
Chapter 52

"Look, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Wait wait wait - we can just send some men to do the dirty work, why are we going?"

"What if your other cousin finds out?"


Xiao Yi's hand tightened around V's face, covering his mouth as his other hand guided the wheel of the car. He glanced over with clear, taunting blue eyes and a smirk under his mask. "I clearly remember hearing that you used to beat people up in high school, did you finally grow up?"

V tried to retort, only to be muffled and Xiao Yi chuckled. "That's why I had you change to a different car and report it stolen to the police. The Xiao family doesn't know that we're friends, let alone the fact that I'm living with you. Do you find me stupid?"

Xiao Yi's family was rich enough to buy someone to follow him around like a criminal every day but they just didn't care enough about him to do so. Not back then, not now. If it wasn't public knowledge, his family had no access to it.

Xiao Qiu on the other hand, is the apple of his parent's eyes… Xiao Yi had to take care of covering his tracks throughout the years and gradually, the people sent by his parents stopped looking for him and his parents had to sigh in defeat and accept the fact that their eldest had unofficially disowned them.

That's why Xiao Shen ended up taking over the company.

Xiao Qiu thought it was because he declined and fled home, but he didn't know that their parents held on until the last moment. Hell, if he walked into the head office tomorrow - they'd kick Xiao Shen out immediately.

He had no doubt that the shares were never passed onto Xiao Shen or their side of the family, they were being stored to be given to Xiao Qiu when his parents passed.

What a shame…

Xiao Yi was willing to let the Xiao family off for what they'd done to him, but one of them had to go and beat up his brother and the other parties had to go and try to visit said brother.

V's hand tapped on Xiao Yi's and he withdrew his hand as he drove up next to a car and rolled his window down. "The things I asked for?"

The guy, a bulky man in his early 30's pointed in front of him and said. "Boss has them, he's around the corner."

Xiao Yi nodded and rounded the corner.

Twenty-five minutes later, Xiao Huang's front door was kicked open and the masked Xiao Yi walked into the house alone, with a baseball bat on his shoulders while the guards dealt with the bodyguards outside.

He hummed peacefully as he walked through the house until he found his one and only cousin lounging next to the pool. The elder quickly stood up and called. "Guards! Who the hell are you?"

Xiao Yi smacked his head with the baseball bat and kicked his shin, causing the other to kneel on the ground. He leaned down, grabbed a fistful of hair, and forced him to look up. "You fucked up, cousin."

Xiao Huang's eyes widened and Xiao Yi allowed him to leave a punch on his face before stomping on his leg and kicking his stomach so he was on the ground. He got on top of him and abandoned the baseball bat as he punched.

"You bring a group of men to hurt my brother, why do you look so aggrieved when I do the same, hmm?"

Xiao Yi's knee jabbed into the other's stomach and he smiled as Xiao Huang groaned.

"Don't think I don't know why you did it. Xiao Qiu doesn't have the shares in his hands, go to our birth parents for that."

He got up, picked Xiao Huang up by his collar, and looked at the bruised boy with content. "Also, Xiao Qiu didn't use his connections to get into esports but you…"

Xiao Yi hummed as he stared at the other's right wrist. "I'd cripple you but even if I don't, you don't think the fans can't see that you suck at the game right? All you have is a pretty face and daddy's money."

Xiao Yi knew this was the real reason, but if caught, Xiao Huang would certainly say it was due to the shares in Xiao Qiu's hands. He closed both doors for the man, stepping on both excuse and reason before throwing him to the ground.

Years ago, his cousin reached out to him right after Team X won the championship, completely unaware of the company turmoil, and asked for Li Hao's spot on the team. At the time, Xiao Yi had to reject him but was somewhat flattered that the other was inspired because of him. It wasn't a fleeting passion, Xiao Huang had genuinely enjoyed playing games but he'd never dared turn to the esports world because of his parents.

He'd lost touch after that phone call but Xiao Yi did see that he created his own company and put himself on the team a few years ago but they'd lost before they could get through the third brackets each year.

Xiao Huang enjoyed playing games and he was good in terms of casual players but if you put him in a room of professional players… He'd be among the worst. He didn't commit to training and instead focused on tearing other teams down in the business world to clear his way.

"Touch my brother again and see what becomes of you. I'd prefer if you be good, though, I have an elderly couple that should have been sent to a nursing home four years ago to deal with next."

He stretched, grabbed his baseball bat, and didn't forget to step on the man's phone before turning to walk through the house, once again humming peacefully.