
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Issue #2

Jack looked at the two young women in both surprise and disappointment. The chances fight he had been itching for instantly vanished but his curiosity soon replaced his disappointment.

"I am indeed Jack Frost and some would call me a hero. How can I help both of you?"

But neither of the women responded. Instead, both of them began to tear up as they fell to the ground, hugging each other.

"We are finally safe, Rach," the silver-blonde woman said

"Hmm. We can stop that future from happening now, Stella," 'Rach' said to her friend

Jack was still just as confused but noticed that several of the students that were staying at the institute during the summer had noticed the scene and were starting to come out.

Thinking it was better to talk with them in private instead of in front of a dozen curious teens, Jack grabbed both of their wrists before phasing through the ground and traveling under there until they reached the basement of the mansion.

Once there, Jack moved around until he was sure he was beneath his office, Jack phased through 3 floors until he brought the women there.

By the time they had gotten to the office, both women had managed to regain their composure. They each took a seat around the table in the office while Jack brewed some hot chocolate for them and himself.

Smelling the familiar scent of hot chocolate that they had not been able to smell for over 10 years, both women started tearing up again but were able to stop the tears from falling.

Jack placed the hot drinks in front of each of the girls before sitting down with his extra-large mug and taking a sip.

"Are you both calm enough to tell me what is going on now?" Jack asked as he enjoyed the smell of his drink

"Hmm," Rach said and began explaining their story. And it was a juicy one.

The pair had come from a future where humans created a large number of sentinels that had basically taken over North America after Magneto succeeded in assassinating Senator Robert Kelly. The sentinels killed off, captured, or enslaved almost every mutant and mutate in the continent.

Both Rachel and Stella were Hounds. Mutants/mutates that had been enslaved, tortured, and brainwashed into obeying the sentinels and humans that worked with them. These two were some of the best and had ended up capturing and killing over 100 mutants and mutates together.

It was not until they had received a strong telepathic attack from a mutant they were hunting that the pair broke out from their controllers.

After regaining their freedom, the duo joined the Mutant Resistance Front but even after 2 years of constant fighting, the MRF was unable to beat back the sentinels and ended up losing almost all of their members.

In a last-ditch attempt, one of the members of the MRF used their chronokinesis power to send the remaining members of the group into the timestream in hopes of stopping future events.

This power was very unstable though, so all of those sent into the past were sent into random timelines and at random times.

Hearing their story, Jack was truly impressed. He could have never imagined that humans would have been able to beat mutants back so hard. Especially with him and the clones he was planning to create around.

"What happened to me?" Jack had to ask

Hearing this question, the pair looked at each other for a moment. Rachel motioned toward Stella, telling the other girl to answer.

"You were killed. Or it's better to say you sacrificed yourself," Stella finally said, "The humans and sentinels were able to strike a deal with a Celestial after they declared war and when they saw that they wouldn't be able to win in an attempt to wipe out our strongest mutants.

So when all the sentinels made a large push, so did the Celestial. You were the only one capable of battling it so you went off to take on the Celestial while the Omega-level and other powerful mutants battled Nimrod, the most powerful sentinel.

That was the day we truly lost it all. You were able to kill the Celestial but you also died in the process. Nimrod was able to counter the powers of all the mutants that battled it, killing them all. After that.... the war became constant battles to survive to the next day."

Jack couldn't believe it. They were talking about a machine that could wipe out all of the strongest mutants on the planet and probably the Avengers too since the robots took over North America.

"Wait! I killed a celestial?!?!" Jack asked in shock

Most others would be shocked by this as well. Celestials were pretty much just below the level of conceptual or omnipotent beings.

To put it into perspective, Zeus and Odin and all the other Skyfathers/pantheon leaders, nearly shit themselves when they found out the Celestials were coming for them. They would rather bend the knee than fight back against them.

And for Jack to be able to kill one on his own was a feat that few could achieve.

"Yes, Father. You did kill a Celestial that day," Stella said

Jack was smiling like a little kid when he remembered what she just said. That moment, his smile froze faster than even his dark ice did.

Jack began to study the young woman in front of him. All of her facial features, her hair, her temperament. But even after looking at her and coming to the conclusion, Jack had to ask.

"You said, 'Father'? As in me?"

Stella nodded. Rachel knew this was a bit difficult so she introduced herself properly.

"Hello, Mr. Frost. My name is Rachel Summers. I am the daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers," Rachel introduced herself with a small, shy smile. "I used to love your hot chocolate."

"And I'm Satellizer Frost but my family and close friends call me Stella. My mom is Emma Frost and my dad is Jack Frost. You're my dad," Stella finally admitted