
Chapter 59

Both men had large smiles as they looked at the screens before them. One, in a cold bedroom that still had luggage in a suitcase, and the other, in a high-rise apartment overlooking the city with rowdy conversations ongoing behind him.

Xiao Yi noted: He's a captain.

Nightmare noted: He's an ex-captain.

Very soon, however, the smiles were wiped off their faces as they both focused on the screen.

This dungeon was originally meant for a five-player team with at least one tank, DPS, healer, and a summoner or spell caster. Assassins were just DPS with a medium aoe radius and quick movement speed, attack speed, and evasion.

Although each class could learn skills that fit the needs of the other classes, it was significantly weaker. If a mage and assassin used their base 'spell' moves, the mage would almost always win in terms of just strength.

After one hit from the boss in front of them, Sleepy flew back and landed on his feet with just half of his HP left.

This boss…

Definitely different from the one he tested.

He moved out of the aoe radius and rolled his wrist.

[Sleepy]: Seal?

Nightmare paused briefly, his foot just off the red carpet on the ground.

[Nightmare]: Seal. I'll keep aggro.

That was all that needed to be said as the two split apart.

Because it was a five-player dungeon, both of them had to take on 2.5 people's work.

A seal? Sleepy stepped in a circle, stopping every 3 steps until the circle ended, Xiao Yi typing a string of numbers at each stop. When he reached the last spot and closed the circle, he moved 3 steps outside of that spot and did the same with every 6 steps, then again with every 9 steps to complete the ritual.

All this happened within two minutes, while Nightmare held the boss's aggro and applied DPS to the boss before them.

When Xiao Yi finally turned back to the boss, the other assassin had already chopped away 1/3 of his HP on his own and the boss was entering his first stage of rage.

Xiao Yi typed another command and Sleepy stomped one foot.

One by one, circles with ancient letters appeared from the floor surrounding the humanoid figure, illuminated in blue particles. As the last one appeared, the axe in the humanoid figure's hand slowed mid-air.

Sleepy stomped once more, and majestic pillars rose to the air, a thin film reaching from one pillar to the next until there were three enclosed circles.

The humanoid boss completely stopped moving aside from the slight rise of his chest and blinking of his eyes.

Nightmare immediately began throwing skills at the boss while Sleepy stayed in place to keep the formation. If he'd been a summoner, he would have been able to hold this skill without using his character as part of the formation.

[Sleepy]: 3 minutes.

3 minutes were left before the seal disappeared.

[Nightmare]: Tell me when it's 1 minute.

Xiao Yi didn't end up having to tell him when one minute was left, as Nightmare was able to kill the boss on his own with the help of some potions.

Unfortunately, they wouldn't make it past the next hoard of mobs as the timer had run out of time and they were kicked out of the dungeon.

Nightmare stood in front of Xiao Yi and did a bow emote while saying. "We should try it again tomorrow."

[Sleepy]: If we're both free, let's try it.

He wanted to see what was different about this dungeon from his initial testing, and it didn't seem like Nightmare minded not completing it in the first round anyway.

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