
Front desk letters

A compelling and ravishing love story collection of LGBTQ+ short stories that invites you to explore the diverse and profound experiences. Although there are few of them smoking hot but some are soft-Love stories. "Mature Content And NO Rape", Totally fictional Short-Stories Series These stories are not only windows into unique journeys but also reflections of universal desires for love, acceptance, and belonging. Together, we hope to contribute to a world where every individual, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation, can live authentically, love wholeheartedly, and find the acceptance they deserve.

Whisperre · LGBT+
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15 Chs

The Fate-Ful Encounter

In the heart of the bustling city, where the neon lights painted the night sky, Eros' Matchmaking Agency stood as a beacon of hope for those seeking love. Eros, the charismatic and openly gay CEO, was the mastermind behind this modern love empire. His office exuded sophistication and elegance, adorned with artworks and sculptures reminiscent of Greek mythology. A massive painting of Cupid hung prominently on one wall, capturing the essence of his business.

Eros was a man of striking presence, with tousled chestnut hair, piercing blue eyes, and a charm that could disarm anyone. He often wore tailored suits that accentuated his slender frame, a testament to his impeccable taste.

At the other end of the office, Apollo's workstation was a stark contrast to Eros' opulence. His desk was a model of minimalism, with a single potted plant providing the only touch of color in the sterile environment. Apollo himself was the embodiment of simplicity, with raven-black hair neatly combed and wireframe glasses perched on his nose. His sharp intellect and deep-set brown eyes gave him an air of quiet confidence.

It was on this fateful morning that their paths would intersect, setting the stage for a modern mythic romance.

Eros paced his office, his mind racing with ideas for his latest matchmaking venture. He dialed his assistant's number and spoke with a voice that exuded authority, "Lena, I need those client profiles for our new project ASAP."

"Of course, Mr. Eros," Lena replied, her voice filled with professionalism.

Just outside Eros' office, Apollo sat hunched over his computer, immersed in lines of code. The hum of the fluorescent lights overhead was his only companion until Lena's voice piped through the intercom.

"Apollo, Mr. Eros needs those client profiles immediately."

Apollo pushed his glasses up his nose and muttered, "On it."

He saved his progress and made his way to Eros' office, clutching a folder filled with client profiles.

As he entered, Eros was too preoccupied with his thoughts to notice Apollo's arrival. Apollo cleared his throat, and Eros looked up, their eyes locking for the first time.

Eros' heart skipped a beat as he took in Apollo's presence. Apollo, too, was momentarily stunned by the magnetism of Eros' gaze.

"Ah, you must be the new hire," Eros said, recovering quickly and extending a hand. "I'm Eros, the CEO of this place. And you're"

Apollo shook Eros' hand, he hesitated at first but as his hand met , his fingers tingling with an unexplainable electricity. "Sir, I'm Apollo, the new software engineer."

Their hands lingered a second longer than necessary, sending a shiver down Apollo's spine. A knowing smile played at the corner of Eros' lips, sensing the chemistry between them.

Just as the moment held the promise of something extraordinary, a loud crash from the hallway shattered the spellbinding silence. The folder of client profiles slipped from Apollo's grip, scattering its contents across Eros' plush carpet.

"Dammit!" Apollo cursed under his breath, quickly bending to pick up the scattered papers.

Eros chuckled, his laughter filling the room like an enchanting melody. "First day jitters, Apollo?"

Apollo's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he hurriedly gathered the papers. "I apologize, Mr. Eros. It won't happen again."

The following days at Eros' Matchmaking Agency were a whirlwind of activity. Eros and Apollo navigated their burgeoning attraction while trying to maintain a facade of professionalism.

Gossip about their electrifying first encounter had already spread among their co-workers, and curious eyes followed their every interaction.

One morning, as Eros sat at his grand mahogany desk, his phone rang. He answered with a grin, already knowing who was on the other end.

"Good morning, Apollo," Eros purred, his voice warm and inviting.

"Good morning, Mr. Eros," Apollo replied, his voice tinged with a hint of flirtation. "I've compiled the data you requested for our upcoming project."

Eros could practically hear Apollo's smirk through the phone. "Excellent, Apollo. Please bring it to my office."

As Apollo entered Eros' office, he noticed a change in the atmosphere. The scent of freshly cut roses filled the room, and soft classical music played in the background.

"Mr. Eros, did you have a meeting scheduled?" Apollo asked, looking around the transformed office.

Eros stood up and walked towards Apollo, his eyes locked onto his employee. "No meeting, Apollo. Just a little surprise for you."

Apollo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A surprise?"

Eros took a step closer, their bodies now mere inches apart. "Yes, a surprise," he whispered, his breath brushing against Apollo's cheek. He then handed Apollo a single red rose.

Apollo took the rose, feeling a blush creep onto his cheeks. "Thank you, Mr. Eros, but..."

Eros interrupted with a mischievous grin, "Call me Eros, Apollo. We don't need formalities between us."

Their proximity grew more intimate, and Apollo's heart raced. "Eros," he whispered, savoring the sound of the name on his lips.

As if drawn by an invisible force, their lips met in a tentative kiss. Time seemed to stand still as their mouths moved together in perfect harmony. The kiss was soft, sweet, and filled with unspoken promises.

When they finally pulled away, their eyes locked in a heated gaze. Apollo's voice was barely a whisper as he said, "Eros, I think we should be careful. This is our workplace, after all."

Eros nodded, his fingers tracing Apollo's cheek. "You're right, Apollo. We must be discreet."

As days turned into weeks, Eros and Apollo's connection deepened. They shared secret glances across the office, their love story unfolding amidst the matchmaking agency's hustle and bustle.

However, the path of their unconventional office romance was not without its challenges. Gossip continued to swirl around them, and some co-workers viewed their relationship with skepticism. Eros' best friend and confidante, Lena, warned him about the potential consequences of mixing business with pleasure.

One evening, as Eros and Apollo shared a quiet dinner at a cozy restaurant, Lena's words echoed in Eros' mind. He decided to broach the topic with Apollo.

"Apollo," Eros began, his voice tinged with concern, "Lena mentioned that we should be cautious about our relationship at work."

Apollo looked thoughtful, swirling his wine glass. "She's right, Eros. We can't let our personal lives overshadow our professionalism."

Eros nodded in agreement, their fingers entwined across the table. "We'll find a way to balance it, Apollo. Our love is worth the effort."