
From Weak Lord to King of The World

Transported to the medieval era, I became a noble named "Field." My cheap father is like a candle in the wind, not long for this world, and my beautiful stepmother is a beast among beasts. At the start, the protagonist is sent to a corrupted land filled with poverty and monsters. Fine, you want to play this way? I won't be the good guy anymore! I'll develop and plunder simultaneously!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 8: Fine, Fine, Fine, I Won't Be a Good Person Anymore

Field was stunned. Who were these people?

"Damn!" Field was very upset.

The butler, Kaa, shrank back. He had tried to hint at this earlier. Bull Baron and his son were not good people.

"Wait a minute! You're the Baron of Nightfall Domain? Excellent, at last, someone to buffer my fortress. I hope you can survive for a couple of days! But when the undead chase you, don't bother coming to me. I won't open the door."

The man on the city wall remembered Field after the advisor reminded him. Unfortunately, all he could think of was using Field as a strategic buffer for Kasan Fortress.

The butler couldn't hold it in any longer and whispered, "Richard Bull, Bull Baron's only son, is known as the Coward. We'd better avoid him."

"Absolutely, no need to waste time with an idiot." Field's veins bulged as he slowly retreated. "If everyone wants to play this way, then fine. I won't hold back either."

"Open the gate to Nightfall Domain yourselves. It's quite safe there!" Richard said before retreating into the castle. "Now get out of my sight, you out-of-towners."

Richard's advisor wiped his sweat and cautiously asked, "Sir, deceiving them like this, isn't it..."

"Shut up!"

After retreating to a safe distance, Field told everyone to wait.

"Now I know why the undead appear here." Field's mouth twitched as he adjusted the sword at his waist. "Thank goodness the orcs are also blocked by the gray fog and bound by the peace treaty. Otherwise, the Empire's proudest defense line would be a joke."

"Um... respected lord, we won't bother you any longer." The villagers awkwardly jostled each other, not wanting to provoke Field, who seemed very angry. Finally, one of them mustered the courage to step forward and say goodbye. "We're leaving. Thank you for your help."

Field was furious. Despite his modern upbringing, he wouldn't let himself be taken advantage of. He lowered his eyes like a wolf about to attack and said coldly, "Did I say you could leave? Your lord abandoned you. Now you belong to me."

It was a convenient way to gather free labor.

"What? No, no, my lord, please spare us. We are free men." The villagers were extremely reluctant. Given what Richard had said, Field was headed for Nightfall Domain, a cursed land of death. Going there was a death sentence.

"Fine, I'll spare you. Five gold coins as a ransom. I saved you; this is my due. Either come with me to Nightfall Domain or pay up. Otherwise, I'll chop you into pieces to feed the dogs. Got it?"

"Well, it seems he really is a noble."

Asheena, standing nearby, actually felt relieved. Field's gentleness and kindness over the past few days had been unsettling. She felt like she was living in a dream. Now, seeing Field's ruthless behavior, she felt much more comfortable.

Like Asheena, the villagers were actually relieved by the threat. They knelt down, ready to go to Nightfall Domain. If they were going to die either way, they might as well take a chance.


Field sheathed his sword and covered his face in exasperation. "Why is it that fists are always more persuasive than words?"

"My lord, don't give up!" Asheena, seeing Field's unhappiness, cautiously stepped forward to comfort him.

Field looked at her and was stunned. It wasn't until Asheena looked fearful that he realized he had been staring. He quickly smiled. "I'm fine, just lost in thought."

They continued on. As Field approached the fortress gate, he was startled by the many skull symbols on his map.

"So this is what Richard meant by the gate being safe?"

The damned idiot had taken their money and betrayed them. If they had entered the gate recklessly, the undead hidden inside would have caught them off guard.

Field was furious but quickly thought of something. "If Bull Baron's idiot son is holed up in the inner city, abandoning the outer fortifications, does that mean I can loot freely? After all, no one's watching."

Field decided to act. He was no saint.

Screw morals. These scum didn't deserve kindness! It was time to rob them of their money, food, and women.

Field straightened his cloak. "Kaa, remember those who dared to take up arms against the undead? Gather them all, and if there aren't thirty, add some strong ones."

Kaa, though timid, was efficient. Soon, thirty assorted slaves were assembled.

"Before that, some people need to be dealt with." Field glanced at Connor, who looked annoyed in the distance.

"Brave Knight Connor, though this isn't my domain, as a nobleman with chivalry, I'm going to help these farmers by killing the undead. Will you join me?" Field offered a preposterous reason.

Are you insane? Connor was stunned. He had lost a man killing the undead.

Connor, already frustrated over compensation, couldn't believe what he was hearing. The idiotic baron wanted to help others quell the undead.

"No, I've escorted you to the border of Nightfall Domain, just a gate away. I need to report back to the earl." Connor flatly refused, laughing uncontrollably. "Sorry, but I think leading this rabble against the undead is like taking pigs. At least pigs can fill the undead's stomachs."

Field feigned disappointment. "Very well, I thought you'd want to share the glory."

"Don't forget the Empire's laws and family rules. Be at your post on time."

Connor left a warning before riding off with his men. Field didn't even have time to remind him about the manure.

"Are we really going to provoke the undead?" The butler, Kaa, asked nervously.

Field didn't expect the butler to fight. "Just watch the slaves. If they try to run, use the slave contract to burn them to ashes."

The loud threat made the slaves tremble in fear.

Kaa, however, felt relieved.

Field forced the slaves to arm themselves with sickles, pitchforks, and axes. He and Asheena then set off.

After ten minutes, Field led Asheena into a deserted forest. Using his lord's ability, he confirmed they were alone through the map. He took a beautiful crystal ball from a bag on his horse's right side.

Asheena's panel had changed. Field had been lost in thought earlier, verifying he wasn't hallucinating.