
Chapter 77

After V moved into Xiao Yi's apartment, everything seemed to move quickly.

Xiao Yi slept like a normal human, albeit with some occasional naps on the couch. When he was awake, he spent his time between V and gaming, making a bit more progress in his progressions.

Xiao Qiu had to deal with his fans wanting to know more about his brother, specifically, if he could convince him to come back. Hell, his fans even joked about him being the less successful brother!

Meanwhile, V's divorce was moving swiftly due to the stack of evidence against his wife, yet he still didn't go home. He was in the position to take a drawn out break followed by working at home for at least a little while, and it would be a lie if he said that he wasn't enjoying the tranquility of this small apartment.

Otherwise, it was the same, day in and day out.

That was until 'Team X' turned up at his apartment once more.

V stood in the way, his arms split between the door frame as he gawked at the nerve of these boys to quite literally show up on Xiao Yi's doorstep like kicked puppies, each with their own suitcase in tow.

"Uh…" V cocked his head to glance behind him, at the man sitting with his back facing them, his computer showcasing him and another assassin hoeing a garden. He gritted his teeth and remembered what his friend has said before about getting closure. "Xiao Yi, there's some bastards stepping on your welcome mat!"

Xiao Yi didn't bother turning around as he muttered a sarcastic, drawn-out sentence with his lip raised. "Oh no, not my welcome mat."

In his ear, a man chuckled.

"…" At least turnaround!

V didn't have the chance to think of another insult to throw with Chen Qiang awkwardly piping in. "Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi's finger paused over the 'F' key, but his face gave nothing away as he said goodbye to the person in the game, and shut it down before he spun in his chair.

"Did you…" He looked past V, who had graciously lowered his arms and moved to the side slightly, just enough for him to see the group outside, yet not enough for anyone to get into the apartment without him being able to shut the door in their face. "Get kicked out?"

He asked, but he wasn't expecting to get an affirmation in lieu of Li Hao's little nod that was barely noticeable. Both of the men's jaws dropped open and V couldn't help but rub in the wound. "You guys are rich, just go rent another place, why show up here?"

"Ah…" Mu Yichen's hand rose to the back of his neck, something that he'd done since he was a child whenever he knew he was wrong. "We also lost our money."


Chen Qiang explained. "We were going to reach out to you a few days after we dropped you off, but our phones got stolen and sold, our bank accounts were closed after being emptied and we had no way to get in touch."

Tang An piped in. "It was all that new manager's fault, who knew she was an anti?"

Li Hao shoved his suitcase toward Mu Yichen, adding insult to injury. "This bastard gave her access to the apartment and computers since he was fucking smitten with her - look at what she did, huh? This is why we have rules - rules for this kind of -"

His words were cut short as Tang An wrapped his hand around his neck and covered his mouth, but Mu Yichen still rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

Xiao Yi had no clue what he should say in this situation - he'd just taken in one CEO going through a divorce, was he met to provide for these guys too? He had the money but he was afraid this apartment wouldn't be big enough to accommodate them.

V was on the same mindset. He moved out of the way to let them come in, but stated firmly. "I'm living here now, there's no room unless you want to pull out some mats and sleep on the ground or the couch for the night but I can give you some money if you want to find a hotel or somewhere to rent. It's a bad look for our league if tournament winners are homeless…"