There was a slight pause as Nightmare leaned down to pull another herb from the soil.
[Nightmare]: Are you going to quit?
Xiao Yi's finger, which was just about to click E in order to pull another herb, hovered over the key.
If he had been asked this question a few months ago, he wouldn't have even paused while answering. He'd definitely quit. There wasn't anything for him to do, aside from perhaps get on the odd time with his brother or V, there was no reason for him to continue the repetitive drive towards max level anymore or go beat people up in arena. He may have considered getting on when worked up in emotions to beat random players until they called for their parents, but, he definitely would have quit.
He moved his character with one hand and rested his head on his other, gathering silently.
When he started playing again, he did it to reassure V and his brother that he hadn't gone absolutely insane, though he was bored most of the time.
Even if he tried to downplay his skills or change his movements or class, he was always terrified that he'd be caught in the arena by someone who knew him, and he had far too much pride to lose on purpose. Hence, he avoided PVP unless he was having a shitty day.
Dungeons, raids, and guild wars were all things that you either needed to do with people you knew, or, chance it and hope you didn't end up with an idiot on your team. His gear was already good enough, even when compared to the newer releases, so he'd only do PVE when he was getting paid to help level someone's account.
But, the truth was out now. He didn't necessarily need to avoid his main account, aside from the fans that may surround him. He didn't have to do dungeons alone anymore, because he made a friend. And, he didn't need to avoid his ex-teammates since they knew where he lived now.
[Sleepy]: I won't.
The man on the other side of the screen let out a relieved sigh, one that sparked his pink-haired teammate on the other side of him to lean around his monitor and ask. "Did you just get paid or something?"
"Shut up, ten more rounds."
"Hey, what about a healthy sleep sche-"
"Ten more rounds."
His teammate could only groan as he entered queue again, cursing him in a separate group chat in the game. [Someone come save me from this monster, I only asked if he got paid and now I need to do ten more rounds - isn't he a demon?]
[What, are we finally getting serious?]
[There's no way.]
[Want to take the cup next year?]
While his teammates gossiped about him, he turned back to the game and moved to another field with a small smirk.
[Nightmare]: I was afraid you'd abandon me.
In all his seriousness, Xiao Yi gave a stranger from the internet his contact information and said in voice chat. "If I disappear, you can find me here."
Midnight reached over to his mic and turned it on, muttering. "What, I can't text you if you don't disappear?"
"That's a bit cold, isn't it?"
"I'll text you anyway."
"… Ok."
Hello, my little wanderers.
The exams went as well as they could have, and although I don't have my grades yet I am pretty confident in most of my courses. However, that's not the reason for this author's note.
The December event has come back around with the same rules as last year. This author will publish at least 1 chapter a day for 31 days on Patreon starting today. There is a post over on there detailing more about the event, however, that's the gist of it.
Frost will likely end during this event, so I'd like to say a thank you to the readers who have stuck around to read this [admittedly somewhat messy] story about a lazy cat-type main character with a lot of issues.
The Scum Prince will also likely be stockpiled during this event, and the plan is to begin releasing within two weeks of Frost's end.
Thank you for all the support,
Wandering Phoenix