
From you a thousand miles away

A story about a prince whose name is Harukaze, the elder son of Kaze himejima, the 51st king of The Kingdom of Sina. Haru's mother, Mitsukikaze, wife of The King Kaze himejima, had passed away when he was 5 years old after that haru becomes a complete loner. Sleep becomes a big challenge to him as the sudden death of his beloved late mother has traumatized him forever. Ever since then Haru's been hearing a lullaby which his late mother would sing for him to make him sleep, every single midnight until he was 10, then suddenly it becomes rare to him. Although he doesn't know where the sound of that lullaby comes from and that whose it exactly belongs to but he believes that it's coming from the parallel universe ever since he found a book "The Parallel Universe" in the library and discovered the evidence of the existence of another world which is the parallel universe. Now his only dream is to go to there and meet the owner of that lullaby. The king kaze himejima has two wives, one has passed away by a sudden death while his second wife, Himarikaze is still alive and has a son, kenkaze, second son of The King and the younger step brother of Harukaze. Kenkaze hates his older brother, Harukaze so much that he can do anything to kill him because of how the king gives attention to haru more than ken and wants haru to be the next king.

Sayakaraa · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The King Kaze Himejima startles when Haru asks him about going to the parallel universe. The king says, "Haru you can wish for anything that you want but parallel universe, okay?" to Haru.

"but father i-i....okay i got it" says haru with an upset face. "Thank you so much for the dinner, it was good" after the appreciation he leaves the dining room with a smile while holding back his tears.

"whoa! what was that?" says kenkaze after when their discussion is over.

it was 2am, everybody was sleeping but haru. "I don't want to give up on my only dream, i can't just sit still, i have to do something on my own and no matter what happens i'll surely go there!"

haru talks to himself. Suddenly he starts hearing the same lullaby so he shifts his attention out of his room's window and closes his eyes to let each word of the lullaby enters his heart.

This time he doesn't sleep or sit still and checks everywhere quietly throughout the castle. Then he follows the direction from where he thinks the sound is coming more louder and clearer.

" huh! i am literally so tired" says haru while looking at the sky. "heavens! the sky's never been this starry and beautiful ever before!!" he says surprisingly.

Suddenly he notices that the stars forming a queue in the sky. "wh-what's this!! are they telling me to

follow them?, am i supposed to follow them?".

Finally after thinking for the entire 30min he decides to follow them. And after continuously following the forming queue of the stars in the sky, haru ends up at a cave in the middle of a dark, mysterious and dark

forest that was located right in the back of The Kingdom of Sina and what's more strange is that no one has ever been to that place before where haru is right now.

"It looks pretty old and ancient, should i really go in or not?!!" he says while looking all over the cave. He keeps thinking about going in or not and

after about 10 whole min he finally decides to go in. "damn! i can't see anything i should've brought a lantern with me" haru says. *Cough* "Gosh it's so filthy in here!" he says. Suddenly he steps on

some dirty water and says "UGHH!!! DISGUSTING....WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!!!!!!!". All of a sudden the lullaby stops and he reaches the end of the cave and says, "umm i think i've

reached the end of the cave". "Hhahhahhaha now i think i've lost my way too" he says with a depressed laugh. He smacks at the lower surface of the cave "tsk! will i ever be able to meet the owner

of that lullaby or should i really give in?....why my life's always been this way? WHY DO I NOT GET THE THING I WISH FOR EVER IN MY LIFE?". Out of blues the cave emits a white bright light

and a hole starts to occur beneath him, the ground inside of the cave only, starts shaking and all of a sudden that hole swallows him within it, "ahhh what's happening, SOM-SOMEONE

PL-PLEASE HEL-HELPPP!!!!", then the hole closes itself, leaving no traces of him behind and everything inside the cave comes back to its normal state automatically as if nothing happened.


I know you guys might be wondering about why did i post another chapter on such a random day when i had already announced my posting day so actually the reason is that i suddenly have to go out of country for some weeks so i'm afraid i won't be posting any chapter in those of my hectic days and i deeply apologize for that already.

Which is why i decided that i'll post new chapters three days a week and i hope you all would enjoy that haha.

And again i'm sorry already incase there's any spelling mistake or something else like that i made.

hope y'all a happy monday!


Sayakaraacreators' thoughts