
From Zero to be a Billionaire with system

Ricky was just one of many poor children used to test the poison. A very influential family was in the business of making the deadliest poisons, so they bought poor children to experiment on, and Ricky was one of them. However, Ricky was the only one who could survive drinking the poison for eight years. He was in such pain and torment every time he was asked to drink the poison that he wished he could die rather than live like that forever. His wish didn't come true, but a favor gave him new hope to break out of the circle of hell he had been trapped in for years. [A master was found!] [The master was contaminated with so many poisons, clearing all the poisons from the body!] [Master has immunity to poison] [Toxins are successfully eliminated, recovery of the body and organs begins] [Master's consciousness is depleting, emergency high-level treatment is administered] [The body and organs have recovered] [Unify the master's soul with the system] [1%] [10%] [30%] [70%] [100%] [Welcome to the system Handsome Prince!] Ugh, what's that noise? There seemed to be strange voices in Ricky's head, but he wasn't able to open his eyes yet, it felt very sleepy. Maybe the effects of the poison could hallucinate, it was obvious that there was only Ricky in that narrow room. There couldn't have been any other voices. Yes, it must have been Ricky's imagination. He's not dead yet, is he? That's too bad.

dee_hwang · Urban
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8 Chs

Part 3. Wrong name and born date

[So, the system will help you become the perfect handsome prince!]

[Have some skills, not afraid of enemies, and of course... have a lot of money!]

[But you won't be stuck as a prince forever, you can later upgrade to King or Emperor!]

"Wait a minute!"

[Is there anything you want to ask, master?]

Ricky cleared his throat, which felt dry, for a moment before speaking again. Speaking of which, he still wasn't used to his voice that had changed so much. From what used to be a child's voice, it was now a heavier male voice. Despite drinking poison frequently, it turned out that he was still going through puberty.

"This is the modern world, there's no such thing as princes, kings or emperors, so I guess it's useless." Ricky said, it was the longest and clearest speech for several years, for some reason, he felt proud that he had spoken well.

[You're absolutely right, it's a modern world]

[But you can still be a prince and build your own business empire]

[Next is the business of the system that will shape you]

[You just have to obediently accept the various missions that the system gives you]

[Each mission will be rewarded if you succeed, or punished if you fail]

[For the time being, the system will show the status you have, master!]

Then the thin screen that only he could see changed, displaying Ricky's photo and also some data about Ricky.

[Name: Ricky Sheon]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Height: 170 cm]

[Weight: 40 kg]

[Strength: D]

[Intelligence: B]

[Appearance: B]

[Agility: F]

[Unique skill: poison resistance]

"Uh, something seems to be wrong, my... last name is not Sheon."

[No, that's your last name, master!]

Maybe it was Ricky who didn't know that he had the last name Sheon, even though all this time his name was just Ricky.

"In terms of age, I think I'm already 18, right? I was sold at ten."

[Your 18th birthday is still about seven months away, master.]

Ricky became more and more confused by the system, what he knew about himself, was denied by the system.

"Then, my date and month of birth, do you know?"

[The 20th of May]

"No! It was November 12th, I remember it well!"

[Master, do you think the system is more sophisticated or you?]


[The system knows more things than you, so obviously you've been wrong all this time.]

Ricky held his dizzy head, "but why is it different?"

[It's not time for you to know yet!]

Ricky smiled, "well, I'm already sleepy, I'd better get some sleep."

[Good night, master!]

The strange hologram screen disappeared.

Actually, Ricky was afraid that the system was just his wild imagination and not real. Since he had drunk a lot of strange poisons, it was possible that the hologram screen was just Ricky's imagination.

Would the system disappear when he recovered?


The next few days, Ricky was busy learning to walk, taking care of the identity card that he should have done when he was 17, and also taking care of his education.

There were many people who came to see him every day, some of whom took care of the identity card, so Ricky didn't have to take care of everything because there were people who helped him. Ricky changed his date of birth to the date and month that the system told him, because it was also a mission.

The mission was to make an ID card with the correct name and date of birth, and if he succeeded, he would get an extra $500, but it was sent directly to his account.

Ricky had never fiddled with the account, he kept it safely in a drawer. No one dared to touch Ricky's belongings, as the room was also equipped with CCTV.

Actually, Ricky was also confused, if he didn't even have an official identity, how could the system give him a bank account?

[That's because the system is very sophisticated!]

"Yes, yes, you're very sophisticated," muttered Ricky, flipping through his ID card.

He was glad that he now had an identity card, and was no longer a boy locked up in a cramped room with a pile of books.

[You can already walk, master, how about taking a walk around here and getting some fresh air?]

"Hmm, that's a good idea!"

Ricky got out of bed, he could already walk very well. From being only level F, which was the lowest level of agility, it had now grown to level E. Well, although if Ricky was being chased by someone he couldn't escape yet, but it was already much better.

Not far from Ricky's room there was a beautiful flower garden, there grew various flowers and plants that could grow in tropical countries.

Because it was midday, the weather was hot, but it was also cool because there were many shady trees.

Ricky smiled because he was finally able to go out on his own without being accompanied by a nurse. The doctor also said that Ricky could go out on his own as long as he didn't go far, just around the hospital.

In fact, the hospital was very large, the owner of the hospital was one of the most influential families, almost the same as the Harvert family.

If he remember correctly, one of the nurses had told him that the name was the Edgart family.

The name of the hospital was just Edgart hospital.

"Wow, he's so skinny, like a walking bone!"

"Ssshh! You can't talk like that!"

There was a child who said that Ricky was like a walking bone, even though Ricky thought he was getting better, he had also gained a little weight.

[There will be an exercise mission every day, so that your body becomes much fitter than it is now]

Ricky also felt that exercise was important to him.

[Now, you have a mission to do!]

[The prince is expected to be a good person and like to help people in need]

[There is an injured cat in the bushes, you have to help it and give first aid]

[Please take the healing potion in the storage box]

The system screen changed to show the storage box in question. There were three bottles of healing potion, five loaves of bread, and ten drinking water.

"There's a storage box? Can I store my stuff here?" Ricky muttered.

[Of course you can, you just have to put them in and take them out.]

Ricky looked closely at the transparent holographic screen, wondering how he could retrieve his potions. Then he took the initiative to stretch out his hand and touch the image of the potion, suddenly, he had the potion in his hand.

"So this is it, huh? I'll find the cat first."

[Quickly find the cat and save it, a big prize is waiting for you!]

Ricky wasn't too happy about the prize, he thought, it must be just more money.

Even so, he was eager to find the cat, because he really liked animals. He used to play with street animals that didn't have masters. If he had leftover food, he would give it to a street cat or dog.

Even though Ricky couldn't take care of the cat or dog, he felt good just by feeding it.

The sound of a cat meowing loudly could be heard from the direction of the bushes, and Ricky helped it from the entanglement of bushes and thorns. Even though his hands were also covered in thorns and bleeding, he still helped the cat.

Afterwards, Ricky cleaned the cat with the tap water in the corner of the garden. The cat of course fought back and scratched Ricky's hand, but Ricky painstakingly cleaned the cat, and then gave the cat's wounds a potion, applying it to the wounds.

Ricky was amazed at how quickly the cat's wounds healed.

[You help and take care of a cat with a sincere heart, you get the greatest reward!]

[A 600,000$ worth apartment unit has been awarded to you!]

[All the documents will be sent to the storage box immediately]


This isn't a dream, right?