
Front desk letters

A compelling and ravishing love story collection of LGBTQ+ short stories that invites you to explore the diverse and profound experiences. Although there are few of them smoking hot but some are soft-Love stories. "Mature Content And NO Rape", Totally fictional Short-Stories Series These stories are not only windows into unique journeys but also reflections of universal desires for love, acceptance, and belonging. Together, we hope to contribute to a world where every individual, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation, can live authentically, love wholeheartedly, and find the acceptance they deserve.

Whisperre · LGBT+
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15 Chs

Longbourn Estates.

The Bennet family estate, Longbourn, nestled peacefully in the English countryside, was a place where societal norms reigned supreme. Mrs. Bennet, the lively matriarch, tirelessly worked to make advantageous matches for her five daughters: Jane, Mary, Kitty, Lydia, and Elizabeth.

As the sun cast its warm glow over the estate, Mrs. Bennet bustled about the sitting room, her excitement palpable. "Girls, there is a new arrival in the neighborhood, a wealthy and eligible bachelor. A perfect match for one of you!"

Jane, the eldest and most composed of the sisters, exchanged a knowing glance with Elizabeth, her steadfast lesbian sister. They had heard this refrain many times before.

Elizabeth, her sharp wit and proud lesbian identity always at the forefront, responded with a raised eyebrow. "Mother, you seem particularly enthusiastic about this newcomer."

Mrs. Bennet beamed, her hopefulness unfazed by her daughter's skepticism. "Indeed, my dear. Mr. Bingley, that's his name, is quite eligible, and I have a feeling he would make a splendid match for one of you."

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Bingley, a charismatic and discreetly LGBTQ+ man. He was accompanied by his close friend, Mr. Darcy, whose enigmatic presence intrigued the room.

Mrs. Bennet wasted no time in introducing her daughters to the eligible gentlemen, hoping to secure a favorable match. Jane's reserved charm caught Mr. Bingley's eye, while Elizabeth's forthright nature left a lasting impression on Mr. Darcy.

As the gentlemen took their leave, Elizabeth couldn't help but engage in a spirited conversation with Mr. Darcy. Their exchange was marked by a mixture of attraction and tension.

Darcy, his hidden identity and societal obligations weighing on him, found himself drawn to Elizabeth's wit and confidence, even as he struggled with the complexities of his desires.

Elizabeth, although wary of societal expectations and prejudiced against Darcy's initial aloofness, couldn't deny the intrigue he provoked within her.

As Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy departed, the Bennet family gathered to discuss the encounter. Jane was hopeful for a budding romance with Mr. Bingley, while Elizabeth's mind was occupied by thoughts of the mysterious Mr. Darcy, a man whose true self remained hidden behind a façade of pride and enigma.

The stage was set for a tale of love and desire, where societal norms clashed with the complexities of identities. Elizabeth's proud lesbian identity and Darcy's journey to understand his own identity would be at the heart of their evolving relationship, as secrets, revelations, and the unpredictability of love would shape their destinies in a world where such desires were deemed taboo.

Days turned into weeks, and the arrival of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy continued to be the talk of the town. The whispers about the eligible gentlemen and their enigmatic friend only grew louder, while the Bennet sisters found themselves at the center of attention.

One morning, as Elizabeth and Jane strolled through the gardens of Longbourn, they couldn't escape the subject that consumed their thoughts.

Jane, with her gentle disposition, expressed her optimism. "Lizzy, I believe Mr. Bingley is genuinely interested in me. He's been so attentive, and I find him quite amiable."

Elizabeth nodded, her thoughts still lingering on her own encounter with Mr. Darcy. "Jane, I'm pleased for you. Mr. Bingley seems a fine gentleman."

Meanwhile, inside the house, Mrs. Bennet was engaged in a lively discussion with Mr. Bingley, extolling the virtues of her daughters. "You see, Mr. Bingley, my Jane is the sweetest girl, and she would make a perfect match for a man of your stature."

Mr. Bingley, who had been growing increasingly fond of Jane, responded with a warm smile. "Mrs. Bennet, I must admit I'm quite taken with your daughter. She possesses a charm and kindness that are truly remarkable."

In another corner of the room, Mr. Darcy found himself engaged in conversation with Elizabeth, unable to hide his intrigue. "Miss Bennet, your wit and intelligence are truly captivating. I find myself drawn to your uniqueness."

Elizabeth, though flattered, couldn't help but challenge his presumptuous manner. "Mr. Darcy, I appreciate your candor, but I'm not one to be swayed by flattery or societal expectations."

Their exchange was marked by a mixture of attraction and tension, as both Elizabeth and Darcy grappled with their burgeoning desires in a world where such feelings were considered taboo.

Elsewhere, George Wickham, a charming and charismatic bisexual who had recently returned to the neighborhood, was causing a stir among the residents. Wickham, with his easy charm and captivating stories, quickly became the center of attention at social gatherings.

As news of Wickham's arrival reached the Bennet family, Lydia, the youngest of the sisters, expressed her eagerness to meet him. "Oh, Mama, I hear Mr. Wickham is absolutely delightful! I simply must meet him."

Mrs. Bennet, always eager to indulge her daughters, replied with a knowing smile. "Lydia, my dear, we shall make arrangements for you to meet Mr. Wickham soon."

The stage was set for further entanglements and revelations of the heart, where societal norms clashed with the desires and identities of the Bennet sisters and the enigmatic gentlemen in their midst.