
Frost : Algid Rex

"I always feel cold" No matter how good your life can be, sometimes people still feel cold even though they're surrounded by people who love them. They feel emptiness in their heart and soul, that doesn't go away no matter what they do. There this voice in their head keep telling them that, "You don't deserve anything in your life, you didn't do anything that will give you such beautiful gift." "You are nothing more than empty husk vessel, that got lucky enough to have life." "You don't even deserve to born, let alone live in this world." At this point you just want to disappear from earth. But what if your wish come true.... .......................................................... Claude Vedh 15 year old boy get transmigrated to another world Snodedliv. Beautiful and peaceful looking planet snowfall happens all the time looking at snowfall will calm your heart. This world has magic too, isn't it what everyone on earth want to feel it, breathe in it and live in world full of magic. That's what people from earth would think but races that live in this planet it's frozen hell. They never saw or know about spring, summer and autumn only everlasting winter stays here. This world is full of myths, mysteries and unknown threats that always hidden in darkness to devoured you and everything that is close to you. Magic and Sword Curse and Blessings Talent and Hardwork Dreams and Hope Past and Future Strong and Weak Whether you are human or demon. Nothing really matters in front of absolute power. Your past, present and future everything will disappear on single breathe of absolute being. Claude young boy who didn't even saw cruel nature of humans on earth. Now, about to experience what pain, suffering and tragedy. Now, he going to see true evil nature of humans being and being far worse than humans. Will he become "THE ALGID REX" or just another weed that going to crumble away. ............................................................. Author Notes : I'm going to do my best while writing this novel. I'm participating this year WSA, I wish if I could be within top 50 people in final. I want to write atleast 500+ chapter novel and given good support from readers I will try my best to go beyond my limits to write 1000+ chapter novel. If there's any mistakes in novel let me know, I will do my best to improve it. I hope you enjoy reading my work.

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18 Chs

First Spell

"Now, watch closely." Max stretch out his hand and said, "Ice spike "

And suddenly one ice spike materialize out of ground.

"Ice spike is the most basic ice mage spell."

"As how for fire mage fire ball is most basic spell that they must learn, same goes for us ice mage with ice spike."

"Every spell strength depends on its caster level and power, if one have deep understanding about their spell then spell would be much more stronger than same level and power mages."

"But you can also make ice spike without casting spell but it would be weak and fragile isn't going harm anyone. This ice spike doesn't have sharp edge like one I make with spell, you can touch this spike to the difference Claude."

Nodding at Max Claude walked towards ice spike that Max just made right now. It doesn't have sharp edge as Max just told him only its head is pointy, Claude knock at ice spike it does seem it wasn't weak he thought it would be Claude touch ice spike and it does feel colder than the snow below his feet.

Claude always had one big question all this time but couldn't really ask anyone who can give perfect answer to his question.

"Max why ice mage are the weakest one in this world, when we should be the who should be strongest as this whole world is full of snow and ice?"

Max look at Claude and let out sigh hearing Claude question cause this one is always been biggest question in every newly awaken ice mage.

"Claude sit down first before I tell you, this question is little bit hard to answer." Looking at grave expression on Max face Claude sit on ground and focusing on Max answer.

"This world is full snow and ice as you said The frozen world it sure has rich ice element density in the air, if you were awaken with any other 6th rank element you wouldn't be able to see your element in your surrounding in just week, it would probably took you month or no more.

But nature has its own way even though there's more ice mage compared to other mages but we are far weaker in element control, its hard to explain it its like our spell doesn't have that much power and affinity with our element, its like this world itself is preventing us from getting stronger."

"You wouldn't understand this now but you will one day kid."

"Claude call yourself lucky or blessed as you awaken with lowest talent." Max said with smile on his face as he really consider Claude lucky enough to be weak.

"What's there to be lucky about being the weakest one." Claude said with annoyance and anger in his voice.

"The only weakness about ice mage is being low level and having weak talent and affinity but when one rich higher level or awaken with higher talent."

"They can be absolute monster and bring disaster to this realm, they're truly terrifying existence on this land."

"Everyone is afraid of newly awaken ice mage who is genius."

"If you awaken with 6th rank,5th rank and 4th rank ice element you won't be much centre of attention maybe 4th rank one might become centre of attention and for those who above 4th rank their existence couldn't be hidden it is law everyone follow on this continent every kingdom and every empire."

"This rule was made long time ago and everyone is following it since than awaking with 3rd rank, 2nd rank and 1st rank is either blessing or cursed."

"Only Royal family and Nobels are allowed to have 3rd rank, 2nd rank and 1st rank ice element awakener and if you belong to normal family isn't part of Nobels then you must serve either nobles or royal family. You have to join them without objection or you would be killed off before you knew what just happened."

"Third option is join Magic Tower Association but becoming member of magic tower association is really hard not everyone is qualified enough to join magic tower association."

"If you are not member within any of this three you will get executed just for awaking with 3rd or above rank ice element talent." Max told Claude this with grave tone.

"Isn't there fourth option or anything like that. Killing someone just because they have more talent is just wrong and evil."

"Claude with absolute power comes, absolute madness, terror and horror far beyond your understanding." Max said with grave tone but he knows Claude wouldn't understand this yet.

"No, with great power comes, great responsibility." Claude said that out loud and full of confidence and righteousness in his voice.

Max almost threw up alcohol he had in his stomach cause he never heard anyone say this line before.

"Kid where did you learn to say things like this?" Max asked with curiosity.

"From someone who takes responsibility." Claude nervously turned around and look at different directions cause he doesn't want to show his embarrassed faced. He just something he would never say, if Max was from earth he would understand that Claude just said spider man movie dialogue.

"But enough with that teach me proper magic Max."

Max look at Claude eyes, he could see naive, amature and child with hope,"Kid, I hope you don't have to see this world true nature."

"Enough with this Philosopher Max talk."

"You see I can now move ice element mana out of my body but just as it comes out it just freeze doesn't become the shape that I want."

Claude stretch out his hand and his palm start glowing light blue and ice cube appear in his hand.

"You really made good ice cube, it shape is perfect with sharp edge all around it. I don't see any problem in this."

"I've to say this you got good imagination and control kid." Max tease Claude as he pick up ice cube from his hand.

"No, that's the problem I can't make anything other than this if I try to make this ice cube big it just suddenly deformed and other shapes won't even come into existence."

Next moment deformed ice object form on Claude hand.

"Kid what shape you want is depend on your imagination and if you can't do it, it just means you lack imagination."

"How much mana did you stored inside your sea of consciousness?"Max asked with bit irritation as he kinda know now why Claude couldn't make anything big using ice magic.

"Quite a lot I guess." Claude replied nervously as he saw Max irritated face.

"Then store mana as much as you can for after that try using ice magic."

Two hours later Claude opened his eyes and stretch out his hand and made ice staff in his hand.

"You weren't storing more manabin you isn't it, instead just storing few mana particle you start using magic again don't you." Max said but irritated.

"Even if some spell required lot more than you can imagine."

"Tell me how much mana you used to make this staff."

"I used one third of my mana to make this." Just Claude try to swing staff around it broke into pieces and fades away in air.

"Your control is really bad you need lots more practice than anyone else around your age."

"But don't give up just because of that always remember practice makes man perfect." Max said after that he threw small book towards Claude and without telling anything he walked away as he alcohol bottle gets empty.

Claude catch the old book, book didn't even have name as it was earsed along the time, book only has few pages. After reading first page Claude knew that this one is magic spell book.

Claude read spell book in just few minutes. There were certain part he didn't understand stand and try interpret in his own way.

Claude with left hand holding spell book and his right hand stretch out in air start to recite ice spike spell.

"Heed my words fangs of frost,

Bleed thy inimicous with ice spike."

Air in his surroundings twisted and turned glowing light, almost all mana stored in his body is disappeared instantly and sudden chill spread out in his body.

Infront of Claude single ice spike appeared completely in deep blue colour like glacier ice.

Claude was in awe as he's first spell was successful without failure like he faced all this time.

Claude ice spike is like glacier ice while Max looks like normal one, ice spike have really sharp edge that might ended up cutting anyone, if they stupid enough to seek death.

Claude stood and admire his work, he's genuinely happy as he finally walking towards path of mage.

As Claude staring at spike he suddenly felt slightly vibration on ground and then ground vibrate again and it start shacking soon.

Claude turned around and run towards the settlement.