is in front of me, reading the same book as mine and for the love of—when di he even get there?

I immediately covered my face with the book I was holding and slowly stood up and swiftly walked away.

That was Cullen—that's him! The president of our school and was one of my ultimate enemies. I don't know why, but we've been hating each other since our first day in highschool.

Even him, breathing, sends shiver running after my veins.

I tucked my hair behind my ears and returned the book to the librarian. I better get out of here before my vision went dim. I might end up throwing the book to him.

He's just one of my enemies tho, simply because I'm nothing but a bitch.

A lot of people don't like me because of my attitude. My words could cut deeper than blades—at least that's what I always hear from then.

I used to be so kind, so gentle, so polite, but after life fucked me over and over, I fucked it back, goddamit! Kindness only gave me nothing but bullshits.

I immediately went outside and walked towards the school gate. I'm not going home like what I've said. I want to spend my time elsewhere.

I was about to take another step when something hard came in contact with my head. I glanced at the floor and saw a crumpled paper.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Sil. I didn't see you."

I looked back and saw Gail, chortling, together with her two "clown" friends. Aside from their weird make up, they're also Gail's pets.

My lips parted as I bent down to take the paper she threw. I stood straight and balled it into a size of a metal bullet.

"AWW!" She shrieked when the paper ball hit her forehead.

I only flicked it with my fingers. It might hurt, but not much, but of course, she's Gail. She exaggerate things all the time. The sound was too satisfying tho.

She glared as she was rubbing her forehead.

"You little—" she was about to attack me when I placed a finger in front as a warning.

"If you haven't forgotten which club I am in, you know it's better for you to stay meters away from me," I warned.

She must haven't really forgotten at all as she took it as a threat and stepped back.

"Look!" She snorted, lips trembling. "Leave my boyfriend alone or—"

"Holy heck, it's almost been a year!" I snickered. "He's all yours, goddamit! I don't recycle garbages."

She winced in defeat, so I had the chance to plaster a smirk. I glanced at the garbage who's walking towards us, Levi.

"Fence him, chain him for all I care. You, guys, are long dead to me," I hissed before turning against my heel and left.

I bit my lip to calm myself. I admit, I haven't gotten over yet. The wound they left haven't completely healed yet; it's still hunting me until now.

I pressed my lips together when I stepped outside the school gate and has been welcomed by the freezing wind.

I immediately took my scarf out of my bag and wrapped it around my neck up to my nose. I have sinusitis and I left my mask in God-knows-where for the love of cheeseburgers!

I called a cab and jumped in to save my dying nostrils.

"It's getting colder, ah," Mr. Driver muttered and I nodded, rubbing both of my palms together to create friction.

It's getting colder, indeed!

I heaved a sigh and traced random shapes on the windshield that has been covered with mists

I feel so empty.

A bitter smile crept on my lips when I saw the decorations beside the road. Thousands of heart-shaped balloons were hanging in every corner and were sprinkled with heart-shaped golden dusts.

I know, I've seen them up close—before, that's it.

It's not like it's Valentines day, it's just the usual event that we're celebrating during our city Mayor's wedding anniversary. The decorations are almost the same as last year and it makes me feel unease.

I could still remember us standing beside those balloons; when I laughed at him when he almost slipped down the ground; the smell of his perfume; the warmth of his body when he pulled me for a tight hug; his deep, calm voice when he told me how much he loves me; his everything.

I miss him so much!

It's still hard for me to accept what happened between the two of us. Everything happened so fast—I just woke up one day and he's gone!

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

I slipped back into reality when the driver called my attention.

"O-Oh, yes!" I stuttered and wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks with the scarf.

I looked at myself through the windshield's reflection. I haven't even noticed that I've already drowned myself back in the past.

I sought and was about to take my phone out of my pocket when the driver almost broke the car horn and the next thing happened so fast.

A ten-wheeler truck came running on a high speed towards our direction and as much as I wanted to open the door and run as fast as I could, my legs won't go on as planned!

I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact.

Loud noises were heard followed by screeching sounds of tyres which will totally crush my bones into pulp. Just then, different scenes came flushing into my mind.

Memories of the past, to be exact!

So, things like these do happen when a person is already close to dying, ah? Gotta take note of that—if I mysteriously live.

I waited for those large wheels to run over me, but nothing.

Did I die already?

I swilled and held my own hands to check if I still have them. My eyes were still closed when I checked my whole body to know if I lost anything and thank goodness, nothing's missing.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the roof of the car. It looks like I'm not under a crushed car yet.

I looked at the driver and tapped his shoulder.

"H-Hey, mister! A-Are you okay?"

I asked, voice shaking, but he didn't answer me so I tapped him again, but there's still no response.

I looked everywhere until my vision landed outside the car window. I could feel my eyes widen in horror.

The ten-wheeler truck, which was about to hit us a while ago, has been covered with thick, transparent ice.

"Holy mother of nature!" I muttered as I was eyeing everything outside, jaw hanging.

Everything has been frozen in the mother fucking time, aside from me!

"Oh no no, this could be a dream!" I whimpered, almost tossing myself from side to side.

I tried opening the car door, but it seems like it's also following the time frame of whatever the heck of a dimension this is.

Am I even in a different dimension? What kind of an evil phenomenon is this?!

"Calm down, Sil. Calm the fuck down!"

I suddenly slapped myself without me willing the motion and winced when I felt the stinging pain.

"OH GOD!" I pressed my cheeks and waited for the pain to magically go away until something—no–someone—landed in front of the car I am in.

"Woah! That was close."

I slacked down by instinct and carefully peeked to see what's going on and there, I saw figure of a man with a mysterious blue, sparkling hair.

"You shouldn't have done that, Frost. Father will totally kill you!" Another man landed beside him, nudging his temples.

"Says the guy who froze the time," the first man answered, sarcastically. "And mind you, Tim. Use brother next time when addressing me. I'm still fifty-one years older than you!"

"Stop it, both of you," another man landed on the opposite side, the second one is standing on.

He looks like a kid with that narrow shoulder of his, but the way he looks at those two makes me think that he's the eldest among them.

And why am I even thinking about that when here I am, pretty clueless about what's happening?!

"Why are you always so mean, Fall?" That Frost asked. I don't know if I heard his name right.

"We should go home now before father noticed we escaped again," that kid said.

If I heard it right, his name is Fall—weird and cool at the same time.

"And we're leaving things like this?" That Frost asked once again.

"What can you do anyway? Use your magic again and father will really kill you this time."

I gasped.

Wait, magic? What magic?

I narrowed my eyes when Frost turned to face Tim, if I'm not mistaken.

"You should turn back the time so that no one will know we exist," Frost suggested.

Why am I addressing them as if I know who these people are?!

"Ugh! I'll get the blame for this again," Tim groaned, raising a hand.

I saw something glowed on his ring finger and for in a blink of an eye, they disappeared.

I don't exactly know what happened but the next thing I knew is that I'm already staring at myself on the windshield's reflection.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?"

I looked at the driver in shock and caressed my cheek when I felt something rolling down.


My forehead creased in confusion. I looked outside and my lips parted when I found out that we're still about to leave the school.

What's going on?!

"S-Stop the car!" I said almost in a shout that the driver nervously stepped on the brake.

He looks confused, but I didn't have the time to apologize. I took my pocket out and paid him more instead, to at least make amends indirectly.

"Keep it," I said when he reached for my change.

I was about to go out when I remembered something.

"Don't use the main road, mister. A ten-wheeler truck might run over you."

His brows raised skywards and unsurely nodded. I stood straight as I watch the cab disappear.

"Am I being delusional already?" I mouthed, but I could hear the words inside my head.

I almost decided to leave things as it is as I couldn't find the answers to my questions until I accidentally hit my cheek when I pulled my scarf up and felt a pain.