
Chapter 43

The five teenage boys glanced at one another in contemplation, a small fire flickering in their eyes.

They had just beaten famous streamers and official guilds to the punch. Why couldn't they try to get on a team?

That was the day that Chen Qiang's dream became everyone's shared dream, one that they wouldn't joke about anymore.

"Honey, I'm home!"

Xiao Yi leaned his head back and saw V walking through the door with three black gym bags draped around his neck and two suitcases being wheeled side by side while the man himself bore a goofy grin.

V kicked the apartment door closed behind him and Xiao Yi drew his eyes away to glance toward the city once more as he heard a few thuds and a groan. "Shit, those were heavy."

Five minutes later, V joined Xiao Yi as he swung his legs over the edge of his balcony with a beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other. "Don't you want to hear about my day?"

"Heh." Xiao Yi glanced toward the other. He could already guess what happened, but he still nodded.

V tilted his head and smiled. "You haven't been online recently, have you?"

Xiao Yi shook his head. He had a busy day with his thoughts, when would he have time to go online?

The other chuckled before continuing. "Xue came to the company with a proposal for the next world event since he plans to retire. Anyway, while he was there, someone let it slip and a few reporters were waiting to get some pictures."

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow. That wasn't what he had expected at all, more along the lines of 'I went and got my shit from our old place!'.

V pulled up his phone and shoved it in front of Xiao Yi with a shit-eating grin.

The headline of the article was 'CEO's wife seen throwing a tantrum'.

Underneath, V clicked the play button and Xu Chen Hua could be seen pulling up to the front door in her black BMW, walking through the doors with an annoyed expression, trying to use the elevator, and returning to the front desk with an even redder face.

'A tomato?'

V had voided her entry card the night that she tried to get him thrown out of the company, but he really hadn't thought she'd have the audacity to show up again!

In the video, Xu Chen Hua's stance changed as she attempted to lecture the receptionist.

V commented. "Do you know who I am? That's what she was saying right here. Damn right - the whole company knows what you did, did you think it was a small matter?"

Xiao Yi nodded and watched as the receptionist picked up the phone. The video fast-forwarded a few moments to two security guards with blurred faces walking up to the front desk, trying to calm the situation.

It didn't work.

Seeing the security guards, Xu Chen Hua's green tea facade started as she straightened her back and threw on the waterworks.

V chimed in again with a shit-eating grin. "She was saying that there must be a problem and the receptionist just doesn't recognize her because she's new."


Blame the employee without outrightly blaming the employee?

The security guards glanced at each other briefly before one pointed toward the door, ushering her to leave the premises which demolished Xu Chen Hua's quick little act.

Her face turned bright red once more, her arms crossed over her chest, and she tried to stomp back to the elevator. Tried being the keyword, as a security guard directly blocked her way.

Then, she hit him across the face.

The video fast-forwarded further to where Xu Chen Hua was escorted out of the building by a police officer. She wasn't yet handcuffed, so she marched her way to the car and pulled out…

Three black duffel bags and two suitcases which were promptly thrown in front of the building.

Now, within earshot of the reporter's camera, she decisively screamed. "Bastard, I'm keeping the house!"

V took away the phone and laughed. "I wonder what she thinks of her face being known? I even bought hot spots!"

Xiao Yi shook his head with a small smile and muttered. "Why did you marry her?"

Albeit knowing full well that Xu Chen Hua's true face was hidden by the ability of an A-list actor, Xiao Yi couldn't help himself from being curious. He hadn't asked earlier due to how happy V was, but it was uncommon for those from families like theirs to be able to choose their marriage without thinking of their businesses.

A marriage was similar to a trade, and you were lucky to marry someone and fall in love with them later.

Xu Chen Hua's family wasn't poor but they weren't rich either. They were in the beginnings of the middle class with no generational wealth, no businesses to their name, and no lawyers, judges, doctors, or politicians in their family line. They were, by all means, a normal two-income household.

Xiao Yi didn't have this issue since he was never looked at by his parents, and he'd already been disowned so they couldn't try to marry him to anyone. V was a different story, he was still a young master under pressure from not just his parents, but his entire family.

V drank from his bottle silently as he contemplated his answer and the two men simply sat silently for a few moments until V answered in a low tone.

"I just fell in love. That's it."