
Frontier of Gods

A Realm where myths and legends are residing in, many are barely arriving to discover this place and try to survive. Join Axel in his journey to becoming a legendary figure..... 1 chapter a day if I can lol, and sorry if I make mistakes while writing this story, it’s my first story!!! Lol thanks for reading and please give feedback... thanks haha. :)

SenpaiReaper · Fantasy
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16 Chs

System Update

"What the fuck..." Axel rubbed his head, then looked down on his hand, it was covered In blood. He felt his body had token a huge blow after the fists met, but unfortunately Axel, who still had the lower hand, was pushed towards a tree..

His equipment broken and his body in low condition.. he gathered his strength and walked towards the shrine once more...

*Boss room (Cleared)*

Axel immediately checked his skills but found no new soul...

*First Boss killed by a Challenger*


{Introducing the wheel, market, and fusion}

*System update complete*

{ The market is a place, where you can trade with other challengers. Buy others soul or trade your souls for points. The wheel is where you can use your soul points to spin the wheel and get a reward. Fusion is where you can combine two souls to get one out of it but doesn't guarantee success }

Like anyone else, Axel jumps in to the new features, he heads to the market first, where it is empty since it just came up, but immediately gets listed with souls, he scrolls past them, seeing new souls like "Bug control" and "Hair growing". Most are useless while there are some like "Material Body" which lets the body become a certain type of material when it touches it. There's a number next to them, it's soul point value? There's a convert button.

He pushes on it and his list of souls pops out, each soul having a set number of point value. Most had a few points but his most is "Metal Control (lowest )" and "Flame Body". Which are 100 points each! His unique soul was unsellable?

Next he went to check out the wheel, there's three different ones, a wooden wheel, a rock one, and one of bronze. Each one had a point value under it, wooden one was 10 points, rock was 50 points, and bronze was 100 points.

Since he had no points now, he immediately sold his two most expensive souls, got his 200 points, he went to the bronze wheel, and spun..


Popped out a capsule... and it opened and lots of light came out...

*Got "Split Mind"*

* Got " Lighting control (lower) "

"Umm what?!?" Axel was confusing...

"Split mind" was a skill which made a second personality in a person..

"Lighting control" is just what it is says... control Lighting...

"So I have another personality now?" Wondered Axel

"It appears so?" Said a voice

"Don't worry, I'll just help with managing your souls so you don't have to worry about applying your buffs and nerfs..." said the voice

"Okay, Im just gonna pretend this is normal and ignore it.."

Axel back to normal life, finally came back to his situation, he had no gear was critically hurt and didn't know what to do... what was his goal, ultimately it was to find his brother and then...? What did he wanna do? He didn't really like his past home since he never met his real family and ended up staying in a shelter until they were about to get a job to finally leave and live for themselves... only thing that pushed him forward was his brother. Now he was a different world that was 5 times bigger with no idea where to start looking...